School of Education

  1. 1965
  2. 1968
  3. A critical examination of the Teacher Training in Wales, 1846-1898

    Rees, L. M. (Author), 1968

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. 1971
  5. An assessment of the contribution of Sir Hugh Owen to education in Wales

    Davies, B. L. (Author), 1971

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. 1974
  7. R. H. Tawney and the reform of English education

    Brooks, R. (Author), Sept 1974

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. 1976
  9. 1978
  10. Dysgu Cymraeg rhwng 1847 a 1927

    Jones, G. A. (Author), 10 Jan 1978

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  11. 1981
  12. Elementary education in Caernarvonshire 1839-1902

    Williams, H. G. (Author), Jan 1981

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  13. 1982
  14. A study of some of the factors which determine the degree of bilingualism of a Welsh child between 10 and 13 years of age

    Price-Jones, E. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), 1982

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  15. 1983
  16. Adjustment problems of Zambian University students

    Wilson, B. N. (Author), 1983

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. The integration of educationally subnormal children in primary schools in Wales

    Lowden, G. D. (Author), 1983

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  18. 1985
  19. Strategies and tactics of Nigerian Science teachers

    Buseri, J. C. (Author), Williams, I. (Supervisor), Sept 1985

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Teaching and learning commitment in bilingual schools

    Roberts, C. (Author), Sept 1985

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  21. 1986
  22. Dadansoddiad o nodau graddedig ar gyfer oedolion sy'n dysgu'r Gymraeg fel ail iaith

    Davies, J. P. (Author), 1986

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  23. Stress and information processing

    Jones, J. G. (Author), Hardy, L. (Supervisor), 1986

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  24. 1988
  25. Datblygiad addysg crefft yn ysgolion Cymru hyd at 1966

    Pritchard, J. G. (Author), 1988

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  26. Some factors affecting bilingualism amongst trainee teachers in Malaysia

    Yatim, A. M. (Author), Jul 1988

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  27. The purpose of microcomputers in primary education.

    Bullock, A. D. (Author), Sept 1988

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  28. 1989
  29. 1990
  30. Manpower planning and development in Oman

    Ali, A. H. (Author), Jan 1990

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  31. 1991
  32. Affective factors in fluencing compliance to Health Screening

    Wilson, J. R. (Author), Fazey, J. (Supervisor), 1991

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  33. Personal control, performance and health

    Smith, L. (Author), Hardy, L. (Supervisor), Jul 1991

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  34. 1992
  35. Some factors in movement schema development

    Hooper, D. E. (Author), Fazey, J. (Supervisor), 1992

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  36. 1993
  37. The preparation of English language teachers in Malaysia : a video-based approach.

    Chakravarthy, G. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), Sept 1993

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  38. 1994
  39. Arfarniad o ddulliau dysgu ac addysgu yng nghyd-destun addysg uwchradd ddwyieithog

    Williams, C. (Author), Apr 1994

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  40. Health related behaviour, stress and well-being during organisational change.

    Ingledew, D. K. (Author), Jun 1994

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  41. 1995
  42. Agweddau ar lenyddiaeth ffantasi ar gyfer plant yn y Gymraeg

    Bleddyn, N. (Author), 1995

    Student thesis: Master of Philosophy

  43. 1996
  44. Agweddau ar y nofel hanes Gymraeg i blant

    Parri, H. H. (Author), 1996

    Student thesis: Master of Philosophy

  45. 1997
  46. The languages of the world : a cartographic and statistical survey

    Ioan, N. H. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), Jul 1997

    Student thesis: Master of Philosophy

  47. 1998
  48. Quality management in higher education in Mozambique.

    Dias, M. D. C. L. (Author), Aug 1998

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  49. 1999
  50. Imagery and the Mental Manipulation of Knots

    Mcleay, H. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), 1999

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  51. 2000
  52. Agweddau ar gender, iaith ac addysg yng Nhgymru

    Lowies, P. (Author), Feb 2000

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  53. 2001
  54. Aspects of attitudes to languages in Finland and Wales

    Turunen, S. P. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  55. 2003
  56. Aspects of language contact in Rioja Alavesa

    Aiestaran, J. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  57. Changes in religious understanding and attitudes between year 7 and year 9

    Loman, S. E. (Author), Jan 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  58. The impact of different approaches to religious education on the spiritual and moral attitudes of year nine and year ten pupils

    Jennings, P. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  59. Yr iaith Gymraeg a Mudiad Ysgolion Meithrin

    Gareth, E. L. (Author), Oct 2003

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  60. 2005
  61. Establishment and growth of protestantism in Colombia

    Thompson, L. J. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor) & Rees, B. (Supervisor), 2005

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  62. 2007
  63. Ehangu'r defnydd o'r Gymraeg mewn addysg ol-orfodol

    Reynolds, E. C. (Author), 2007

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  64. 2008
  65. Educators' epistemological beliefs and their approaches to teaching

    Hathaway, T. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), Jul 2008

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  66. 2009
  67. Creating an effective learning environment in higher education

    Lawson, R. (Author), Fazey, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2009

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  68. 2011
  69. Enablers and constraints of an effective and sustainable mother tongue-based multilingual education policy in the Philippines

    Young, C. M. B. (Author), Baker, C. (Supervisor), Mar 2011

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  70. 2012
  71. ESDGC in primary schools : exploring practice, development and influences

    Bennell, S. (Author), Ware, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2012

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

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