College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
Abbaszadeh, Sahar
- Venues Hospitality and Catering - Catering Assistant
- School of Education
Person: Support
Alsakka, Rasha
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Banking & Finance / Senior Tutor
- The Institute of European Finance - Credit Risk
Person: Research, Academic
Altunbas, Yener
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Banking
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Research, Academic
Andrews, Joshua
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Eastern Religions
Person: Academic
Anwar, Riaz
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Accounting
Person: Academic
Ap Gwilym, Owain
- Bangor Business School - Deputy Head of School / Profess
- The Institute of European Finance - Credit Risk - Lead
Person: Research, Academic
Ap Gwilym, Rhys
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Economics
- Rhanbarth - Tax and Welfare
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Academic
Apolloni, Dafydd
- Welsh 4 Adults - Welsh Language Tutor, Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- School of Welsh
Person: Support
Ashurst, Wendy
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Accounting / Director of Teaching and Learning
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
Person: Academic
Ashworth, David
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Professional Policing, Criminology & Criminal Justice
Person: Academic
Awst, Manon
- Pontio Arts - Creative Co-ordinator of Pontio Public Spaces
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
Person: Support
Bagheri, Mahshid
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Baker, Andrew
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Law / Director of Teaching and Learning
Person: Academic
Bakir, Vian
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Professor in Journalism and Political Communications
Person: Academic
Barnet, Alastair
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Honorary Research Associate
Person: Non Staff
Barron, Lorraine
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice
Person: Academic
Bataa, Erdenebat
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Economics
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Research, Academic
Bebb, Gwenno
- School of Education - Lecturer
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
Person: Support, Academic
Beech, Emily-Louise
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Graduate Teaching Assistant
Person: Support
Bishop, Emma
- School of Education - Lecturer in Education (Teaching & Scholarship, Initial Teacher Education)
Person: Academic
Boggan, Nerys
- College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Events & Employability Coordinator
Person: Support
Bonner, Elen
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Postdoctoral Research Officer
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences
Person: Research
Bradshaw, Ann
- School of Education - Schools and Learning Organisations Lead (NO ELEMENTS)
Person: Academic
Brosschot, Marian
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
Person: Support
Chapela-Orri, Ruben
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Tutor, Project Co-ordinator
Person: Professional, Academic
Clear, Stephen
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law, and Public Procurement, Law
Person: Academic
Clusa Ferrand, Marcel
- Student Support and Wellbeing - International Student Support Officer
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Tutor
Person: Professional, Academic
Collins, Briony
- College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Graduate Teaching Assistant
- Student Administration - Student Administrator
- School of Arts, Culture and Language
Person: Support
Collinson, Marc
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Political History
Person: Academic
Conran, Alys
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing
Person: Academic
Cox, Katie
- College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - College Marketing & Recruitment Officer
Person: Support
Crew, Teresa
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Social Policy
Person: Academic
Darabi, Fariba
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Davies, Chris
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
- The Institute of European Finance - Financial Innovation and Data Analytics
Person: Academic
Davies, Myfanwy
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Social Policy
Person: Academic
Dhaif, Ahmed
- International Education Centre - International Recruitment Officer
- Bangor Business School
Person: Support
Do, Duc
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer
- The Institute of European Finance - Credit Risk
- The Institute of European Finance - Responsible Banking
Person: Research, Academic
Doloriert, Clair
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Dunton, Joanna
- School of Education - Lecturer
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Language Therapist, Teaching Co-ordinator
Person: Professional, Academic
Elliott, Ruth
- School of Psychology & Sport Science - Tutor (Delivery & online portfolio development), Language Therapist
- School of Education
Person: Academic
Evans, Ffion
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Senior Lecturer in Performance
- School of Education
Person: Academic
Evans, Lois
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor Cymraeg i Oedolion, Tiwtor-Drefnydd Ardal Arfon
Person: Support, Academic
Evans-Jones, Gareth
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Lecturer in Religious Studies
Person: Academic
Eyo-Otung, Ama
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Public Procurement Law / Dean of Education and Student Experience
- School of Education - CELT Learning & Teaching Development
Person: Academic
Farrar, Stel
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Darlithyddiaeth Cyfrwng Cymraeg (CCC)
Person: Support, Academic
Feilzer, Martina
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Professor in Criminology & Criminal Justice
Person: Academic
Flanagan, Deborah
- MDC Ltd - Security Officer
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences
Person: Support
Gepp, Adrian
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Data Analytics
- The Institute of European Finance - Financial Innovation and Data Analytics
- Rhanbarth - Tourism, destinations and place engagement
Person: Research, Academic
Glyn, Gwen
- College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Swyddog Marchnata, Recriwtio a Digwyddiadau
Person: Support
Webb-Davies, Peredur
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Darllenydd / Cyfarwyddwr Addysgu a Dysgu yr Ysgol
Person: Academic
Grange, Laura
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Marine Biology
- School of Education - Reward and Recognition for T&L Lead
Person: Academic
Griffith, Gwenan
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Swyddog Cynaliadwyedd (Cyfathrebu ac Ymgysylltu)
Person: Professional
Groves, Edmund Arthur
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Research Project Support Officer
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences
Person: Research
Gruffydd, Nicola
- College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences - Senior Clerical Officer
Person: Support
Hamdan, Sadeque
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Data Analytics/Science
- The Institute of European Finance - Financial Innovation and Data Analytics
Person: Academic
Hanna, Sonya
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Marketing
- Rhanbarth - Tourism, destinations and place engagement
- Rhanbarth - Understanding Consumers
Person: Academic
He, He (Heather)
- Bangor Business School - Lecturer in Data Science/Analytics
- The Institute of European Finance - Financial Innovation and Data Analytics
Person: Research, Academic
Healand-Sloan, Rachel
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Operations and Events Support Officer
Person: Support
Heyworth-Thomas, Elizabeth
- Bangor Business School - Senior Lecturer in Management
- Rhanbarth - Organisational behaviour
Person: Academic
Hiscock, Andrew
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Professor in Early Modern Literature
Person: Academic
Hodges, Rhian
- School of History, Law and Social Sciences - Uwch Darlithydd Cymdeithaseg a Pholisi Cym / Dirp Gyf Add a Dysgu (Cyf Cymraeg)
Person: Academic
Hodgkinson, Lynn
- Bangor Business School - Professor in Accounting & Finance
- Rhanbarth - Tax and Welfare
- The Institute of European Finance - Accounting and Governance
Person: Academic