College of Medicine & Health
- 2023
The Biceps Femoris Long Head Muscle Structure: Implications on risk factors for hamstring strain injuries
Yagiz, G. (Author), Kubis, H.-P. (Supervisor) & Owen, J. (Supervisor), 28 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Seeing both sides: wellbeing in maternity services post COVID-19
Stockdale, M. (Author), Piggin, L. (Supervisor), 22 Jun 2023Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Arts in Care Settings: Embedding the cARTrefu Approach in the Social Care Sector
Alexander, P. (Author), Seddon, D. (Supervisor) & Algar-Skaife, K. (Supervisor), 2 Jun 2023Student thesis: Masters by Research
Cross-cultural Affective Neuroscience: An Integrative Approach to Personality: Cross-cultural Affective Neuroscience
Özkarar Gradwohl, G. (Author), Turnbull, O. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Combining in silico and experimental approaches to assess germ/stem cell oncogenic signatures as potential cancer-specific biomarkers and therapeutic targets
Gomes Seidi, C. (Author), Mcfarlane, R. (Supervisor) & Staples, C. (Supervisor), 25 May 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Developing Excellence in Rugby Union: A Multidisciplinary and Mixed Method Approach to Enhancing the Efficacy of the RFU Talent Development Pathway
Turner, A. (Author), Hardy, J. (Supervisor) & Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 25 May 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) skills training group for borderline personality disorder: A Scoping review and a feasibility study of an intervention in a public hospital in Santiago de Chile.
Correa-Ramírez, M. (Author), Roberts, S. (Supervisor), 23 May 2023Student thesis: Masters by Research
The provision of general medical services by non-medical health professionals and allied health professionals: systematic reviews, survey and mixed-methods study.
Anthony, B. (Author), Hiscock, J. (Supervisor), Williams, N. (Supervisor) & Charles, J. (Supervisor), 3 May 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
New Impulses for Disability Studies: Bringing Together the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory, Foucault’s Theory of Power, and Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Feminism as Responses to the Postmodern Critique of the Social Model of Disability
Neukirchinger, B. (Author), Stoetzler, M. (Supervisor) & Davies, H. (Supervisor), 27 Apr 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Effect of Mindfulness-Based Intervention on Cognitive Function and Wellbeing of People with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Refugees with PTSD
Mubarak, O. H. F. Q. (Author), Bracewell, R. (Supervisor) & Coetzer, B. (Supervisor), 31 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The ripple effect of sexual trauma: A qualitative exploration of direct effects on women survivors’ partner relationships and indirect effects on clinical psychologists
Glinn, L. (Author), Rickard, R. (Supervisor) & Spencer-Jones, L. (Supervisor), 9 Mar 2023Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Introducing and evaluating the 'Books Together Programme'
Owen, C. (Author), 6 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Movin' On Up? The economics of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in terms of health care costs and social mobility
Lloyd-Williams, H. (Author), Edwards, R. T. (Supervisor), 2 Mar 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An exploration of female violence and anger
McBride, E. (Author), Piggin, L. (Supervisor) & Darrell-Berry, H. (Supervisor), 24 Feb 2023Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
The Development of Visual Priors Across the Lifespan
Pickard-Jones, B. (Author), Sapir, A. (Supervisor) & d'Avossa, G. (Supervisor), 21 Feb 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on mental health, well-being, and lifestyle of primary-age children with Type 1 diabetes and their parents in Kuwait
Alazmi, A. (Author), Erjavec, M. (Supervisor) & Viktor, S. (Supervisor), 21 Feb 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Enhancing equity in sport: informing the development of an evidence-based standardised starting system in D/deaf and hearing athletics.
Steele, L. (Author), Gottwald, V. (Supervisor) & Lawrence, G. (Supervisor), 19 Feb 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A Comprehensive Investigation to Inform Effective Talent Development in Sport
Dunn, E. (Author), Lawrence, G. (Supervisor) & Gottwald, V. (Supervisor), 30 Jan 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Why do they care? Using mixed methods to explore adult informal caregivers’ motivations and willingness to provide care
Zarzycki, M. (Author), Morrison, V. (Supervisor), Seddon, D. (Supervisor), Dekel, R. (Supervisor) & Vilchinsky, N. (Supervisor), 16 Jan 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Language, belonging and psychosis: a mixed methods study testing the presence of a linguistic group density association in Wales and its possible mechanisms
Baker, S. (Author), Saville, C. (Supervisor) & Jackson, M. (Supervisor), 4 Jan 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Investigating the neurocognitive bases of social cognition from a general semantics perspective
Diveica, V. (Author), Binney, R. (Supervisor) & Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Process of Scaling an Early Childhood Development Parenting Programme by Integrating into Primary Health Care Services in Bangladesh
Mehrin, S. (Author), Henningham, H. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Turning the T1DE: Recovery Factors in Type 1 Disordered Eating
Embick, R. (Author), Jackson, M. (Supervisor) & Stewart, R. (Supervisor), 2023Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
- 2022
Mapping resilience: Expeditions, profiling, and the COVID-19 pandemic
Pettit, J. (Author), Callow, N. (Supervisor), Roberts, R. (Supervisor) & Beattie, S. (Supervisor), 30 Nov 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A systematic review and a social return on investment analysis of social prescribing for prediabetes patients in the UK.
Skinner, A. (Author), Hartfiel, E. (Supervisor) & Lynch, M. (Supervisor), 11 Nov 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
Exercise testing in the acute setting – the utility of exercise testing to predict safe discharge in acute cardiopulmonary disease including validation of the 40 steps desaturation test in the assessment of acute or suspected COVID-19
Rhys, G. (Author), Macdonald, J. (Supervisor), Moore, J. (Supervisor) & Subbe, C. (Supervisor), 31 Oct 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
Family and staff perspectives on quality of life, well-being and human rights for people with advanced dementia living in care homes: a case study approach
Hughes, S. (Author), Woods, B. (Supervisor) & Algar-Skaife, K. (Supervisor), 24 Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The effect of mitochondrial deficiency on DNA damage response mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Silcocks, E. (Author), Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor), Staples, C. (Supervisor) & Cha, R. (Supervisor), 24 Oct 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
Underlying motives for activity: An agentic emotion regulation and attachment perspective.
Willegers, M. (Author), Woodman, T. (Supervisor) & Roberts, R. (Supervisor), 4 Oct 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Eating Disorder Recovery: An exploration of the influence of sociocultural factors
Bale, R. (Author), Jackson, M. (Supervisor) & Speight, T. (Supervisor), 20 Sept 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Exploring the Effectiveness of Dialectical Behavioural Therapy in University Students
Johnston, R. (Author), Swales, M. (Supervisor), 13 Sept 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
It's Not a Linear Process: Psychological Wellbeing and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis
Martin-Forbes, P. (Author), Jackson, M. (Supervisor) & Burnside, E. (Supervisor), 13 Sept 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
The experience of mental health problems in later life
Woodbridge, R. (Author), Piggin, L. (Supervisor) & Jackson, M. (Supervisor), 13 Sept 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Where voices are heard: An exploration of Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) identity in the UK
Stolberg, J. (Author), Lamers, C. (Supervisor), Spencer, L. (Supervisor) & Frame, G. (Supervisor), 13 Sept 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Does physical exercise affect cognition in patients living with Chronic Kidney Disease?
Bradshaw, E. (Author), Rossetti, G. (Supervisor) & Macdonald, J. (Supervisor), 9 Aug 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
Investigating the integration between person knowledge and person perception processes
Wildman, A. (Author), Ramsey, R. (Supervisor) & Downing, P. (Supervisor), 8 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Developing Core Outcome Sets for Pleural Interventional Trials
Habib, Z. (Author), Williams, S. (Supervisor) & Brocklehurst, P. (Supervisor), 29 Jul 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
Surfacing the Perspective of Autistic Girls Aged Between Thirteen and Eighteen Within a Complex Social Discourse on Autism: A Qualitative Inquiry
Edwards, B. A. (Author), Huws, J. (Supervisor), Williams, S. (Supervisor) & Smith, A.-M. (Supervisor), 29 Jul 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An Investigation of Implementation within the UK Radiography Profession
Jones, D. (Author), Burton, C. (Supervisor) & Williams, L. (Supervisor), 19 Jul 2022Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Behavioral and neural markers of serial order and timing in skilled motor sequences during planning
Mantziara, M. (Author), Kornysheva, E. (Supervisor) & Mullins, P. (Supervisor), 20 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Role of Athlete Availability in the Development of Young Elite Athletes
Lowery, M. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor) & Oliver, S. (Supervisor), 16 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The influence of Alexithymia and Optimism on Post-Exercise Recovery
Barwood, C. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor), Oliver, S. (Supervisor) & Blanchfield, A. (Supervisor), 31 May 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Diagnostic Journeys in Prostate Cancer: In what ways can the accounts of men with prostate cancer increase understanding and improve care in Wales? A qualitative study of men with prostate cancer
Formby, L. (Author), Hiscock, J. (Supervisor), Wilkinson, C. (Supervisor) & Hendry, A. (Supervisor), 24 May 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
A psychosocial approach to illness cognition, emotional coping responses and lay referral: an exploratory mixed and multi-methods design within early diagnostic cancer research
Campbell, E. (Author), Morrison, V. (Supervisor) & Huws, J. (Supervisor), 11 May 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Exploring the Economic Case for Universal and Targeted Mindfulness-Based Approaches to Prevention: the trial feasibility stage
Bryning, L. (Author), Edwards, R. (Supervisor) & Crane, R. (Supervisor), 3 May 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Brands as a unique and special stimulus class: Bridging the gap between face and object processing
Atherton, C. (Author), Mari-Beffa, P. (Supervisor) & Bestelmeyer, P. (Supervisor), 20 Apr 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Effecting Well-being Improvements in Educational Settings with Positive Psychology Interventions
Carter, P. J. (Author), Roberts, R. (Supervisor) & Parkinson, J. (Supervisor), 20 Apr 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Incidental Impressions & Inconsistent Information
Newey, R. (Author), Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor), 8 Apr 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
CARer-ADministration of as-needed sub-cutaneous medication for breakthrough symptoms in people dying at home: The CARiAD feasibility RCT
Poolman, M. (Author), Wilkinson, C. (Supervisor), 29 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Development of attention to social interactions in naturalistic scenes
Mihai, I. (Author), Koldewyn, K. (Supervisor) & Ward, R. (Supervisor), 13 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy