
Advanced filters
  1. Moving Rocks research project

    Lawrence, Kate (Recipient), May 2015

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  2. Mozilla’s Common Voice ‘Our Voices’ Competition Winners

    Vangberg, Preben (Recipient) & Farhat, Leena (Recipient), 10 Jan 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  3. Muriel Edwards

    Jones, Susan (Recipient), 1 Jul 1987

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  4. NAASWCH Postgraduate Attendance Bursary

    Collinson, Marc (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Other distinction

  5. NIHR Evidence impact alert - why dont more people have dialysis at home

    McLaughlin, Leah (Recipient), 10 Aug 2022

    Prize: National/international honour

  6. National Assembly for Wales Academic Fellowship

    Dallimore, David (Recipient), 4 Dec 2018

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  7. National Research Council Research Associateship

    Goto, Daisuke (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  8. National Teaching Fellow

    Short, Fay (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  9. News Bunny

    Vidal, Franck (Recipient), 23 Jan 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  10. Nominated for SLTA Best Dissertation Supervisor

    Davies-Jones, Bethan (Recipient), May 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  11. Nomination for Best Male Performance (Carwyn Jones) Wales Theatre Awards 2015

    Evans, Ffion (Recipient), 20 Jan 2015

    Prize: National/international honour

  12. North Sea Award

    Hiddink, Jan Geert (Recipient), 2002

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  13. Nous subjectes en la creació Catalana contemporània. Espais d'enunciació i espais de recepció en les poètiques liminars (co-investigator)

    Bru-Dominguez, Eva (Recipient) & Marcer, Elisenda (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  14. Open Day Officer Welsh-medium

    Closs-Davies, Sara (Recipient), 2015

    Prize: Appointment

  15. Open Research Support Grant

    Collinson, Marc (Recipient), 13 Jun 2023

    Prize: Other distinction

  16. Outstanding Book of the Year, American Academy of HRD

    Sambrook, Sally (Recipient), Stewart, Jim (Recipient), Callahan, Jamie (Recipient), Rigg, Clare (Recipient) & Trehan, Kiran (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  17. Outstanding Collaborator Nomination

    Silveira Bianchim, May (Recipient), May 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  18. Outstanding Pastoral Support award - Student Led Teaching Awards 2022

    Moyes, Alyson (Recipient), 28 Apr 2022

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  19. PGCertHE Examinations Panel Member and Examiner

    Closs-Davies, Sara (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Appointment

  20. PRIX CIME 2023

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 3 Nov 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  21. Paper award, full papers honourable mention: Explanatory Journeys

    Roberts, Jonathan (Recipient), Butcher, Peter (Recipient), Sherlock, Ann (Recipient) & Nason, Sarah (Recipient), Oct 2021

    Prize: National/international honour

  22. Patient & Public Involvement in Research Prize

    Holmes, Emily (Recipient), 15 Jun 2007

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  23. Postdoctoral Fellowship

    Bru-Dominguez, Eva (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  24. Postdoctoral Research Fellow

    Short, Fay (Recipient), 2007

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  25. Postdoctoral presentation winner

    Robinson, Helena (Recipient), 12 Sept 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  26. Poster award

    Demmer, Jonathan (Recipient), 7 Jul 2022

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  27. Poster presentation prize

    Jameson, Ellie (Recipient), 1 Apr 2006

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  28. Premi Fundació Mercè Rodoreda

    Bru-Dominguez, Eva (Recipient), 23 Apr 2012

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  29. Prix international de composition électroacoustique KLANG!

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 8 Jun 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  30. Prix international de composition électroacoustique KLANG!

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 5 Jun 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  31. Professional exchange Award to visit Vancouver

    Lawrence, Kate (Recipient), 1 Aug 2015

    Prize: Other distinction

  32. Project Manager Brain (Cwmni'r Fran Wen)

    Evans, Ffion (Recipient), 2014

    Prize: Appointment

  33. Research Career Development Fellowship

    Jameson, Ellie (Recipient), 1 Jan 2017

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  34. Research Grant

    Collinson, Marc (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Other distinction

  35. Research Innovation Award - Post doctoral Fellowship, Cardiff Met

    McLaughlin, Leah (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  36. Rhestr Fer Llyfr y Flwyddyn / Wales Book of the Year Shortlist

    Price, Angharad (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: National/international honour

  37. Rhestr Fer Llyfr y Flwyddyn / Wales Book of the Year Shortlist

    Price, Angharad (Recipient), 2014

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  38. Rhestr Fer Llyfr y Flwyddyn / Wales Book of the Year Shortlist

    Price, Angharad (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  39. Rising Research Star

    Holmes, Emily (Recipient), 14 Oct 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  40. Rockefeller Archive Center Research Stipend

    Jones, Dyfrig (Recipient), 6 Feb 2018

    Prize: National/international honour

  41. Rownd Derfynol

    Jones, Aled Llion (Recipient), 5 Dec 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  42. Royal College Of Nursing Nurse Researcher of the Year -Runner Up

    Williams, Lynne (Recipient), Nov 2017

    Prize: National/international honour

  43. Royal College of Nursing Nurse Researcher of the Year -Runner Up

    Williams, Lynne (Recipient), 15 Nov 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  44. Royal College of Psychiatrists Lifetime Achievement Award

    Poole, Rob (Recipient), Nov 2017

    Prize: National/international honour

  45. Royal Historical Society's Alexander Prize

    Veevers, David (Recipient), 2014

    Prize: National/international honour

  46. Royal Society Mullard Medal

    Freeman, Chris (Recipient), 28 Feb 2007

    Prize: National/international honour

  47. Royal Society of Literature's Giles St Aubyn Award

    Veevers, David (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: National/international honour

  48. Runner-Up in Best Monograph Awards, 2016

    Frame, Gregory (Recipient), 15 Apr 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  49. Runner-up for Best Early Career Researcher Presentation Award

    Silveira Bianchim, May (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  50. Runner-up of Newton Prize Vietnam 2017

    Yue, Liyang (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: National/international honour

  51. STEM Enthuse Award for FE Teaching/ Post 16

    Williams, Catrin (Recipient), 6 Oct 2019

    Prize: National/international honour

  52. STRI Fellowship

    Markesteijn, Lars (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Appointment


    Adeyiga, Gloria (Recipient), 1 Aug 2010

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  54. Sage Prize for best postgraduate paper. Annual Public Administration Committee Conference 2009.

    Bartels, Koen (Recipient), 7 Sept 2009

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  55. Santander Mobility Award

    Wang, Zengbo (James ) (Recipient), 2012

    Prize: Other distinction

  56. Santander Mobility Scholarship

    Mangano, Cristina (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  57. Santander Mobility Scholarship

    Zhang, Hanxiong (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  58. Santander Universities Research Mobility Award

    Alcock, John (Recipient), 1 Nov 2016

    Prize: Other distinction

  59. Santander Universities Research Mobility Award

    Hobbs, Robert (Recipient), 1 Nov 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  60. Sarah Smythe Award

    Clare, Charlotte (Recipient), 10 Jul 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  61. Scouloudi Historical Award (Research)

    Collinson, Marc (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: Other distinction

  62. Sea Grant Scholar Fellowship

    Goto, Daisuke (Recipient), 2005

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  63. Second place for best poster award at the Health and Care Research Wales

    James, Michaela (Recipient), Ferguson-Glover, Georgina (Recipient) & Silveira Bianchim, May (Recipient), 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  64. Selected ISCM World Music Days 2019

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 15 Jan 2019

    Prize: National/international honour

  65. Senior Fellow

    Muse, Eben (Recipient), 2019

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  66. Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy

    Wang, Shasha (Recipient), 7 Mar 2020

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  67. Senior Fellow of The Higher Education Academy

    Evans, Ffion (Recipient), 28 Jul 2021

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  68. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

    Radulescu, Raluca (Recipient), 10 Jul 2019

    Prize: Other distinction

  69. Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 1 Aug 2019

    Prize: Other distinction

  70. Ser Cymru II Research Fellowship

    Davies, Thomas (Recipient), 14 Sept 2017

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  71. Shortlisted for ISCM World Music Days 2024

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 20 Oct 2023

    Prize: National/international honour

  72. Shortlisted for ISCM World Music Days 2025

    Lewis, Andrew (Recipient), 15 May 2024

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  73. Shortlisted for SLTA New Teacher of the Year

    Davies-Jones, Bethan (Recipient), May 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  74. Silver Award in the Community Portraits Category

    Evans, Arwyn (Recipient), Jones, Catrin Hedd (Recipient), Woods, Bob (Recipient) & Williams, Nia (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  75. Silver award for Sustainable Development Goals International Innovation Awards

    Elias, Rob (Recipient), Braganca, Radek (Recipient), Liu, Qiuyun (Recipient) & Loxton, Ceri (Recipient), 25 Oct 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  76. Silvicultural Prize of the Institute of Chartered Foresters: 2011

    Walmsley, James (Recipient) & Godbold, Douglas (Recipient), 2011

    Prize: National/international honour

  77. Simulation of X-ray Attenuation on the GPU

    Vidal, Franck (Recipient), 2009

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  78. Sin Palaviwat Scholarship

    Jaiaue, Thipkanlaya (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  79. Small Grant ‘Arts Council of Wales’ Performance Lab (£5000)

    Evans, Ffion (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  80. Social Prescribing: The missing Link for Link Workers

    Makanjuola, Abraham (Recipient), 4 Aug 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  81. Society of Wetland Scientists International Fellows Award

    Freeman, Chris (Recipient), 31 May 2018

    Prize: National/international honour

  82. Soil Science Society of America William H Patrick Memorial Lectureship

    Freeman, Chris (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  83. Solo Filter, Cardiff

    Lawrence, Kate (Recipient), Nov 2015

    Prize: Other distinction

  84. Specialist Consultant Grade

    Wimpory, Dawn (Recipient), 1997

    Prize: Appointment

  85. Stan Marsh Prize

    Clear, Stephen (Recipient), 27 Apr 2017

    Prize: National/international honour

  86. Stapley Scholarship

    Collinson, Marc (Recipient), 2014

    Prize: Other distinction

  87. Student Led Teaching Award "Fantastic Feedback"

    Cooper, Sarah (Recipient), 2015

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  88. Student Led Teaching Award: Lecturer of the Year

    Jones, Dylan (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  89. Student-led Teaching Award Best New Teacher

    Sharp, Rebecca (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  90. SÊR Cymru II - COFUND

    Markesteijn, Lars (Recipient), 2016

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  91. Teaching Excellence Award

    Smith, Joanna (Recipient), Tierney, Anne (Recipient), Brown, Andrea (Recipient) & Neil, Douglas (Recipient), 2008

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  92. Teaching Fellowship

    Krzyszczyk, Ewa (Recipient), 2023

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  93. Teaching Fellowship at Bangor Business School

    Closs-Davies, Sara (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  94. Teaching Fellowship, Bangor University

    Parker-Jones, Marie (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  95. Terry Hewitt Prize for the Best Technical ResearchStudent Paper

    Barthelmes, Tobias (Recipient) & Vidal, Franck (Recipient), 10 Sept 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  96. The AmGen National Eisteddfod Playwright Medal 2021

    Evans-Jones, Gareth (Recipient), 2 Aug 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  97. The Best English-Chinese Translator

    Liu, Changjing (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  98. The Conwy County National Eisteddfod for Wales 2019 Playwright Medal

    Evans-Jones, Gareth (Recipient), 8 Aug 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  99. The Elizabeth Warrington Prize of the British Neuropsychological Society

    Binney, Richard (Recipient), 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  100. The International Dylan Thomas Prize Shortlist

    Conran, Alys (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  101. The Rhys Davies Fiction Prize

    Conran, Alys (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  102. The Top1 first prize of the Competition of Shakespeares's Poetry Recitation

    Zhang, Yue (Recipient), 13 Apr 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  103. The Top2 prize of the Competition of Shakespeares's Poetry Recitation

    Zhang, Yue (Recipient), 13 Apr 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  104. The Travers Reid Award 2020

    Wiltshire, Charlie (Recipient), 10 Jan 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  105. The Values Award at Surrey University, UK

    Zhang, Hanxiong (Recipient), 2022

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  106. The Wales Arts Review People's Choice Award

    Conran, Alys (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  107. Thomas C Chalmers award at the Cochrane Colloquium 2023

    Silveira Bianchim, May (Recipient), 2023

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  108. Thomas Henry Huxley Award and Marsh Prize

    Malhotra, Anita (Recipient), 1992

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  109. Timber Trade Journal Innovative Product Development Award 2017

    Elias, Rob (Recipient), 29 Sept 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  110. Top presentation award

    Silveira Bianchim, May (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  111. Training and Development, Theatre Directing, Arts Council of Wales, (£2,000)

    Evans, Ffion (Recipient), 2013

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  112. UGA Franklin College-University of Liverpool Doctoral Student Short-Term International Research Fellowship

    Mullneritsch, Helga (Recipient), 2015

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  113. UK Acoustics Network Travel Grant

    Whitton, Timothy (Recipient), 18 Oct 2019

    Prize: Other distinction

  114. University of Western Ontario Gold Medal Award

    Green, Clare (Recipient), 2004

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  115. Vaisala Prize - Royal Meteorological Society

    Rippeth, Tom (Recipient), 15 May 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  116. Vanguard Steering Group Advisor

    Elias, Rob (Recipient), 1 Jan 2018

    Prize: Appointment

  117. Vice-Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

    Winder, Isabelle (Recipient), Apr 2011

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  118. Vice-Chancellor's Gold Award for Inclusivity

    Winder, Isabelle (Recipient), May 2011

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  119. Visiting Fellowship at the Charles and Joan Alberto Italian Studies Institute of Seton Hall University, New Jersey

    Merlino, Rossella (Recipient), Mar 2016

    Prize: Fellowship awarded competitively

  120. Visiting Professor

    Wang, Zengbo (James ) (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Appointment

  121. Wales Book of the Year

    Conran, Alys (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: National/international honour

  122. Wales Book of the Year 2023 Shortlist

    Webb-Davies, Peredur (Recipient), 21 May 2023

    Prize: National/international honour

  123. Wales Book of the Year Poetry Award

    Skoulding, Zoë (Recipient), 31 Jul 2020

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  124. Welsh Crucible

    Moore, Alec (Recipient), 2021

    Prize: Other distinction

  125. Welsh Universities Research Leadership Programme

    Owen, Julian (Recipient), 6 Nov 2023

    Prize: Appointment

  126. Winner - South Wales Argus Health and Care Award - Research with Impact

    McLaughlin, Leah (Recipient), 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  127. Winner: Health and Care Research Wales 2023 Innovation Award

    Poolman, Marlise (Recipient), 2023

    Prize: National/international honour

  128. Winning Welsh-medium Scientific Article at the 2017 National Eisteddfod

    Davies, Andrew (Recipient), 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  129. Y Fedal Ryddiaith / Prose Medal, Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru

    Price, Angharad (Recipient), 2002

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  130. YSS 2017 Poster prize - runner up

    Chan, Kenny (Recipient), 3 Jul 2017

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  131. YSS 2018 oral presentation - runner up

    Chan, Kenny (Recipient), 22 Jun 2018

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  132. YSS 2019 Oral presentation - runner up

    Chan, Kenny (Recipient), 26 Jun 2019

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  133. Young Investigator Award

    Zhang, Shuge (Recipient), 2015

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

  134. Ysgoloriaeth Goffa Saunders Lewis Memorial Scholarship

    Price, Angharad (Recipient), 1994

    Prize: Prize (including medals and awards)

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