College of Medicine & Health

  1. Compassion in the NHS: An exploration of the experiences of mental health staff.

    Author: Drobinska, K., 15 Sept 2020

    Supervisor: Jackson, M. (Supervisor), Oakley, D. (External person) (Supervisor) & Way, C. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  2. Compassionate Dementia Care: The Conceptualisations of Acute Hospital Nurses

    Author: Page, S., 29 Jun 2020

    Supervisor: Williams, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. Conceptualisation, measurement, and impact of transformational leadership in military recruit training

    Author: Arthur, C., Jan 2008

    Supervisor: Hardy, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Coping, mindfulness, occupational stress and burnout amongst healthcare professionals employed within forensic inpatient settings

    Author: Kriakous, S., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Owen, R. (Supervisor) & Elliott, K. A. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  5. Corpus gnarus: the experienced bodily self

    Author: Kontaris, I., Jan 2012

    Supervisor: Downing, P. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. Cross-cultural Affective Neuroscience: An Integrative Approach to Personality: Cross-cultural Affective Neuroscience

    Author: Özkarar Gradwohl, G., 1 Jun 2023

    Supervisor: Turnbull, O. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  7. Cross-linguistic treatment generalisation in Welsh-English bilingual aphasia

    Author: Roberts, J. R., 7 Jun 2013

    Supervisor: Tainturier, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Dehydration: assessment techniques and effects on endurance performance and well-being

    Author: Owen, J., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Oliver, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. Deprivation, social capital and mental health: the influence of connection and its disruption through churn

    Author: Handley, C., 25 Sept 2019

    Supervisor: Oakley, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  10. Determinants of gestural imitation in young children

    Author: Erjavec, M., 2002

    Supervisor: Horne, P. (Supervisor) & Lowe, C. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. Developing Core Outcome Sets for Pleural Interventional Trials

    Author: Habib, Z., 29 Jul 2022

    Supervisor: Williams, S. (Supervisor) & Brocklehurst, P. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  12. Developing a conversation about identifying community needs to embrace well-being through social prescribing interventions

    Author: Thomas, G., 27 Sept 2021

    Supervisor: Lynch, M. (Supervisor) & Spencer, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  13. Developing and evaluating brief, computerised interventions for excessive drinkers

    Author: Hogan, L., Jan 2005

    Supervisor: Cox, W. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  14. Developing excellence in outdoor provision: Enhancing training pathways for outdoor qualifications

    Author: Hardy, W., 20 Apr 2021

    Supervisor: Roberts, R. (Supervisor) & Hardy, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  15. Developing techniques for mass spectrometry-based detection of oxidative DNA and nucleotide damage

    Author: Harvey-Elledge, J., 29 Aug 2023

    Supervisor: Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor), Staples, C. (Supervisor) & Murphy, P. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  16. Development and application of linked pharmacometric-pharmacoeconomic analyses in clinical drug development

    Author: Hill-McManus, D., 10 Feb 2020

    Supervisor: Hughes, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. Development of a Holistic Talent Identification Framework in youth Rugby Union

    Author: Hughes, J., 7 Jun 2021

    Supervisor: Owen, J. (Supervisor) & Jones, E. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  18. Development of an intervention to promote Physical Activity for Cancer Survivors (PACS)

    Author: Nafees, S., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Williams, N. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  19. Development of attention to social interactions in naturalistic scenes

    Author: Mihai, I., 13 Mar 2022

    Supervisor: Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor) & Ward, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Developmental aspects of temporal visual attention

    Author: Garrad-Cole, F., Nov 2003

    Supervisor: Shapiro, K. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  21. Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder in the Community

    Author: Lyng, J., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Swales, M. (Supervisor) & Hastings, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  22. Dialectical behaviour therapy for adolescents who repeatedly self-harm : a qualitative study

    Author: Ross, H., Jul 2002

    Supervisor: Swales, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  23. Digital Health Solutions for Medication Adherence Support

    Author: Davies, N., 29 Apr 2024

    Supervisor: Hughes, D. (Supervisor) & Davies, E. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  24. Discourse and Dementia: Using positioning theory to explore whether an Appreciative Inquiry approach supports people living with dementia to challenge discourse

    Author: Davies Abbott, I., 24 Sept 2021

    Supervisor: Huws, J. (Supervisor) & Williams, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  25. Dispositional mindfulness and mindfulness training with Vietnamese children: An integrative neurodevelopmental study

    Author: Nguyen, T., 23 Jun 2021

    Supervisor: Dorjee, D. (Supervisor) & Mari-Beffa, P. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  26. Does physical exercise affect cognition in patients living with Chronic Kidney Disease?

    Author: Bradshaw, E., 9 Aug 2022

    Supervisor: Rossetti, G. (Supervisor) & Macdonald, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  27. Dyslexia in adulthood : screening assessment and manifestations

    Author: Reynolds, A., 15 Aug 2014

    Supervisor: Caravolas, M. (Supervisor) & Intriligator, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  28. Early development of text writing in two contrasting orthographies: English and Spanish

    Author: Salas, N., 31 May 2013

    Supervisor: Caravolas, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  29. Early parent-based intervention for conduct problems and ADHD

    Author: Jones, K., Jan 2008

    Supervisor: Daley, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  30. Eating Disorder Recovery: An exploration of the influence of sociocultural factors

    Author: Bale, R., 20 Sept 2022

    Supervisor: Jackson, M. (Supervisor) & Speight, T. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  31. Eating behaviour, affect and cognitive function.

    Author: Eade, J., Jan 2001

    Supervisor: Williams, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  32. Economic evaluation of endoscopic ultrasound in gastro-oesophageal cancer staging: Exploring novel methodology in QALY estimations alongside clinical trials in the UK

    Author: Yeo, S. T., 13 Mar 2024

    Supervisor: Edwards, R. T. (Supervisor), Hoare, Z. (Supervisor) & Haboubi, H. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  33. Effecting Well-being Improvements in Educational Settings with Positive Psychology Interventions

    Author: Carter, P. J., 20 Apr 2022

    Supervisor: Roberts, R. (Supervisor) & Parkinson, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  34. Effects of Eudaimonic Framing Upon the Self-Regulation of Healthy Lifestyle Behavior and Alleviation of Noncommunicable Disease

    Author: Willmot, R., 13 Nov 2019

    Supervisor: Parkinson, J. (Supervisor) & Goodman, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  35. Effects of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course on Neurocognitive Markers of Ageing and Dementia in Typically Ageing Older Adults

    Author: DeMeulenaere, S., 15 Jul 2019

    Supervisor: Mullins, P. (Supervisor) & Dorjee, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  36. Effects of traumatic experiences on information processing in patients with mental health problems

    Author: Howard, L. A., Jan 2005

    Supervisor: Kimble, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  37. Elective surgery, waiting lists , and the COVID-19 Pandemic. Studies from the Australian health system: Nil

    Author: Robson, S., 14 Jun 2024

    Supervisor: Edwards, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  38. Electrophysiological studies of the time-course of 3D shape perception and object recognition

    Author: Oliver, Z., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Leek, C. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  39. Emotion regulation after acquired brain injury

    Author: Salas, C., 14 Jun 2013

    Supervisor: Turnbull, O. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  40. Emotional memory for basic emotions in amnesia

    Author: Stanciu, M., 25 May 2015

    Supervisor: Turnbull, O. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  41. End-Stage Renal Disease: Exploring the Impact of Treatment on Body-Image and Investigating the Psychological Factors of Treatment Adherence

    Author: Gordon, J., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Parry-Jones, B. (Supervisor) & Gardner, P. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  42. Enhancing equity in sport: informing the development of an evidence-based standardised starting system in D/deaf and hearing athletics.

    Author: Steele, L., 19 Feb 2023

    Supervisor: Gottwald, V. (Supervisor) & Lawrence, G. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

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