School of Environmental & Natural Sciences

  1. Comparative Phylogeography and species delimitation of the Arabian Peninsula lizards

    Almutairi, M. (Author), Wuster, W. (Supervisor), 15 Aug 2014

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  2. Comparative morphologies and life histories amongst montane tree species in north-western Argentina

    Easdale, T. A. (Author), Healey, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2006

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. Comparative physicochemical characterisation of thermally modified wood

    González Peña, M. (Author), Breese, M. (Supervisor) & Hale, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2007

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Comparative studies in the pathology of radiomimetic conditions

    Mason, J. (Author), Sept 1965

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  5. Comparison of breeding strategies to improve salt tolerance of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).

    Ahsan, M. (Author), Jan 1996

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. Comparison of nitrogen losses associated with sheep excreta deposition on temperate lowland and upland grassland soils

    Mancia, A. (Author), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), Krol, D. J. (Supervisor) & Waters, S. M. (Supervisor), 17 Apr 2023

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  7. Compatibilisation of natural fibres for use in polypropylene matrix composites

    Spear, M. (Author), Hill, C. (Supervisor), 2002

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Competitive interactions between Coffea arabica L. and fast-growing timber shade trees

    van Kanten, R. F. (Author), Sinclair, F. (Supervisor), Jun 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. Complementary uses of stable isotope and dietary metabarcoding analyses for trophic web determination in freshwater and estuarine tropical fishes

    Pillay, K. (Author), Creer, S. (Supervisor), Fenner, N. (Supervisor), Milner, N. (Supervisor), Urakawa, H. (Supervisor) & Parsons, M. (Supervisor), 29 Sept 2023

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  10. Computational and theoretical studies of the Langmuir Trough experiment

    Fenwick, N. I. (Author), Quirke, N. (Supervisor), 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. Conjugated Polymers Based on 4-Substituted Fluorenes and Fluorenones

    Kommanaboyina, S. (Author), Perepichka, I. (Supervisor), Jan 2016

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  12. Conservation and ecotourism in Kibale National Park, Uganda.

    Obua, J. (Author), Jun 1996

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  13. Conservation of Mangifera sylvatica: a Wild Fruit Species for Health and Livelihoods

    Akhter, S. (Author), McDonald, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2016

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  14. Conservation of U.K. dune system native Lacertidae species

    Graham, S. A. (Author), Jan 2018

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  15. Constructed wetlands for the treatment of British mine drainage waters : a biogeochemical approach.

    Dennison, F. E. (Author), May 2002

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  16. Construction of growth models for Pinus nigra var. maritima (Ait.) Melville (Corsican pine) in Great Britain

    Subasinghe, S. M. C. U. P. (Author), Jenkins, T. (Supervisor) & Mayhead, G. (Supervisor), Nov 1998

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. Consultancy in Higher Education: Tools and Practices for Achieving Impact

    Sherwin, C. (Author), Winder, I. (Supervisor) & Walker, C. (Supervisor), 26 May 2020

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  18. Cordeauxia edulis (Yeheb) : resource status, utilisation and management in Ethiopia

    Yusuf, M. M. (Author), Jun 2010

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  19. Cost benefit analysis and sustained yield forestry in India.

    Kumar, P. J. D. (Author), Price, C. (Supervisor), Jan 1988

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Coupled biochemical processes for the synthesis of unusual amino acids

    Johnson, S. L. (Author), Croft, A. (Supervisor), Baird, M. (Supervisor) & Williams, P. (Supervisor), 2011

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  21. Cryopreservation of ram semen for artificial insemination.

    Ahangari, Y. J. (Author), Jan 1992

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  22. Cultivation of Extremely Acidophilic Archaea from an Acid Mine Drainage Site

    Tyler, J. (Author), Golyshina, O. (Supervisor), 12 Jan 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  23. Cultured Microbial Diversity Of Parys Mountain Acidic Site

    Lloyd, C. (Author), Golyshina, O. (Supervisor) & Braig, H. (Supervisor), 21 Feb 2023

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  24. Customised TAA cations as counter ions in silicates and related systems

    Stiefvater-Thomas, B. (Author), Beckett, M. (Supervisor), 2005

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  25. Cycling of dissolved organic nitrogen in plant-soil systems

    Soomro, Z. (Author), Jones, D. L. (Supervisor), 4 Jul 2014

    Student thesis: Master of Philosophy

  26. DNA barcoding and population genetic structure of Malaysian marine fishes

    Mat Jaafar, T. N. A. (Author), Carvalho, G. (Supervisor) & Taylor, M. (Supervisor), 25 Mar 2014

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  27. Decay resistance of modified wood

    Farahani, M. R. (Author), Hill, C. (Supervisor) & Hale, M. (Supervisor), 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  28. Decoherence, dephasing and quantum tunnelling in molecules with large amplitude vibrations

    Anderson, R. L. (Author), Macdonald, J. (Supervisor), Aug 2006

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  29. Decomposition of tree leaf litter and formation of soil organic matter

    Nason, M. A. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Jul 2004

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  30. Deep soil: investigating carbon sequestration potential and greenhouse gas behaviour in agricultural subsoil

    Button, E. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor), 14 Dec 2022

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  31. Defining a High Throughput Sequencing identification framework for freshwater ecosystem biomonitoring

    Bista, I. (Author), Creer, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2016

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  32. Defining marine meiofaunal genetic diversity using 454 sequencing

    Garcia da Fonseca Batista, V. (Author), Creer, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2011

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  33. Deforestation in Jefara Plain, Libya: Socio-economic and Policy Drivers (Algarabulli District case study)

    Alsoul, A. (Author), Brook, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  34. Demography of animal modular colonies.

    Cancino, J. M. (Author), Jun 1983

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  35. Dendroecology, history and dynamics of mixed woodlands at the upper timberline of the central Italian Alps

    Backmeroff, C. E. (Author), Jan 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  36. Detection of Volatile Organic Compounds Using Fuel Cell Sensors

    Wheldon-Williams, R. (Author), Jan 2002

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  37. Determinants of health in horticultural workers: a comparison of national and international supply chains

    Cross, P. (Author), Edwards-Jones, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2008

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  38. Determining the consequences of forest degradation on mangrove epifauna in South-East Kenya

    Barbanera, A. (Author), Markesteijn, L. (Supervisor), 24 Feb 2021

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  39. Determining the effects of anthropogenic drainage structures on inanga (Galaxias maculatus) in the lowland waterways of Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand.

    Halstead, R. (Author), Fenner, N. (Supervisor), Milner, N. (Supervisor) & Fake, D. (Supervisor), 6 Jun 2022

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  40. Developing a Planning Tool for Heritage Interpretation

    Mullally, N. (Author), Pierce, S. (Supervisor) & Lane, E. (Supervisor), 24 Nov 2021

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  41. Developing fodder resources on the forest grasslands of tribal areas in Western India: a participatory approach

    Bezkorowajnyi, P. G. (Author), Hall, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  42. Developing in-situ and real-time methods of soil nitrogen determination

    Shaw, R. (Author), Williams, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2015

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  43. Development and Application of Molecular Tools for the analysis of Animal Parts and Derivatives

    Peppin, L. (Author), Carvalho, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2009

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  44. Development and application of forensic genetic typing systems for wildlife species

    Dawnay, N. (Author), 2008

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  45. Development of a method for detecting TB-antibodies in patient serum

    Saleh, A. D. (Author), Baird, M. (Supervisor) & Al-Dulayymi, J. (Supervisor), Sept 2013

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

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