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  1. Masters by Research
  2. Re-examining the Systematics of Asian Pitvipers Via Multilocus Analysis

    Aldridge, R. (Author), Malhotra, A. (Supervisor), 5 Jul 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  3. Reform of the Legal Requirements for Divorce Post-Owens: A Welsh Perspective

    Roberts, G. (Author), Parker, M. (Supervisor) & Owen, G. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  4. Regulation of fintech development: a critical analysis with a case study of crypto assets in the UK and EU

    Huang, S. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  5. Rensch’s Rule and the Drivers of Sexual Dimorphism in Ungulates

    Roylance-Casson, E. (Author), Shannon, G. (Supervisor), 9 Mar 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  6. Rescue from over-indebtedness? : Christians against poverty

    Shaw, M. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), Jan 2015

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  7. Response of Benthic Fauna to Merchant Vessel Anchoring in the Point Lynas Anchorage, Anglesey

    Harris, R. (Author), Hiddink, J. (Supervisor), 24 Apr 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  8. Road noise alters foraging duration and vigilance behaviour of three common tit species

    Chapman, J. (Author), Shannon, G. (Supervisor), 2 Feb 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  9. Route navigation in homing pigeons (Columba livia): the use of visual cues over a familiar area.

    Stachowski, S. (Author), Holland, R. (Supervisor) & Bishop, C. (Supervisor), 30 Aug 2022

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  10. Sexual Dimorphism in the Common Hippopotamus

    Sadler, P. (Author), Shannon, G. (Supervisor), 1 Oct 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  11. Size-spectra of reef fish assemblages within distinct coral habitats, before and after a mass coral bleaching event

    Moule, T. (Author), Richardson, L. (Supervisor), Williams, G. (Supervisor) & Robinson, J. (Supervisor), 24 Jul 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  12. Social Timing in Preschoolers with Autism Spectrum Disorder (M.Phil)

    Muth, A.-K. (Author), Wimpory, D. (Supervisor), Nash, S. (Supervisor) & Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2018

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  13. Species delimitation in Bitis arietans – Are there any cryptic species present?

    Settle-Whittaker, K. (Author), Wuster, W. (Supervisor), 8 Apr 2019

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  14. Superlens-assisted anti-counterfeiting Laser Dot Code marking

    Kwok, W. (Author), Wang, Z. (Supervisor), 27 Feb 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  15. Tauopathies in Drosophila: Do Tau isoforms have the same toxicity and can Neurexin rescue Tau induced neurodegeneration?

    Figiel, S. (Author), Shepherd, D. (Supervisor) & Sivanantharajah, L. (Supervisor), 27 Mar 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  16. Temporal Variability of Gait in High Functioning Autism: A Potential Diagnostic Tool

    Forster, K. (Author), Wimpory, D. (Supervisor), May 2013

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  17. The Application of Systems Thinking Approaches to the Development of Integrated Care Services for Adults with Complex Care Needs: A Systematic Review

    Fry, S. (Author), Seddon, D. (Supervisor) & Toms, G. (Supervisor), 10 Jun 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  18. The Development of an Electrochemical DNA Hybridisation Biosensor for the Detection of Equine Hindgut Acidosis

    Davies, J. (Author), Gwenin, C. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  19. The Effects of Changing Livestock Practices on the Breeding Performance of the Common Raven, Corvus corax, in Northwest Wales

    Charnell-Hughes, M. (Author), Winder, I. (Supervisor) & Valle, S. (Supervisor), 22 Feb 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  20. The Effects of Management on Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry of the Cors Goch Site, Anglesey

    Unwin, S. (Author), Dunn, C. (Supervisor), 29 Jul 2022

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  21. The Evolution of Defensive Strategies in Cobras

    Jones, B. (Author), Wuster, W. (Supervisor), 2017

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  22. The Liturgical Organ Works of Herbert Howells

    Thompson, P. (Author), Llewelyn Jones, I. (Supervisor) & Rees, S. (Supervisor), 23 Mar 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  23. The Origin of Zebra Stripes: Does Striping Provide a Fecundity Advantage?

    Evetts, J. (Author), Shannon, G. (Supervisor) & Hayward, M. (Supervisor), 4 Mar 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  24. The Role of Apex Predators in Structuring the Spatial Behaviour of Mesopredators

    O'Regan, E. (Author), Hayward, M. (Supervisor), 15 Apr 2019

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  25. The Role of MRNIP in Chemoresistance

    Jones, C. (Author), Staples, C. (Supervisor), 15 Apr 2024

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  26. The Role of UFMylation in Fanconi Anaemia

    Campbell-Broad, C. (Author), Pierce, A. (Supervisor), 22 Apr 2024

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  27. The Tune is the Nation’s: Astudiaeth o Drefniannau Alawon Gwerin Cymreig Grace Williams

    Jones, E. (Author), Llewelyn Jones, I. (Supervisor) & ap Sion, P. (Supervisor), 16 Jan 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  28. The current state of outdoor activity provision in Wales

    Muskett, C. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  29. The effect of mitochondrial deficiency on DNA damage response mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    Silcocks, E. (Author), Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor), Staples, C. (Supervisor) & Cha, R. (Supervisor), 24 Oct 2022

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  30. The influence of hydroclimatic and chemical variability on legacy contamination from historical metal mines.

    Jones, C. (Author), Bird, G. (Supervisor), 3 Mar 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  31. The influence of prosocial priming on visual perspective taking and automatic imitation

    Newey, R. (Author), Ramsey, R. (Supervisor) & Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor), 2017

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  32. The innovations of radical Islam

    Kintail, T. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), 2017

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  33. The role of conservation organisations in the mitigation of ash dieback in Wales

    Fraser, A. (Author), Walmsley, J. (Supervisor) & Dandy, N. (Supervisor), 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  34. The triple harps of Bassett Jones (1809-1869): Context and Organology

    Hockenbury, K. L. (Author), Rees, S. (Supervisor), 2022

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  35. Translocation of a Medically Important Snake: Russell’s Vipers (Daboia russelii) in Rural India

    Williams, R. C. (Author), Wuster, W. (Supervisor), 14 Jun 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  36. Understanding High School Subject Choice and the Decision to Pursue a Career in STEM

    Owen, K. (Author), Hughes, J. (Supervisor) & Hunter, S. (Supervisor), 2018

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  37. Use of passive samplers for the capture of SARS-CoV-2 and other viruses from wastewater

    Lambert-Slosarska, K. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Kevill, J. (Supervisor), 5 Dec 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  38. Using an Agent based model (ABM) to predict fish interactions with a Tidal Stream Turbine

    Gadd, R. (Author), Waggitt, J. (Supervisor), 19 Jul 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

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