Bangor University
Novel genetic marker-assisted breeding produced a pearl millet hybrid grown on 700,000 ha of drought-prone areas in Northern India which has improved food security of three million people
Witcombe, J. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Health/Quality of life
New rice varieties improve livelihoods of millions of households in India and Nepal
Witcombe, J. (Participant), Virk, D. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Societal, Economic
Governments and assessment bodies adopt an innovative quantitative method to assess the sustainability of mobile bottom fishing gears [REF2021]
Hiddink, J. G. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services
Vertical dance
Impact: Cultural, Economic, Health/Quality of life, Societal, Technological
Maize variety GM-6 brings £55 million of benefits to more than 300,000 resource-poor farmers in Western India
Witcombe, J. (Participant) & Virk, D. (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Societal, Economic
Cognitive stimulation – an effective intervention to improve quality of life and cognition in people with mild to moderate dementia
Woods, B. (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Societal, Policy and Public Services
Encouraging Healthy Eating in Children with the Food Dudes Programme
Horne, P. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life
Evidence-based policies for new medicines
Hughes, D. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Yeo, S. T. (Participant)
Impact: Policy and Public Services
Enhanced carbon footprinting of food products
(Participant), Cross, P. (Participant), Jones, D. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental, Technological, Policy and Public Services, Societal
International conservation and restoration of peatland and improved drinking water quality through peatland carbon sequestration research
Freeman, C. (Participant), Lock, M. (Participant), Fenner, N. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Health/Quality of life
Enhancing of National Grid Stability via optimisation of “Dinorwig Hydro Power Station”
(Participant), Mansoor, S. (Participant) & Munoz - Hernandez, G. (Participant)
Impact: Technological
Minimally invasive procedural training for clinicians using virtual patients
(Participant), Vidal, F. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Ap Cenydd, L. (Participant), Rees, M. (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Technological
Laser Micromachining Limited (LML)
(Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Menachery, A. (Participant) & (Participant)
Market Power & Efficiency in Banking
Molyneux, P. (Participant), Thornton, J. (Participant), Altunbas, Y. (Participant), Goddard, J. (Participant) & (Participant)
SME Research in a European Union Convergence Region
(Participant), Sambrook, S. (Participant), Doloriert, C. (Participant), Hanna, S. (Participant), (Participant), Kupiec-Teahan, B. (Participant) & Mitchelmore, S. (Participant)
New DNA forensics tools improve sustainable fisheries management and reduce wildlife crime
(Participant), Carvalho, G. (Participant), Thorpe, R. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & DeBruyn, M. (Participant)
The Regionalisation of Public Law
Nason, S. (Participant), Sunkin, M. (Participant) & (Participant)
Inscribed Stones and Stone Sculpture in Wales c.AD400–1150
Edwards, N. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Societal
The Experience of Worship in late medieval Cathedral and Parish Church
Harper, J. (Participant) & (Participant)
Heritage models, heritage visualisation of prehistory and at-risk sites in Wales including Maid of Harlech
Roberts, J. (Participant), Ritsos, P. (Participant), Mearman, J. (Participant), Karl, R. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Tiddeman, B. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), Griffiths, S. M. (Participant), Labrosse, F. (Participant) & Ben, E. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Societal, Technological, Environmental
Novel applications for fractionation of plant biomass in the food ingredients industry
(Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic
EC Joint Research Centre- Synergies with R&I Funds in Wales, BioComposites Centre, Bangor University
Charlton, A. (Participant)
Impact: Technological
Development of Marine Protected Area System, Cayman Islands
Turner, J. (Participant)
Impact: Environmental
Evidence-based primary care interventions to improve health benefits in cancer care
Wilkinson, C. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & Lewis, R. (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life
A Centre of Excellence in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Technology
Charlton, A. (Participant)
Impact: Technological
LEXICON - dyslexia: sight, sound and sense
Lewis, A. (Participant) & Caravolas, M. (Participant)
Impact: Cultural, Societal, Health/Quality of life
Saving limbs: North Wales clinical-care model for patients at risk of amputation has national and international impact [REF2021]
(Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life
The Mindfulness-Based Interventions: Teaching Assessment Criteria (MBI:TAC) tool - assuring quality in the implementation of Mindfulness-Based Programmes (MBPs) [REF2021]
Crane, R. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Increased efficiency in global rice breeding [REF2021]
Witcombe, J. (Participant), Virk, D. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Health/Quality of life, Societal
Ocean Renewable Energy: Improved resource assessment and characterisation drives development of second-generation tidal energy technology [REF2021]
Neill, S. (Participant), Robins, P. (Participant) & Lewis, M. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental, Policy and Public Services, Technological
The options by context paradigm shift builds resilience of agricultural systems through agroecological transitions [REF2021]
Sinclair, F. (Participant), Pagella, T. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Environmental, Health/Quality of life, Policy and Public Services, Societal
Adoption of viral environmental surveillance tools to protect public health during the COVID-19 pandemic [REF2021]
Jones, D. (Participant), McDonald, J. (Participant), Farkas, K. (Participant), Malham, S. (Participant), (Participant), Jago, C. (Participant), Robins, P. (Participant) & Jones, J. P. G. (Participant)
Impact: Economic, Environmental, Health/Quality of life, Policy and Public Services
Interchange fees and two-sided markets: influencing the EU regulation on payment card fees [REF2021]
Impact: Policy and Public Services
Changing diet and supplement guidance in the UK Army to improve health and performance [REF2021]
(Participant), Oliver, S. (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Policy and Public Services
Food Dudes: Future proofing school-based healthy eating behaviour change interventions for 3-11 year old children at school
Horne, P. (Participant), Erjavec, M. (Participant), Viktor, S. (Participant), (Participant), (Participant), (Participant) & (Participant)
Impact: Health/Quality of life, Societal