College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Datblygu a Gwerthuso Pecyn Cymorth NAID (Newid Amgylchedd Iaith y Dosbarth): hyrwyddo a datblygu sgiliau llafaredd plant yn y Gymraeg
Thomas, E. (PI)
4/03/25 → 15/07/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Bwydydd Oren Foods - Gwynedd Midi
Thomas, S. (PI)
4/02/25 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Nanth Gwrtheryn - Gwynedd Midi
Mitchelmore, S. (PI)
15/01/25 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Sustainable AViation and Emerging Technologies: Maximizing Operational and Resource Efficiency
Hamdan, S. (PI)
1/01/25 → 15/01/26
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Enfys Ecology Ltd - Gwynedd Midi
Zhang, H. (PI)
1/12/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Making Places Work - Gwynedd Midi
Thomas, S. (PI)
1/12/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
The cooperation of lay assessors and professional judges at lower criminal courts
Machura, S. (PI)
1/12/24 → 31/08/26
Project: Research
FisHistory: Converting historical knowledge into sustainable ocean management
Evans, S. (PI)
1/11/24 → 15/11/26
Project: Research
Research Project to explore Welsh medium and bilingual teaching methods
Davies, M. (PI)
14/10/24 → 14/11/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Wings Club Broughton
Zhang, H. (PI)
4/09/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Indigenous Enslavement and the Beginning of English Plantation Colonies in the Lesser Antilles, 1600 - 1676
Veevers, D. (PI)
1/09/24 → 15/09/26
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Snowdon Timber Products Ltd - Midi
Gepp, A. (PI)
25/08/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Well-Fed (Services) Ltd - Midi
Jones, L. (PI)
5/08/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - River & Sea Training Academy - Midi
Steventon, S. (PI)
1/08/24 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
WG 2024-2025 Collaborative Projects (lead = 2671134) - Talk Pedagogy Phase 4
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/08/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - 42able - Midi
Darabi, F. (PI)
1/06/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Creadigol Design - Midi
Mather, C. (PI)
1/06/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - National Trust - Midi
He, H. (PI)
1/06/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Outwrite PR - Midi
Thomas, S. (PI)
1/06/24 → 31/01/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme -Anglesy Column Trust - Maxii
Butler, M. (PI)
1/06/24 → 13/04/25
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Kodergarten - Maxi
Gepp, A. (PI)
1/05/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Menter Elusendai Penmynydd - Maxi
Jones, E. (PI)
1/05/24 → 31/10/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Phoenix LBS - Midi
Gepp, A. (PI)
1/05/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Skills & Innovation voucher scheme - Abbey Road Centre - Midi
Mitchelmore, S. (PI)
25/04/24 → 31/10/24
Project: Research
WG 2024-2025 Collaborative Projects - NPEP (National Professional Enquiry Project)
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/04/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Research
Wales Collaborative For Learning Design (WCLD) 2024-2025 (LEAD application 2671134)
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/04/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Research
All Wales Project on Curriculum Design and Validation
Davies, M. (PI)
12/03/24 → 12/02/25
Project: Research
Challenging Or Disruptive Behaviour In School Settings And Effective Mitigations.
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/03/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
PMP: The Community Open Map Platform for Future Generations: Charting the green transition on the Isle of Anglesey/Ynys Môn (COMP)
Tenbrink, T. (PI)
1/03/24 → 15/10/25
Project: Research
Research Project on the Impact and Governance of the Pupil Development Grant (PDG) 2023-24
Hughes, C. (PI)
1/02/24 → 15/11/24
Project: Research
Tackling health inequalities with and for the Deaf BSL-using Communities in Wales.”
Shank, C. (PI)
1/02/24 → 15/02/27
Project: Research
Rural Wales Local Policy and Innovation Partnership (Rural Wales LPIP Phase 2)
Tenbrink, T. (PI)
1/01/24 → 15/01/27
Project: Research
Benchmarking, CSFs and Network support for QT physicist-led spin-outs
Heyworth-Thomas, E. (PI)
1/12/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Investigating the nature of difficulty in language learning with EEG
Bovolenta, G. (PI)
1/12/23 → 15/12/25
Project: Research
Automated Empathy – Globalising International Standards (AEGIS)
McStay, A. (PI)
1/11/23 → 15/05/25
Project: Research
Comparison of Minority Cultural, Heritage and Language Experiences: Jews in Wales and Ireland
Abrams, N. (PI)
1/11/23 → 17/08/24
Project: Research
Misogyny as a risk factor leading to serious harm in cases of domestic abuse.
Feilzer, M. (PI)
1/11/23 → 9/09/24
Project: Research
Establishing a Welsh version of the Self Report Delinquency Scale
Williams, M. (PI)
1/10/23 → 31/05/25
Project: Research
Paul Davies and Beca: Transforming Art Practice in Wales, 1966 -1999
Pogoda, S. (PI)
1/10/23 → 31/10/27
Project: Research