Prifysgol Bangor
LEXICON - dyslexia: sight, sound and sense
Lewis, A. (Cyfranogwr) & Caravolas, M. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Cymdeithasol, Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Language technology for Welsh as a less-resourced language [REF2021]
Prys, D. (Cyfranogwr), Jones, D. (Cyfranogwr), Prys, G. (Cyfranogwr), Cooper, S. (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Technegol
Laser Micromachining Limited (LML)
(Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Menachery, A. (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Maize variety GM-6 brings £55 million of benefits to more than 300,000 resource-poor farmers in Western India
Witcombe, J. (Cyfranogwr) & Virk, D. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Cymdeithasol, Economegol
Market Power & Efficiency in Banking
Molyneux, P. (Cyfranogwr), Thornton, J. (Cyfranogwr), Altunbas, Y. (Cyfranogwr), Goddard, J. (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Mindfulness-based interventions enhance wellbeing: development and implementation
Crane, R. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Minimally invasive procedural training for clinicians using virtual patients
(Cyfranogwr), Vidal, F. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Ap Cenydd, L. (Cyfranogwr), Rees, M. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Technegol
Musculoskeletal health and the promotion of exercise as medicine
(Cyfranogwr), Wilkinson, C. (Cyfranogwr) & Lewis, R. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
New DNA forensics tools improve sustainable fisheries management and reduce wildlife crime
(Cyfranogwr), Carvalho, G. (Cyfranogwr), Thorpe, R. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & DeBruyn, M. (Cyfranogwr)
New rice varieties improve livelihoods of millions of households in India and Nepal
Witcombe, J. (Cyfranogwr), Virk, D. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Cymdeithasol, Economegol
News article in North Wales Chronicle
Huskinson, L. (Cyfranogwr), Andrews, J. (Cyfranogwr) & Evans-Jones, G. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Cymdeithasol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
News article on BBC Cymru Fyw website
Huskinson, L. (Cyfranogwr), Evans-Jones, G. (Cyfranogwr) & Andrews, J. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Cymdeithasol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Newyddion 9 S4C / 9 o'clock News on S4C
Huskinson, L. (Cyfranogwr), Evans-Jones, G. (Cyfranogwr) & Andrews, J. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Cymdeithasol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Diwilliannol
North Wales Dementia Network included in Older Persons Commissioners report
Effaith: Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Novel applications for fractionation of plant biomass in the food ingredients industry
(Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Economegol
Novel genetic marker-assisted breeding produced a pearl millet hybrid grown on 700,000 ha of drought-prone areas in Northern India which has improved food security of three million people
Witcombe, J. (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Economegol, Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Ocean Renewable Energy: Improved resource assessment and characterisation drives development of second-generation tidal energy technology [REF2021]
Neill, S. (Cyfranogwr), Robins, P. (Cyfranogwr) & Lewis, M. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Economegol, Amgylchedd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Technegol
Pioneering Parents: How can we make parenting classes accessible for Deaf parents?
Shank, C. (Cyfranogwr), Foltz, A. (Cyfranogwr), Matthews, S. (Cyfranogwr) & Cuffin, H. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Point of care Tuberculosis diagnostics using a novel diagnostic test without a need for electricity or laboratory facilities
Morrison, V. (Cyfranogwr), Hartsuiker, E. (Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Prevention is better than cure: snakebite mitigation in India
Malhotra, A. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Process guide
(Cyfranogwr), Williams, J. (Cyfranogwr) & Windle, G. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Cymdeithasol
Project Rainbow
Roberts, J. (Cyfranogwr), Roberts, D. (Cyfranogwr), Ritsos, P. (Cyfranogwr), Gray, C. (Cyfranogwr), Mearman, J. (Cyfranogwr) & Butcher, P. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Technegol, Cymdeithasol
Project featured the 'Church Times'
Huskinson, L. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Public Lecture 2017, University of the Third Age (U3A), Bangor
Feilzer, M. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Cymdeithasol
Recuration of Dyrham Park: National Trust House in Wiltshire
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Economegol
Reframing Medieval Texts for Contemporary Audiences [REF2021]
Radulescu, R. (Cyfranogwr) & Niebrzydowski, S. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Cymdeithasol
Reversing language shift: impacting on an all-Wales strategy to increase pupils' use of Welsh
Thomas, E. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Diwilliannol
Review of Stanley Kubrick: New York Jewish Intellectual in popular media
Abrams, N. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Diwilliannol
SME Research in a European Union Convergence Region
(Cyfranogwr), Sambrook, S. (Cyfranogwr), Doloriert, C. (Cyfranogwr), Hanna, S. (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), Kupiec-Teahan, B. (Cyfranogwr) & Mitchelmore, S. (Cyfranogwr)
Saving limbs: North Wales clinical-care model for patients at risk of amputation has national and international impact [REF2021]
(Cyfranogwr) & (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd
Scientific evidence to underpin understanding of best practices in utilisation of marine fisheries resources
(Cyfranogwr) & Hiddink, J. G. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Amgylchedd, Economegol, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Scoping Study with Public health Wales: Health and Deafness in Wales Survey
Shank, C. (Cyfranogwr), Foltz, A. (Cyfranogwr), Green, H. (Cyfranogwr) & Anderson, C. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Ansawdd Bywyd / Iechyd, Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Sefydlu’r fersiwn Gymraeg o’r Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS)
Effaith: Diwilliannol
Strengthening the Fairness of International Criminal Trials
Effaith: Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus, Cymdeithasol
Submission to the House of Commons Justice Committee Inquiry into the Transforming Rehabilitation Programme
Feilzer, M. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Polisi a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus
Sustainable farming and our land: Consultation. Welsh Government
Healey, J. (Cyfranogwr), Pagella, T. (Cyfranogwr) & Williams, P. (Cyfranogwr)
Sustaining Public Services by re-engineering and re-structuring public procurement within Local Government
(Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr), (Cyfranogwr) & Eyo-Otung, A. (Cyfranogwr)
Effaith: Economegol