Breit, F. (Speaker), Arioli, A. (Speaker), Tamburelli, M. (Speaker) & Gruffydd, I. (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
Gruffydd, I. (Speaker), Breit, F. (Speaker) & Tamburelli, M. (Speaker)
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Curling, S. (Peer reviewer)
Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial work › Publication peer-review
Skains, L. (Presenter)
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar
Hodges, R. (Speaker)
Wood, E. (Member)
Activity: Membership › Membership of committee
Charlton, A. (Contributor)
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
Wang, S. (Participant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic conference
Bru-Dominguez, E. (Speaker)
Radulescu, R. (Speaker)
Niebrzydowski, S. (Speaker)
Abrams, N. (Contributor)
Waddington, K. (Contributor)
Shank, C. (Participant) & Webb-Davies, P. (Speaker)
Wiltshire, C. (Speaker)
Cooke, A. (Contributor)
Edwards, B. (Speaker) & Owen, L. (Speaker)
Sanoudaki, E. (Speaker)
Sedlmaier, A. (Keynote/plenary speaker)
Van Landeghem, K. (Member)
Activity: Membership › Membership of board
Begley, S. (Presenter)
Charlton, A. (Speaker)
Bakir, V. (Peer reviewer)
Healey, J. (Member)
Healey, J. (Member) & Spear, M. (Member)
Fitzsimmons-Thoss, V. (Speaker)
Green, M. (Chair)
Wright, J. (Contributor)
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition
Skinner, C. (Visiting researcher) & Toop, T. (Visiting researcher)
Activity: Visiting an external institution › Visiting an external academic institution
Turner, J. (Participant)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
Turner, J. (Contributor)
Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups
Windle, G. (Member)
Williams, L. (Peer reviewer)
Perkins, B. (Contributor) & Edwards, A. (Contributor)
Activity: Other
Wang, Z. (Organiser) & Joya, Y. (Organiser)
Jones, C. H. (Organiser)
Hughes, G. (Speaker)
Poolman, M. (Chair) & Eastwood, I. (Chair)
Van Landeghem, K. (Chair)
Jones, E. (Speaker)
Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Invited talk
Abrams, N. (Participant)
Miranda-Barreiro, D. (Contributor)
Gottwald, V. (Host)
Activity: Hosting a visitor › Hosting an academic visitor
Batiz-Lazo, B. (Interviewee)
Wilkie, A. (Contributor)
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Schools engagement