Bangor University
Musculoskeletal health and the promotion of exercise as medicine
(Participant), Wilkinson, C. (Participant) & Lewis, R. (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Health/Quality of life
The development and implementation of a navigation and timing back-up to the Global Positioning System (GPS) [REF2021]
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Technological
Wideband Chaos with Time-Delay Concealment in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers
Hong, Y. (Participant), Spencer, P. (Participant) & Shore, K. A. (Participant)
WoolCool – Wool packaging
Ormondroyd, G. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Health/Quality of life, Technological
Acetylation of plant fibres
(Participant), (Participant), Ormondroyd, G. (Participant) & (Participant)
Hydropower electricity generation form the water supply network
Williams, P. (Participant) & (Participant)
Vertical dance
Impact: Cultural, Economic, Health/Quality of life, Societal, Technological
ESRC IAA Implementation of the British Early Special Schools Teaching (BESST) model in maintained special needs schools
Hoerger, M. (Participant), Grindle, C. (Participant), Slater, M. (Participant), Gellard, G. (Participant), Wyn Thomas, C. (Participant) & Rees Roberts, D. (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Health/Quality of life, Policy and Public Services, Economic
ESRC IAA GCRF Visit to the East African Community (EAC) countries to discuss innovative alternatives to their recently passed directive to phase out ‘Used Textiles and Leather Products’ Trade’ in the EAC by 2019
Young, E. (Participant), (Participant) & Baxi, R. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
Contributed to discussion on Prioritising Dementia in Wales
Impact: Societal, Cultural, Policy and Public Services
Building Creative Communities
Evans, F. (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Cultural, Economic, Policy and Public Services
Chicago Symphony Orchestra Beyond the Score: Manuel de Falla
(Participant) & McBurney, G. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural
LEXICON - dyslexia: sight, sound and sense
Lewis, A. (Participant) & Caravolas, M. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Societal, Health/Quality of life
Influencing the design of NHS dentistry provision in Northern Ireland and Wales [REF2021]
Impact: Health/Quality of life
Invited to contribute to news item on Radio Cymru news
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Cultural, Health/Quality of life, Societal
How does the HMRC affect the financial hardship of claimants? Research Seminar and workshop
(Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Economic, Societal
Working with Low Income Tax Reform Group (LITRG) to improve the tax system and the experiences of people on low-income
(Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Economic, Societal
ESRC IAA - A Feasibility Project to Develop the First Mindfulness Training Framework for Exercise Referral Practitioners to Implement Mindful Exercise During Exercise Referral Classes
Blanchfield, A. (Participant), Owen, J. (Participant), Griffith, G. (Participant) & Quaeck, E. (Participant)
ESRC IAA Mapping Food Poverty Experiences
Thomas Lane, E. (Participant) & Gwilym, H. (Participant)
Interchange fees and two-sided markets: influencing the EU regulation on payment card fees [REF2021]
Impact: Policy and Public Services
Scientific evidence to underpin understanding of best practices in utilisation of marine fisheries resources
(Participant) & Hiddink, J. G. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Economic, Policy and Public Services
Collective Worship and Religious Observance in Schools
Mawhinney, A. (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Cultural
Strengthening the Fairness of International Criminal Trials
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Societal
Sustaining Public Services by re-engineering and re-structuring public procurement within Local Government
(Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Eyo-Otung, A. (Participant)
Impact: Economic
Civic Participation in Wales, in place and over time
Davis, H. (Participant), Mann, R. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services, Societal
The Chagos Archipelago Very large Marine Reserve: Science, Policy, Protection, Conservation and Outreach
Turner, J. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Policy and Public Services, Societal, Economic
Cash dispensers and the future of retail payments
Impact: Economic, Policy and Public Services
Ideology and the State: an Analysis of the Connection between Fairness, Altruism, and Redistribution
Mantovan, N. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Societal, Policy and Public Services
Reversing language shift: impacting on an all-Wales strategy to increase pupils' use of Welsh
Thomas, E. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Policy and Public Services, Cultural
Assessment , teaching, learning and promotion of progress for people with profound and multiple learning difficulties (PMLD)
Ware, J. (Participant)
Impact: Societal, Policy and Public Services