School of Environmental & Natural Sciences

  1. Real-world solutions for improving estimates of land-atmosphere exchanges in heterogeneous landscapes

    Author: He, Y., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Rayment, M. (Supervisor) & Gibbons, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  2. Re-examining the Systematics of Asian Pitvipers Via Multilocus Analysis

    Author: Aldridge, R., 5 Jul 2021

    Supervisor: Malhotra, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  3. Rational design and delivery of peptide drugs

    Author: Gupta-Arya, S., Jul 2000

    Supervisor: Payne, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Quantifying and mitigating greenhouse gas emmissions from horticultural peat soils

    Author: Taft, H., 1 Nov 2014

    Supervisor: Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  5. Pterosins and Pterosides in Bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn)

    Author: Mohammad, R., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Fitzsimmons-Thoss, V. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. Proteomic analysis of neural differentiation in mouse embryonic stem cells

    Author: Jones, R., Sept 2004

    Supervisor: Mcfarlane, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  7. Productivity and nutrient dynamics of Avicennia Marina (Forsk). Vierh. Mangroves grown on the Red sea coast of Saudi Arabia

    Author: Abohassan, R., Jan 2010

    Supervisor: McDonald, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Production, characterisation and testing of polyaniline-rhodium electrocatalysts for aqueous hydrogenation reactions

    Author: Hyde, J., 2001

    Supervisor: Holliman, P. (Supervisor) & Kalaji, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. Process and drivers of vegetation change in African drylands : a case study of Yankari Game Reserve

    Author: Fada, S., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Pullin, A. (Supervisor) & Gibbons, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  10. Prevalence and spread of pathogenic Escherichia Coli O157 on farms in north Wales

    Author: Adam, H., 29 Jan 2013

    Supervisor: Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. Potential uses of red alder (Alnus rubra Bong) in silvopastoral systems

    Author: Mmolotsi, R. M., Dec 2004

    Supervisor: Teklehaimanot, Z. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  12. Population genetics and divergence in the Lesser Antillean anole (Anolis roquet)

    Author: Johansson, H., 2008

    Supervisor: Thorpe, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  13. Population genetic markers in biomonitoring programmes : a case study of flatfish around the British Isles

    Author: Tysklind, N., Aug 2009

    Supervisor: Carvalho, G. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  14. Population and conservation genomics of the adder (Vipera berus) in the UK

    Author: Pozzi, A., 4 Sept 2023

    Supervisor: Wuster, W. (Supervisor) & Barlow, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  15. Polyembryony, brood chamber development and gender specialisation in cyclostome bryozoans

    Author: Jenkins, H., 26 Nov 2013

    Supervisor: Hughes, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  16. Plant traits and litter decomposition of tree species naturally regenerating in Central America pasturelands

    Author: Sheik, M., 25 Apr 2013

    Supervisor: Healey, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. Plant processing for multiple products using environmentally benign extraction techniques

    Author: Leung, G., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Tomos, A. (Supervisor) & Marriott, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  18. Phytochemical Investigation of Trichilia emetica (Natal mahogany)

    Author: Usman, A., Jan 2015

    Supervisor: Fitzsimmons-Thoss, V. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  19. Physiological capacities of Gammarid amphipods to survive environmental change

    Author: Crichton, R., Jan 2014

    Supervisor: Whiteley, N. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Physiological aspects of tillering in barley (Hordeum distichum).

    Author: Woodward, E. J., Jan 1986

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  21. Physiological and phylogenetic studies of some novel acidophilic mineral-oxidising bacteria

    Author: Yahya, A., Sept 2000

    Supervisor: Johnson, B. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  22. Physico-mechanical and decay resistance properties of bio-resin modified wood

    Author: Ashaduzzaman, M., 15 Sept 2014

    Supervisor: Hale, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  23. Physical and bioeconomic analysis of ecosystem services from a silvopasture system

    Author: Nworji, J., 2017

    Supervisor: Walmsley, J. (Supervisor) & Rayment, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  24. Photo-assisted growth of CdO by metal-organic chemical vapour depositio

    Author: Ellis, D., 2006

    Supervisor: Irvine, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  25. Phosphorus redistribution in acid archaeological soils from North Wales.

    Author: Owen, A., Jan 1999

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  26. Phosphorus Speciation in Soil and Plants.

    Author: Ebuele, V., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Fitzsimmons-Thoss, V. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  27. Phosphate and micronutrient behaviour under flooded and aerated soil conditions

    Author: Ahmad, F., May 1996

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  28. Petroleum Hydrocarbons in Saudi Desert Sands: Survey, Ecotoxicity and Remediation

    Author: Alyami, M. S. S., 4 Nov 2019

    Supervisor: Fitzsimmons-Thoss, V. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  29. Perspectives in vegetation monitoring: an evaluation of approaches currently used in the UK

    Author: Hearn, S. M., Aug 2009

    Supervisor: McDonald, M. (Supervisor) & Healey, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  30. Persistence of escherichia coli O157 in contrasting environments and its implications for human health

    Author: Williams, A. P., Aug 2006

    Supervisor: Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  31. Participatory crop improvement for maize/millet intercropping with trees in the middle hills of Nepal.

    Author: Tiwari, T. P., Aug 2001

    Supervisor: Sinclair, F. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  32. Parkia biglobosa (Jasq.) benth. in Nigeria : a resource assessment.

    Author: Oni, P. I., Feb 1997

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  33. Ozone sensitivity and population genetics of Anthoxanthum odoratum L.

    Author: Taylor, L. M., 2008

    Supervisor: Mills, G. (External person) (Supervisor), Gliddon, C. (Supervisor) & Taylor, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  34. Oviposition site selection by Anopheles gambiae sensu lato (Diptera: Culicidae) at coastal sites in Kenya

    Author: Roberts, S., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Steele, K. (Supervisor) & Creer, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  35. Organic acids behavior in calcareous soils

    Author: Khademi, Z., Jan 2006

    Supervisor: Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  36. Oral and nasal infectivity and immunogenicity of Plasmodium berghei and yoelii sporozoites and longevity of Plasmodium falciparum trophozoites and schizonts

    Author: Alshahrani, M., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Braig, H. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  37. Optimisation of biogas production by advanced process monitoring and the effect of mixing frequency on biogas reactors with and without microbial support media

    Author: Ward, A. J., Jun 2009

    Supervisor: Holliman, P. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  38. On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems as Sources of Phosphorus and other Pollutants in Rural Catchments: Characteristics and Tracing Approaches

    Author: Richards, S., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Withers, P. (Supervisor) & Stutter, M. I. (External person) (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  39. On the mechanical properties of bast fibre reinforced thermosetting polymer matrix composites.

    Author: Hughes, J. M., May 2000

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  40. Nucleotide excision repair-independent functions of the XPG homologue Rad13 of fission yeast

    Author: Kraehenbuehl, R., 2009

    Supervisor: Fleck, O. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  41. Novel roles of the Canadian clock protein neuronal PAS domain protein 2 (NPAS2) in the response to oxidative and heat stress

    Author: Gammash, M. M., 2017

    Supervisor: Caspari, T. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  42. Novel isoforms and functions of the S. pombe Rad9 checkpoint protein

    Author: Janes, S., 2012

    Supervisor: Caspari, T. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  43. Novel di- and multitopic hydroxamate ligands towards discrete and extended network complexes

    Author: Mohammed, B. F., 27 Aug 2019

    Supervisor: Jones, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  44. Novel bio-active fatty acids

    Author: Huws, E. H., Apr 2012

    Supervisor: Baird, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  45. Novel Variants of the DNA Damage Checkpoint Protein Hus1 in Fission Yeast and Human Cells

    Author: Al Mahmoud, W., 23 Sept 2014

    Supervisor: Caspari, T. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  46. Novel Variants of the DNA Damage Checkpoint Protein Cds1 in Schizosaccharomyces pombe.

    Author: Fletcher, J., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Caspari, T. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  47. Novel Roles of the Circadian Clock Protein Neuronal PAS Domain Protein 2 (NPAS2) in the Response to Oxidative andHeat Stress

    Author: Gammash, M., Jan 2017

    Supervisor: Caspari, T. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

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