Bangor University

6001 - 6074 out of 6,074Page size: 250
  1. 2006
  2. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2006 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  3. Journal of Health Psychology (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2006 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  4. Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2006 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  5. Nurse Researcher (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2006 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  6. Nursing and Midwifery Council (External organisation)

    Stephen Prydderch (Member)

    2006 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  7. Qualitative Health Research (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2006 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  8. University Archaeology UK (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2006 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  9. Welsh Assembly (External organisation)

    Gill Windle (Member)


    Activity: MembershipMembership of committee

  10. 2005
  11. Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance (Journal)

    John Ashton (Editor)

    31 Jul 2005

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  12. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)

    Feb 20052022

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  13. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part A (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  14. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  15. Archives of General Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  16. Autism (Journal)

    Jaci Huws (Peer reviewer)

    2005 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  17. Autism : the international journal of research and practice (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  18. Biological Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  19. Board of Celtic Studies (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)


    Activity: MembershipMembership of board

  20. British Journal of Learning Disabilities (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  21. Cambrian Archaeological Association (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2005 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  22. Council of British Archaeology (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2005 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  23. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  24. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  25. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  26. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  27. Journal of Mental Deficiency Research (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  28. Molecular Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  29. Oxford University Press USA (Publisher)

    Stefan Machura (Editorial board member)

    2005 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  30. Paediatrics (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  31. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry (Journal)

    Dawn Wimpory (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  32. Reviewer of Grant Applications: Medical Research Council (MRC)

    Dawn Wimpory (Consultant)


    Activity: Consultancy

  33. Reviewer of Grant Applications: The Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)

    Dawn Wimpory (Consultant)


    Activity: Consultancy

  34. 2004
  35. Higher Education Academy (External organisation)

    Sandra Begley (Member)

    1 Apr 2004

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  36. Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2004 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  37. European Association of Archaeologists (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2004 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  38. Internationales Österreichisches Archäologie Forum (External organisation)

    Karl Krierer (Chair) & Raimund Karl (Chair)

    2004 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  39. Research Commitee on Sociology of Law, International Sociological Association (Publisher)

    Stefan Machura (Editorial board member)

    2004 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  40. Society of Antiquaries of Scotland (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    2004 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  41. Y Bont (External organisation)

    Gwawr Maelor (Member)

    2004 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of board

  42. 2003
  43. Adhesion in growing tree frogs – solutions to a sticky problem.

    Joanna Smith (Speaker), WJP Barnes (Speaker), Roger Downie (Speaker) & G.D. Ruxton (Speaker)


    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation

  44. External Examiner BSc/MSc

    Jaci Huws (Examiner)


    Activity: Examination

  45. Lit Verlag (Publisher)

    Stefan Machura (Editorial board member)

    2003 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  46. 2002
  47. Third International Symposium on Communication Systems Networks and Digital Signal Processing

    Sandra Begley (Speaker)

    15 Jul 200217 Jul 2002

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in Academic conference

  48. Internationales Österreichisches ArchäologieForum - Jobbörse

    Raimund Karl (Host)

    2002 → …

    Activity: Other

  49. Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE) (External organisation)

    Panagiotis Ritsos (Member)

    2002 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of committee

  50. 2001
  51. Bangor LCA Network (External organisation)

    Campbell Skinner (Chair)

    31 Dec 2001 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  52. Supporting Integrity with MBI-TAC: Cultivating Mindfulness Teaching Competence

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    27 Nov 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  53. Making Research Doable

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    6 Nov 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  54. Making Research Doable

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    6 Nov 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  55. Mindfulness implementation: learning from the UK experience

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    23 Oct 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  56. Mindfulness in the Mainstream: navigating with integrity

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    25 Sept 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  57. Bringing mindfulness practice into every day life

    Rebecca Crane (Speaker)

    13 Sept 2001

    Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk

  58. 2000
  59. Zeitschrift für Rechtssoziologie - The German Journal of Law and Society (Journal)

    Stefan Machura (Editorial board member)

    1 Jan 2000 → …

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  60. Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft (Publisher)

    Stefan Machura (Editorial board member)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  61. Teaching contributions have been made periodically to various undergraduate/postgraduate course at Bangor University

    Dawn Wimpory (Contributor)


    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

  62. Wiener keltologische Schriften Monograph Series (Journal)

    Raimund Karl (Editor)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  63. 1999
  64. Universität Wien (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    1 Jan 199931 Dec 1999

    Activity: MembershipMembership of committee

  65. AG Theorie in der Archäologie der Deutschen Verbände für Altertumskunde (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    1999 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  66. Royal Society of Literature (External organisation)

    Helen Wilcox (Member)

    1999 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  67. 1998
  68. Invited Autism Lecture Tour

    Dawn Wimpory (Contributor)


    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

  69. 1996
  70. International Research Group on Wood Protection (External organisation)

    Simon Curling (Member)

    1996 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  71. 1995
  72. Brennos - Studia Celtica Austriaca (Journal)

    Raimund Karl (Editor)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  73. Brennos, Verein für Keltologie (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Chair)


    Activity: MembershipMembership of board

  74. Brennos, Verein für Keltologie (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    1995 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  75. 1994
  76. BIMH Workshop Modules 'Get Kids Talking' / 'Cael Plant YnSiarad.'

    Dawn Wimpory (Contributor)


    Activity: Other

  77. The Role of Teasing in the Development of Symbolic Functioning: Implications for Autism.

    Dawn Wimpory (Contributor)

    1994 → …

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

  78. Österreichischer Archäologie Bund (Publisher)

    Manfred Macek (Editor) & Raimund Karl (Editor)


    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workEditorial activity

  79. 1992
  80. Excavations at Göttlesbrunn, Lower Austria (Event)

    Raimund Karl (Director)

    6 Jul 19921 Sept 1995

    Activity: MembershipMembership of committee

  81. 1989
  82. Österreichische Gesellschaft für Ur- und Frühgeschichte (External organisation)

    Raimund Karl (Member)

    1989 → …

    Activity: MembershipMembership of network

  83. 1926
  84. Business History Review (Journal)

    Bernardo Batiz-Lazo (Editorial board member)

    1 Jan 1926

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication peer-review

  85. 223
  86. 202
  87. Proposal for water quality management in the demonstrator catchment Teifi in Wales

    Ankita Bhattacharya (Contributor)

    3 Oct 020215 Jan 2024

    Activity: OtherTypes of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups

  88. 4
  89. Shaken and Stirred: The Jewish Origins and Themes of James Bond

    Nathan Abrams (Contributor)

    29 Feb 0004

    Activity: OtherTypes of Public engagement and outreach - Public lecture/debate/seminar

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