School of Ocean Sciences

  1. Published

    Linking life history traits in successive phases of a complex life cycle: effects of larval biomass on early juvenile development in an estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata.

    Gimenez, L., Anger, K. & Torres, G., 1 Mar 2004, In: Oikos. 104, 3, p. 570-580

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  2. Published

    Marine community ecology: the importance of trait-mediated effects propagating through complex life cycles.

    Gimenez, L., 1 Nov 2004, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 283, p. 303-310

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Published

    Ecología de comunidades de playas de Cabo Polonio (Rocha, Uruguay)

    Gimenez, L., Yannicelli, B., Conde, D. (ed.) & Scarabino, F. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, Bases para la conservacicón y manejo de la costa uruguaya. 2006 ed. Vida Silvestre, Montevideo, p. 535-544

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  4. Published

    Settlement of shore crab Carcinus maenas on a mesotidal open habitat as a function of transport mechanisms.

    Gimenez, L. & Dick, S., 24 May 2007, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 338, p. 159-168

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Published

    Uncertainty relationships in the estimation of settlement rates of mobile marine organisms

    Gimenez, L., 26 Feb 2009, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 377, p. 103-111

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Comunidades bentónicas estuarinas de la costa uruguaya

    Gimenez, L., Conde, D. (ed.) & Scarabino, F. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, Bases para la conservacicón y manejo de la costa uruguaya. 2006 ed. Vida Silvestre, Montevideo, p. 179-188

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  7. Published

    Unravelling the complex structure of a benthic community: A multiscale-multianalytical approach to an estuarine sandflat.

    Gimenez, L., Dimitriadis, C., Carranza, A., Borthagaray, A. I. & Rodriguez, M., 1 Jul 2006, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 68, 3-4, p. 462-472

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Published

    Relationships between habitat conditions, larval traits, and juvenile performance in a marine invertebrate.

    Gimenez, L., 1 May 2010, In: Ecology. 91, 5, p. 1401-1413

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Phenotypic links in complex life cycles: conclusions from studies with decapod crustaceans.

    Gimenez, L., 1 Oct 2006, In: Integrative and Comparative Biology. 46, 5, p. 615-622

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Delving deeper: Metabolic processes in the metalimnion of stratified lakes

    Giling, D. P., Staehr, P. A., Grossart, H. P., Andersen, M. R., Boehrer, B., Escot, C., Evrendilek, F., Gomez-Gener, L., Honti, M., Jones, I. D., Karakaya, N., Laas, A., Moreno-Ostos, E., Rinke, K., Scharfenberger, U., Schmidt, S. R., Weber, M., Woolway, R. I., Zwart, J. A. & Obrador, B., 1 May 2017, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 62, 3, p. 1288-1306

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Published

    A Late Pleistocene channelized subglacial meltwater system on the Atlantic continental shelf south of Ireland

    Giglio, C., Benetti, S., Sacchetti, F., Lockhart, E. A., Clarke, J. H., Plets, R., Van Landeghem, K., Ó Cofaigh, C., Scourse, J. & Dunlop, P., Jan 2022, In: Boreas. 51, 1, p. 118-135

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    A methodology for screening haemolymph of intertidal mussels, Mytilus edulis, using FT-IR spectroscopy as a tool for environmental assesment.

    Gidman, E. A., Jones, M. L., Bussell, J. A., Malham, S., Reynolds, B., Seed, R., Causton, D. R., Johnson, H. E. & Gwynn-Jones, D., 1 Dec 2007, In: Metabolomics. 3, 4, p. 465-473

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Environmental DNA metabarcoding for fish diversity assessment in a macrotidal estuary: A comparison with established fish survey methods

    Gibson, T., Carvalho, G., Ellison, A., Gargiulo, E., Hatton-Ellis, T., Handley, L. L., Mariani, S., Collins, R. A., Sellers, G., Distaso, M., Zampieri, C. & Creer, S., 1 Nov 2023, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 294, 108522.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    The Behaviour of Dissolved Organic Matters During Sea Ice Formation.

    Giannelli, V., Thomas, D. N., Kennedy, H. A., Kattner, G., Dieckmann, G. S. & Haas, C., 1 Jan 2000.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  15. Published

    Behaviour of dissolved organic matter and inorganic nutrients during experimental sea ice formation.

    Giannelli, V., Thomas, D. N., Haas, C., Kattner, G., Kennedy, H. & Dieckmann, G. S., 1 Jan 2001, In: Annals of Glaciology. 33, 1, p. 317-321

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Spring organic matter and microbial dynamics at South Georgia, South Atlantic: comparison of a shelf versus an Oceanic site.

    Giannelli, V., Leakey, R., Thomas, D. N., Kennedy, H. A., Priddle, J. & Whitehouse, M. J., 1 Jan 2000.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  17. Published

    Some numerical aspects of modelling flow around hydraulic structures using incompressible SPH

    Ghadampour, Z., Hashemi, M. R., Talebbeydokhti, N., Neill, S. P. & Nikseresht, A. H., 8 May 2015, In: Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 69, 12, p. 1470-1483

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Fingerprinting Blue Carbon: Rationale and Tools to Determine the Source of Organic Carbon in Marine Depositional Environments

    Geraldi, N. R., Ortega, A., Serrano, O., Macreadie, P. I., Lovelock, C. E., Krause-Jensen, D., Kennedy, H., Lavery, P. S., Pace, M. L., Kaal, J. & Duarte, C. M., 22 May 2019, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 263.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Interactive Visual Analytics of Coastal Oceanographic Simulation data

    George, R., Robins, P., Davies, A. & Roberts, J. C., 14 Oct 2012. 2 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  20. Published

    Interactive visual analytics of hydrodynamic flux for the coastal zone

    George, R. L., Robins, P. E., Davies, A. G., Ritsos, P. D. & Roberts, J. C., 7 May 2014, In: Environmental Earth Sciences. 71, 10, p. 3733-3766

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Published

    Interactive Oceanographic Visualization using spatially-aggregated Parallel Coordinate Plots: In EuroVis 2014 Poster

    George, R., Ritsos, P. D. & Roberts, J. C., 9 Jun 2014. 3 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

  22. Published

    Body size-dependent responses of a marine fish assemblage to climate change and fishing over a century-long scale.

    Genner, M. J., Sims, D. W., Southward, A. J., Budd, G. C., Masterson, P., McHugh, M., Rendle, P., Southall, E. J., Wearmouth, V. J. & Hawkins, S. J., 1 Feb 2010, In: Global Change Biology. 16, 2, p. 517-527

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Regional climatic warming drives long-term community changes of British marine fish.

    Genner, M. J., Sims, D. W., Wearmouth, V. J., Southall, E. J., Southward, A. J., Henderson, P. A. & Hawkins, S. J., 1 Mar 2004, In: Proceedings of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences. 271, 1539, p. 655-661

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  24. Published

    Temperature-driven phenological changes within a marine larval fish assemblage.

    Genner, M. J., Halliday, N. C., Simpson, S. D., Southward, A. J., Hawkins, S. J. & Sims, D. W., 1 May 2010, In: Journal of Plankton Research. 32, 5, p. 699-708

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    Abundance and distribution of Octopus cyanea in the Rodrigues Lagoon.

    Genave, J. T., Turner, J. R., Latchford, J., Burnett, J. C. (ed.), Kavanagh, J. S. (ed.), Spencer, T. (ed.) & Latchford, J., 1 Jan 2001, Shoals of Capricorn Programme Field Report 1998–2001: Marine science: training and education in the western Indian Ocean. 2001 ed. Royal Society and Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers), p. 65

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  26. Published

    Heterogeneity in fishers' harvesting decisions under a marine territorial user rights policy.

    Gelcich, S., Edwards-Jones, G. & Kaiser, M. J., 1 Mar 2007, In: Ecological Economics. 61, 2-3, p. 246-254

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    Importance of attitudinal differences among artisanal fishers toward co-management and conservation of marine resources.

    Gelcich, S., Edwards-Jones, G. & Kaiser, M. J., 1 Jun 2005, In: Conservation Biology. 19, 3, p. 865-875

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. Published

    Co-management policy can reduce resilience in traditionally managed marine ecosystems.

    Gelcich, S., Edwards-Jones, G., Kaiser, M. J. & Castilla, J. C., 1 Sept 2006, In: Ecosystems. 9, 6, p. 951-966

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. Published

    Engagement in co-management of marine benthic resources influences environmental perceptions of artisanal fishers.

    Gelcich, S., Kaiser, M. J., Castilla, J. C. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Mar 2008, In: Environmental Conservation. 35, 1, p. 36-45

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Using discourses for policy evaluation: the case of marine common property rights in Chile.

    Gelcich, S., Edwards-Jones, G., Kaiser, M. J. & Watson, E., 1 Apr 2005, In: Society and Natural Resources. 18, 4, p. 377-391

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  31. Published

    A progress report on the control of the free surface in a 3D Navier Stokes solver for coastal applications.

    Gejadze, I., Copeland, G., Neill, S. P., Fang, F. & Pain, C., 1 Jan 2004, p. 681-694.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  32. Published

    Interactive responses to temperature and salinity in larvae of the Asian brush-clawed crab Hemigrapsus takanoi: relevance for range expansion into the Baltic Sea, in the context of climate change

    Geißel, J. P., Espinosa-Novo, N., Gimenez Noya, L., Ewers, C., Cornelius, A., Martinez-Alarcon, D., Harzsch, S. & Torres, G., 29 Feb 2024, In: Biological Invasions. 26, 6, p. 1685-1704 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Primary productivity of planet earth: biological determinants and physical constraints in terrestrial and aquatic habitats.

    Geider, R. J., DeLucia, E. H., Falkowski, P. G., Finzi, A. C., Grime, J. P., Grace, J., Kana, T. M., La Roche, J., Long, S. P., Osborne, B. A., Platt, T., Prentice, I. C., Raven, J. A., Schlesinger, W. H., Smetacek, V., Stuart, V., Sathyendranath, S., Thomas, R. B., Vogelmann, T. C., Williams, P. J. & Woodward, F. I., 1 Dec 2001, In: Global Change Biology. 7, 8, p. 849-882

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  34. Published

    Food sources, behaviour and distribution of hydrothermal vent shrimps at the Mid–Atlantic Ridge

    Gebruk, A. V., Southward, E. C., Kennedy, H. A. & Southward, A. J., 1 Jun 2000, In: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 80, 3, p. 485-499

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. Published

    Ecological role of an offshore industry artificial structure

    Gates, A., Serpell-Stevens, A., Chandler, C., Horton, T., Grange, L., Robert, K., Bevan, A. & Jones, D., 12 Nov 2019, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 14 p., 675.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Conserving populations at low abundance: delayed functional maturity and Allee effects in reproductive behaviour of the queen conch Strombus gigas

    Gascoigne, J. C. & Lipcius, R. N., 21 Dec 2004, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 284, p. 185-194

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Density dependence, spatial scale and patterning in sessile biota.

    Gascoigne, J. C., Beadman, H. A., Saurel, C. & Kaiser, M. J., 1 Sept 2005, In: Oecologia. 145, 3, p. 371-381

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Periodic dynamics in a two-stage Allee effect model are driven by tension between stage equilibria

    Gascoigne, J. C. & Lipcius, R. N., 1 Dec 2005, In: Theoretical Population Biology. 68, 4, p. 237-241

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  39. Published

    Allee effects in marine systems.

    Gascoigne, J. C. & Lipcius, R. N., 25 Mar 2004, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 269, p. 49-59

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Published

    Allee effects driven by predation.

    Gascoigne, J. C. & Lipcius, R. N., 1 Oct 2004, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 41, 5, p. 801-810

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    Mapping the consequences of artificial light at night for intertidal ecosystems

    Garratt, M., Jenkins, S. & Davies, T., 15 Nov 2019, In: Science of the Total Environment. 691, p. 760-768

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. E-pub ahead of print

    Estimating common whelk (Buccinum undatum) abundance using baited remote underwater video (BRUV)

    Garratt, M., Bloor, I., Coleman, M., Colvin, C., Hiddink, J. G., Hold, N., Phillips, E., Ward, S. & Jenkins, S., 11 Sept 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: ICES Journal of Marine Science.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Published

    The use of environmental DNA metabarcoding and quantitative PCR for molecular detection of marine invasive non-native species associated with artificial structures

    Gargan, L., Dublin, U., Vye, S., Ironside, J., Jenkins, S., Dublin, U. & Dublin, U., 1 Mar 2022, In: Biological Invasions. 24, p. 635-648

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Modelling and mapping the local distribution of representative species on the Le Danois Bank, El Cachucho Marine Protected Area (Cantabrian Sea)

    García-Alegrea, A., Sánchez, F., Gómez-Ballesteros, M., Hinz, H., Serrano, A. & Parrad, S., 5 Jan 2014, In: Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 106, August, p. 151-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    Effect of different diets on proteolytic enzyme activity, trypsinogen gene expression and dietary carbon assimilation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae.

    Gamboa-Delgado, J., Le Vay, L., Fernandez-Diaz, C., Canavate, P., Ponce, M., Zerolo, R. & Manchado, M., 1 Apr 2011, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 158, 4, p. 251-258

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    Natural stable isotopes as indicators of the relative contribution of soy protein and fish meal to tissue growth in Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) fed compound diets.

    Gamboa-Delgado, J. & Le Vay, L., 3 Jun 2009, In: Aquaculture. 291, 1-2, p. 115-123

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Published
  48. Published

    Natural carbon stable isotope ratios as indicators of the relative contribution of live and inert diets to growth in larval Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis).

    Gamboa-Delgado, J., Canavate, J. P., Zerolo, R. & Le Vay, L., 1 Aug 2008, In: Aquaculture. 280, 1-4, p. 190-197

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    Development of larval culture techniques for the shore crab, Carcinus maenas (L)

    Galley, T., Green, B. C., Watkins, L. & Le Vay, L., Apr 2011, In: Aquaculture International. 19, 2, p. 381-394

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Optimisation of larval culture of the mussel Mytilus edulis (L.)

    Galley, T. H., Batista, F. M., Braithwaite, R., King, J. & Beaumont, A. R., 1 Apr 2010, In: Aquaculture International. 18, 3, p. 315-325

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  51. Published

    Optimisation of larval culture of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis.

    Galley, T. H., Braithwaite, R., Batista, F. M., King, J. W. & Beaumont, A. R., 1 Jan 2008.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  52. Published

    Influence of exogenous chemicals on larval development and survival of the king scallop Pecten maximus (L.)

    Galley, T., Beaumont, A., Le Vay, L. & King, J., 1 May 2017, In: Aquaculture. 474, p. 48-56 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  53. Published

    Factors affecting byssus attachment in juvenile scallops, Pecten maximus (L.)

    Galley, T., Beaumont, A., Le Vay, L. & King, J., 15 Nov 2020, In: Aquaculture. 528, 735504.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  54. Published

    The seasonal movement and abundance of the starfish, Asterias rubens in relation to mussel farming practice: A case study from the Menai Strait, UK.

    Gallagher, T., Richardson, C. A., Seed, R. & Jones, T., 1 Dec 2008, In: Journal of Shellfish Research. 27, 5, p. 1209-1215

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  55. Published

    A Review of Earth Observation data of Ocean Colour: Application to Case 2 waters

    Gaffney, S. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Centre for Applied Marine Sciences Report CAMS 2005-7.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  56. Published

    Light-dependence of metabolic balance of a highly productive Philippine seagrass community

    Gacia, E., Kennedy, H. A., Duarte, C. M., Terrados, J., Marba, N., Papadimitriou, S. & Fortes, M., 9 Mar 2005, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 316, 1, p. 55-67

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  57. Published

    Sediment deposition and production in SE Asian seagrass meadows.

    Gacia, E., Duarte, C. M., Marba, N., Terrados, J., Kennedy, H., Fortes, M. D. & Tri, N. H., 1 Apr 2003, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 56, 5-6, p. 909-919

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  58. Published

    Genetically mediated anti-predator responses in bivalve molluscs.

    Fässler, S. M. & Kaiser, M. J., 15 Jul 2008, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 363, p. 217-225

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  59. Published

    Deglacial to postglacial palaeoenvironments of the Celtic Sea: lacustrine conditions versus a continuous marine sequence

    Furze, M. F., Scourse, J. D., Pienkowski, A. J., Marret, F., Hobbs, W. O., Carter, R. A. & Long, B. T., 1 Jan 2014, In: Boreas. 43, 1, p. 149-174

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  60. Published

    New cetacean ΔR values for Arctic North America and their implications for marine-mammal-based palaeoenvironmental reconstructions

    Furze, M. F., Pienkowski, A. J. & Coulthard, R. D., 1 May 2014, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 91, p. 218-241

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  61. Published

    Low levels of contaminants impair survival skills of Atlantic croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) larvae.

    Fuiman, L. A., McCarthy, I. D. & Alvarez, M. C., 1 Jan 2003.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  62. Published

    Kelvin‐Helmholtz Billow Interactions and Instabilities in the Mesosphere Over the Andes Lidar Observatory: 2. Modeling and Interpretation

    Fritts, D. C., Wieland, S. A., Lund, T. S., Thorpe, S. A. & Hecht, J. H., 16 Jan 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research : Atmospheres. 126, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  63. Published

    Macro-nutrient concentrations in Antarctic pack ice: Overall patterns and overlooked processes

    Fripiat, F., Meiners, K. M., Vancoppenolle, M., Papadimitriou, S., Thomas, D. N., Ackley, S. F., Arrigo, K. R., Carnet, G., Cozzi, S., Delille, B., Dieckmann, G. S., Dunbar, R. B., Fransson, A., Kattner, G., Kennedy, H., Lannuzel, D., Munro, D. R., Nomura, D., Rintala, J-M., Schoemann, V., Stefels, J., Steiner, N. & Tison, J-L., 29 Mar 2017, In: Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene. 5

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  64. Published

    Ion microprobe assessment of the heterogeneity of Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios in Pecten maximus and Mytilus edulis (bivalvia) shell calcite precipitated at constant temperature.

    Freitas, P. S., Clarke, L. J., Kennedy, H. A. & Richardson, C. A., 1 Jan 2009, In: Biogeosciences. 6, 7, p. 1209-1227

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  65. Published

    Environmental and biological controls on elemental (Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Mn/Ca) ratios in shells of the king scallop Pecten maximus.

    Freitas, P. S., Clarke, L. J., Kennedy, H. A., Richardson, C. A. & Abrantes, F., 15 Oct 2006, In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 70, 20, p. 5119-5133

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  66. Published

    The potential of combined Mg/Ca and δ18O measurements within the shell of the bivalve Pecten maximus to estimate seawater δ18O composition

    Freitas, P. S., Clarke, L. J., Kennedy, H. & Richardson, C. A., 6 Jan 2012, In: Chemical Geology. 291, p. 286-293

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  67. Published

    Manganese in the shell of the bivalve Mytilus edulis: seawater Mn or physiological control

    Freitas, P. S., Clarke, L. J., Kennedy, H. & Richardson, C., 1 Dec 2016, In: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 194, December, p. 266-278

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  68. Published

    Inter- and intra-specimen variability masks reliable temperature control on shell Mg/Ca ratios in laboratory and field cultured Mytilus edulis and Pecten maximus (bivalvia)

    Freitas, P. S., Clarke, L., Kennedy, H. A. & Richardson, C. A., 8 Feb 2008, In: Biogeosciences Discussions. 5, p. 531-572

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  69. Published

    Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca, and stable-isotope (δ18O and δ13C) ratio profiles from the fan mussel Pinna nobilis: Seasonal records and temperature relationships.

    Freitas, P., Clarke, L. J., Kennedy, H. A., Richardson, C. A. & Abrantes, F., 12 Apr 2005, In: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 6, p. Q04D14

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  70. Published

    Seasonal abundance, spatial distribution, spawning and growth of Astropecten irregularis (Echinodermata : Asteroidea).

    Freeman, S. M., Richardson, C. & Seed, R., 1 Jul 2001, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 53, 1, p. 39-49

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  71. Published
  72. Published
  73. Published

    Temporal and spatial variation in sulphide invasion in eelgrass (Zostera marina) as reflected by its sulphur isotopic composition.

    Frederiksen, M. S., Holmer, M., Borum, J. & Kennedy, H., 1 Jan 2006, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 51, 5, p. 2308-2318

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  74. Published

    A multidisciplinary approach in the design of marine protected areas: Integration of science and stakeholder based methods

    Frau, A. R., Possingham, H. P., Edwards-Jones, G., Klein, C. J., Segan, D. & Kaiser, M. J., 24 Nov 2014, In: Ocean and Coastal Management. 103, p. 86-93

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  75. Published

    Preference classes in society for coastal marine protected areas

    Frau, A., Gibbons, J., Hinz, H., Edwards-Jones, G. & Kaiser, M., 23 Apr 2019, In: PeerJ. PubMed 31065453 .

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  76. Published

    Practical Approaches for Providing Empirical Data on Seabird Behavior and Prey Assemblages in Tidal Channels

    Fraser, S. & Waggitt, J., 15 Jul 2022, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, 851476.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  77. Published

    Ocean currents magnify upwelling and deliver nutritional subsidies to reef-building corals during El Niño heatwaves

    Fox, M., Guillaume-Castel, R., Edwards, C., Glanz, J., Gove, J. M., Green, M., Juhlin, E., Smith, J. & Williams, G. J., 14 Jun 2023, In: Science Advances. 9, 24, eadd5032.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  78. Published

    Gradients in primary production predict trophic strategies of mixotrophic corals across spatial scales

    Fox, M. D., Williams, G. J., Johnson, M. D., Radice, V. Z., Zgliczynski, B. J., Kelly, E. L. A., Rohwer, F. L., Sandin, S. A. & Smith, J. E., 5 Nov 2018, In: Current Biology. 28, 21, p. 3355-3363

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  79. Published

    Restructuring of benthic communities in eutrophic estuaries: lower abundance of prey leads to trophic shifts from omnivory to grazing.

    Fox, S. E., Teichberg, M., Olsen, Y. S., Heffner, L. & Valiela, I., 7 Apr 2009, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 380, p. 43-57

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  80. Published

    Seagrass ecosystems as a globally significant carbon stock

    Fourqurean, J. W., Duarte, C. M., Kennedy, H., Marbà, N., Holmer, M., Mateo, M. A., Apostolaki, E. T., Kendrick, G. A., Krause-Jensen, D., McGlathery, K. J. & Serrano, O., 20 May 2012, In: Nature Geoscience. 5, p. 505-509

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  81. Published

    Seabed mapping using acoustic ground discrimination interpreted with ground truthing

    Foster-Smith, R., Brown, C., Meadows, W., Rees, E. I., Davies, J. (ed.), Bradley, D. (ed.), Connor, D. (ed.), Khan, J. (ed.), Murray, E. (ed.), Sanderson, W. (ed.), Turnbull, C. (ed.) & Vincent, M. (ed.), 1 Jan 2001, Marine Monitoring Handbook. UK Marine SACs Project. 2001 ed. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, p. 183-197

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  82. Published

    Mg in aragonitic bivalve shells: Seasonal variations and mode of incorporation in Arctica islandica.

    Foster, L. C., Finch, A. A., Allison, N., Andersson, C. & Clarke, L. J., 1 Aug 2008, In: Chemical Geology. 254, 1-2, p. 113-119

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  83. Published

    Towards an absolute chronology for the marine environment: the developing Arctica chronology.

    Forsythe, G. T., Scourse, J. D., Harris, I., Richardson, C. A., Jones, P., Briffa, K. & Heinemeier, J., 1 Jan 2003.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  84. Published

    Towards an absolute chronology for the marine environment: the development of a 1000-year record from Arctica islandica.

    Forsythe, G. T., Scourse, J. D., Harris, I., Richardson, C. A., Jones, P., Briffa, K. & Heinemeier, J., 1 Jan 2003.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  85. Published

    True blue: Temporal and spatial stability of pelagic wildlife at a submarine canyon

    Forrest, J. A. H., Bouchet, P. J., Barley, S. C., McLennan, A. G. & Meeuwig, J. J., 30 Mar 2021, In: Ecosphere. 12, 3, e03423.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  86. Published

    The need for a people’s perspective when exploring climate change and cultural heritage

    Forino, G., Yorke, L., Robinson, G., Austin, M., Sieradzan, K. & Hewitt, J., 28 Jun 2023, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers .

    Research output: Other contributionpeer-review

  87. Published

    The importance of canopy complexity in shaping seasonal spider and beetle assemblages in saltmarsh habitats

    Ford, H., Evans, B., van Klink, R., Skov, M. & Garbutt, A., 1 Apr 2017, In: Ecological Entomology. 42, 2, p. 145-155

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  88. Published

    Recurring bleaching events disrupt the spatial properties of coral reef benthic communities across scales

    Ford, H., Gove, J. M., Healey, J., Davies, A., Graham, N. & Williams, G. J., 10 Jul 2023, In: Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. 10, 1, p. 39-55 17 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  89. Published

    The fundamental links between climate change and marine plastic pollution

    Ford, H. V., Jones, N., Davies, A. J., Godley, B. J., Jambeck, J. R., Napper, I. E., Suckling, C. C., Williams, G. J., Woodall, L. & Koldewey, H. J., 1 Feb 2022, In: Science of the Total Environment. 806, Pt 1, 150392.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  90. Published

    Soil stabilization linked to plant diversity and environmental context in coastal wetlands

    Ford, H., Garbutt, A., Ladd, C., Malarkey, J. & Skov, M. W., Mar 2016, In: Journal of Vegetation Science. 27, 2, p. 259-268

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  91. Published

    Spatial scaling properties of coral reef benthic communities

    Ford, H., Gove, J. M., Davies, A., Graham, N. A. J., Healey, J., Conklin, E. & Williams, G. J., 1 Feb 2021, In: Ecography. 44, 2, p. 188-198 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  92. Published

    Large-scale predictions of salt-marsh carbon stock based on simple observations of plant community and soil type

    Ford, H., Garbutt, A., Duggan-Edwards, M., Pages, J. F., Harvey, R., Ladd, C. & Skov, M. W., 25 Jan 2019, In: Biogeosciences. 16, 2, p. 425-436 436 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  93. Published

    Local human impacts disrupt relationships between benthic reef assemblages and environmental predictors

    Ford, A., Jouffray, J-B., Norstrom, A. V., Moore, B., Nugues, M., Williams, G. J., Bejarano, S., Magron, F., Wild, C. & Ferse, S., 21 Oct 2020, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 7, 571115.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  94. Published

    Metagenetic analysis of patterns of distribution and diversity of marine meiobenthic eukaryotes

    Fonseca, V. G., Carvalho, G. R., Nichols, B., Quince, C., Johnson, H. F., Neill, S. P., Lambshead, J. D., Thomas, W. K., Power, D. M. & Creer, S., 25 Aug 2014, In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. 23, 11, p. 1293–1302

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  95. Published

    Organic Carbon Concentration in the Northern Coastal Baltic Sea between 1975 and 2011

    Fleming-Lehtinen, V., Raike, A., Kortelainen, P., Kauppila, P. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Mar 2015, In: Estuaries and Coasts. 38, 2, p. 466-481

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  96. Published

    Effectiveness of cooking to reduce Norovirus and infectious F-specific RNA bacteriophage concentrations in Mytilus edulis

    Flannery, J., Rajko-Nenow, P., Winterbourn, J. B., Malham, S. K. & Jones, D. L., 1 Aug 2014, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology. 117, 2, p. 564-571

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  97. Published

    Challenger Society for Marine Science: Increasing Opportunity Through an Equity, Diversity, Inclusivity, and Accessibility Working Group

    Fisher, B., Hendry, K., Damerell, G., Baker, C., Goddard-Dwyer, M., Joshi, S., Marzocchi, A., Nousek-McGregor, A., Robinson, C., Sieradzan, K., Tagliabue, A. & Van Landeghem, K., Dec 2023, In: Oceanography. 36, 4, p. 150-151

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  98. Published

    Turbulent dissipation in the Rhine ROFI forced by tidal flow and wind stress.

    Fisher, N. R., Simpson, J. H. & Howarth, M. J., 1 Dec 2002, In: Journal of Sea Research. 48, 4, p. 249-258

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  99. Published

    Quantitative determination of CaCO3 precipitation and biogeochemistry in Antarctic sea ice.

    Fischer, M., Krell, A., Nehrke, G., Goettlicher, J., Norman, L., Thomas, D. N., Riaux-Gobin, C. & Dieckmann, G. S., 1 Jan 2010.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  100. Published

    Quantification of ikaite in Antarctic sea ice

    Fischer, M., Thomas, D. N., Krell, A., Nehrke, G., Göttlicher, J., Norman, L., Meiners, K. M., Riaux-Gobin, C. & Dieckmann, G. S., Jun 2013, In: Antarctic Science. 25, 3, p. 421-432

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  101. Published

    Historical comparisons reveal multiple drivers of decadal change of an ecosystem engineer at the range edge

    Firth, L., Mieszkowska, N., Grant, L. M., Bush, L., Davies, A., Frost, M. T., Moschella, P. S., Burrows, M. T., Cunningham, P. N., Dye, S. R. & Hawkins, S., Aug 2015, In: Ecology and Evolution. 5, 15, p. 3210-3222

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  102. Published

    Biodiversity in intertidal rock pools: Informing engineering criteria for artificial habitat enhancement in the built environment

    Firth, L. B., Schofield, M., White, F. J., Skov, M. W. & Hawkins, S. J., 1 Dec 2014, In: Marine Environmental Research. 102, December, p. 122-130

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  103. Published

    Specific niche requirements underpin multidecadal range edge stability, but may introduce barriers for climate change adaptation

    Firth, L. B., Harris, D., Blaze, J. A., Marzloff, M. P., Boye, A., Miller, P. I., Curd, A., Nunn, J. D., O'Connor, N. E., Power, A. M., Mieszkowska, N., O'Riordan, R. M., Burrows, M. T., Bricheno, L. M., Knights, A. M., Nunes, F. L. D., Bordeyne, F., Bush, L., Byers, J. E., David, C., Davies, A., Dubois, S. F., Edwards, H., Foggo, A., Grant, L., Green, M., Gribben, P., Lima, F. P., McGrath, D., Noel, L. M. L. J., Seabra, R., Simkanin, C., Vasquez, M. & Hawkins, S. J., Apr 2021, In: Diversity and Distributions. 27, 4, p. 668-683

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  104. Published

    Between a rock and a hard place: Environmental and engineering considerations when designing coastal defence structures

    Firth, L. B., Thompson, R. C., Bohn, K., Abbiati, M., Airoldi, L., Bouma, T. J., Bozzeda, F., Ceccherelli, V. U., Colangelo, M. A., Evans, A., Ferrario, F., Hanley, M. E., Hinz, H., Hoggart, S. P., Jackson, J. E., Moore, P., Morgan, E. H., Perkol-Finkel, S., Skov, M. W., Strain, E. M., van Belzen, J. & Hawkins, S. J., 1 May 2014, In: Coastal Engineering. 87, p. 122-135

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  105. Published

    Facing the future: the importance of substratum features for ecological engineering of artificial habitats in the rocky intertidal

    Firth, L. B., White, F. J., Schofield, M., Hanley, M. E., Burrows, M. T., Thompson, R. C., Skov, M. W., Evans, A. J., Moore, P. J. & Hawkins, S. J., 13 Jul 2015, In: Marine and Freshwater Research. 67, 1, p. 131-143

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  106. Published

    Predicting impacts of climate-induced range expansion: an experimental framework and a test involving key grazers on temperate rocky shores.

    Firth, L. B., Crowe, T. P., Moore, P., Thompson, R. C. & Hawkins, S. J., 1 Jun 2009, In: Global Change Biology. 15, 6, p. 1413-1422

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  107. Published

    Late winter biogeochemical conditions under sea ice in the Canadian High Arctic

    Findlay, H. S., Edwards, L. A., Lewis, C. N., Cooper, G. A., Clement, R., Hardman-Mountford, N., Vagle, S. & Miller, L. A., 9 Dec 2015, In: Polar Research. 34

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  108. Published

    Differences in the properties of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in Antarctic sea ice environments.

    Fietz, S., Thomas, D. N., Papadimitriou, S. & Underwood, G. J., 1 Jan 2007.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  109. Published

    Changes of the diatom exopolymer matrix in Antarctic sea-ice as a response to environmental change.

    Fietz, S., Thomas, D. N. & Underwood, G. J., 1 Jan 2007.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  110. Published

    Ultrastructural, biochemical, and immunological characterization of two populations of the mytilid mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: evidence for a dual symbiosis.

    Fiala-Medioni, A., McKiness, Z., Dando, P., Boulegue, J., Mariotti, A., Alayse-Danet, A., Robinson, J. & Cavanaugh, C., 1 Dec 2002, In: Marine Biology. 141, 6, p. 1035-1043

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  111. Published

    Observing estuarine currents and fronts in the Tay Estuary, Scotland, using an airborne SAR with along-track interferometry (ATI)

    Ferrier, G., Macklin, J. T., Neill, S. P., Folkard, A. M., Copeland, G. J. & Anderson, J. M., 20 Oct 2005, In: International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26, 20, p. 4399-4404

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  112. Published

    Physiological response of fucoid algae to environmental stress: comparing range centre and southern populations

    Ferreira, J. G., Arenas, F., Martinez, B., Hawkins, S. J. & Jenkins, S. R., 1 Jun 2014, In: New Phytologist. 202, 4, p. 1157-1172

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  113. Published

    Physical and biological control of fucoid recruitment in range edge and range centre populations

    Ferreira, J. G., Hawkins, S. J. & Jenkins, S. R., 7 Jan 2015, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 518, p. 85-94

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  114. Published

    Patterns of reproductive traits of fucoid species in core and marginal populations

    Ferreira, J. G., Hawkins, S. & Jenkins, S. R., 2 Sept 2015, In: European Journal of Phycology. 50, 4, p. 457-468

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  115. Published

    High genetic diversity at a local scale in dwarf eelgrass, Zostera nolit.

    Fernandez, M. V., Kennedy, H. A. & Beaumont, A. R., 1 Jan 2008.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  116. Published

    Contribution of entrainment and vertical plumes to the winter cascading of cold shelf waters in a deep lake.

    Fer, I., Lemmin, U. & Thorpe, S. A., 1 Mar 2002, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 47, 2, p. 576-580

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  117. Published

    Tidally-forced lee waves drive turbulent mixing along the Arctic Ocean margins

    Fer, I., Koenig, Z., Koslov, I., Ostrowski, M., Rippeth, T., Padman, L., Bosse, A. & Kolas, E., 28 Aug 2020, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 47, 16, 2020GL088083R.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  118. Published

    Observations of mixing near the sides of a deep lake in winter.

    Fer, I., Lemmin, U. & Thorpe, S. A., 1 Mar 2002, In: Limnology and Oceanography. 47, 2, p. 535-544

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  119. Published

    Winter cascading of cold water in Lake Geneva.

    Fer, I., Lemmin, U. & Thorpe, S. A., 1 Jun 2002, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 107, C6, p. 3060

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  120. Published

    Catch yield and selectivity of a modified scallop dredge to reduce seabed impact

    Fenton, M., Szostek, C., Delargy, A., Johnson, A. F., Kaiser, M. J., Hinz, H., Hold, N. & Sciberras, M., 13 May 2024, In: PLoS ONE. 19, 5, p. e0302225

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  121. Published

    A checklist of the corals of the island state of Rodrigues, Mauritius.

    Fenner, D., Clark, T. H., Turner, J. R. & Chapman, B., 1 Dec 2004, In: Journal of Natural History. 38, 23-24, p. 3091-3102

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  122. Published

    The science of European marine reserves: Status, efficacy, and future needs

    Fenberg, P. B., Caselle, J. E., Claudet, J., Clemence, M., Gaines, S. D., Antonio Garcia-Charton, J., Goncalves, E. J., Grorud-Colvert, K., Guidetti, P., Jenkins, S. R., Jones, P. J. S., Lester, S. E., McAllen, R., Moland, E., Planes, S. & Sorensen, T. K., Sept 2012, In: Marine Policy. 36, 5, p. 1012-1021

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  123. Published

    Wales- Changing Climate, Challenging Choices. The impact of climate change in Wales from now to 2080 - a scoping study of climate change impacts in Wales

    Farrar, J. F. (ed.), Vaze, P., Edwards-Jones, E., Edwards-Jones, G., Elliston, P., Evans, P., Good, J., Good, P., Hulme, M., Lonsdale, J., Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., Ormerod, S., Patel, D., Reynolds, B. & Roberts, J., 1 Jan 2000, 2000 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  124. Published

    Critical Evaluation of CrAssphage as a Molecular Marker for Human-Derived Wastewater Contamination in the Aquatic Environment

    Farkas, K., Adriaenssens, E. M., Walker, D. I., McDonald, J., Malham, S. & Jones, D. L., 1 Jun 2019, In: Food and Environmental Virology. 11, 2, p. 113-119

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  125. Published

    Concentration and Quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in Wastewater Using Polyethylene Glycol-Based Concentration and qRT-PCR.(vol 4, 17, 2021)

    Farkas, K., Hillary, L. S., Thorpe, J., Walker, D. I., Lowther, J. A., McDonald, J. E., Malham, S. K. & Jones, D. L., 12 Nov 2021, In: Methods and Protocols. 4, 4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  126. Published

    Two-Step Concentration of Complex Water Samples for the Detection of Viruses

    Farkas, K., McDonald, J., Malham, S. & Jones, D. L., 10 Sept 2018, In: Methods and Protocols. 1, 3, 35.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  127. Published

    Seasonal and diurnal surveillance of treated and untreated wastewater for human enteric viruses

    Farkas, K., Marshall, M., Cooper, D., McDonald, J. E., Malham, S. K., Peters, D. E., Maloney, J. D. & Jones, D. L., Nov 2018, In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25, 33, p. 33391-33401

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  128. Published

    Evaluation of Molecular Methods for the Detection and Quantification of Pathogen-Derived Nucleic Acids in Sediment

    Farkas, K., Hassard, F., McDonald, J., Malham, S. & Jones, D., 24 Jan 2017, In: Frontiers in Microbiology. 6, p. 1-12 53.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  129. Published

    Adsorption of Rotavirus, MS2 Bacteriophage and Surface-Modified Silica Nanoparticles to Hydrophobic Matter

    Farkas, K., Pang, L. & Varsani, A., 1 Sept 2015, In: Food and Environmental Virology. 7, 3, p. 261-268

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  130. Published

    Comparative Assessment of Filtration- and Precipitation-Based Methods for the Concentration of SARS-CoV-2 and Other Viruses from Wastewater

    Farkas, K., Pellett, C., Alex-Sanders, N., Bridgman, M. T. P., Corbishley, A., Grimsley, J. M. S., Kasprzyk-Hordern, B., Kevill, J. L., Pantea, I., Richardson-O'Neill, I. S., Lambert-Slosarska, K., Woodhall, N. & Jones, D. L., 31 Aug 2022, In: Microbiology Spectrum. 10, 4, 16 p., spectrum.01102-22.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  131. Published

    Investigating awareness, fear and control associated with norovirus and other pathogens and pollutants using best–worst scaling

    Farkas, K., Green, E., Rigby, D., Cross, P., Tyrrel, S., Malham, S. & Jones, D. L., 27 May 2021, In: Scientific Reports. 11, 1, 11 p., 11194.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  132. Published

    Concentration and quantification of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater using polyethylene glycol-based concentration and qRT-PCR

    Farkas, K., Hillary, L., Thorpe, J., Walker, D., Lowther, J. A., McDonald, J., Malham, S. & Jones, D. L., 23 Feb 2021, In: Methods and Protocols. 4, 1, 10 p., 17.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  133. Published

    Viral indicators for tracking domestic wastewater contamination in the aquatic environment

    Farkas, K., Walker, D., Adriaenssens, E., McDonald, J., Hillary, L., Malham, S. & Jones, D. L., 15 Aug 2020, In: Water Research. 181, 115926.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  134. Published

    Emerging technologies for the rapid detection of enteric viruses in the aquatic environment

    Farkas, K., Mannion, F., Hillary, L., Malham, S. & Walker, D., Aug 2020, In: Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 16, p. 1-6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  135. Published

    Evaluation of Two Triplex One-Step qRT-PCR Assays for the Quantification of Human Enteric Viruses in Environmental Samples

    Farkas, K., Peters, D. E., McDonald, J., de Rougemont, A., Malham, S. & Jones, D., Sept 2017, In: Food and Environmental Virology. 9, 3, p. 342-349

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  136. Published

    Size exclusion-based purification and PCR-based quantitation of MS2 bacteriophage particles for environmental applications

    Farkas, K., Varsani, A., Marjoshi, D., Easingwood, R., McGill, E. & Pang, L., 1 Mar 2015, In: Journal of Virological Methods. p. 135-138

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  137. Published

    Wastewater and public health: the potential of wastewater surveillance for monitoring COVID-19

    Farkas, K., Hillary, L., Malham, S., McDonald, J. & Jones, D. L., Oct 2020, In: Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 17, p. 14-20 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  138. Published

    A Gel Filtration-Based Method for the Purification of Infectious Rotavirus Particles for Environmental Research Applications

    Farkas, K., Pang, L., Lin, S., Williamson, W., Easingwood, R., Fredericks, R., Jaffer, M. A. & Varsani, A., 1 Dec 2013, In: Food and Environmental Virology. 5, 4, p. 231-235

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  139. Published

    Assessment of wastewater derived pollution using viral monitoring in two estuaries

    Farkas, K., Mannion, F., Sorby, R., Winterbourn, B., Allender, S., Gregory, C. G. M., Holding, P., Thorpe, J. M., Malham, S. K. & Le Vay, L., 1 Mar 2024, In: Marine pollution bulletin. 200, 116081.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  140. Published

    Characterizing the Great Lakes hydrokinetic renewable energy resource: Lake Erie wave, surge and seiche characteristics

    Farhadzadeh, A., Hashemi, M. R. & Neill, S., 1 Jun 2017, In: Energy. 128, p. 661-675

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  141. Published

    On sea bed roughness variability in presence of a rippled bed

    Faraci, C., Malarkey, J., Foti, E., Davies, A. G., Sanchez-Arcilla Conejo, A. (ed.) & Bateman Pinzon, A. (ed.), 1 Jan 2003, Proceedings of the RCEM Symposium 2003 2003: 3rd Symposium on River: Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics. 2003 ed. IAHR Secretariat, p. 352-364

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  142. Published

    The Importance of Organic Content to Fractal Floc Properties in Estuarine Surface Waters: Insights From Video, LISST, and Pump Sampling

    Fall, K. A., Friedrichs, C. T., Massey, G. M., Bowers, D. G. & Smith, S. J., 6 Jan 2021, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 126, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  143. Published

    Planning and licensing for marine aquaculture

    Falconer, L., Cutajar, K., Krupandan, A., Capuzzo, E., Corner, R. A., Ellis, T., Jeffery, K., Mikkelsen, E., Moore, H., O'Beirn, F. X., O'Donohoe, P., Ruane, N. M., Shilland, R., Tett, P. & Telfer, T. C., Sept 2023, In: Reviews in Aquaculture. 15, 4, p. 1374-1404

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  144. Published

    Drone-based large-scale particle image velocimetry applied to tidal stream energy resource assessment

    Fairley, I., Williamson, B., McIlvenny, J., King, N., Masters, I., Lewis, M., Neill, S., Glasby, D., Coles, D., Powell, B., Naylor, K., Robinson, M. & Reeve, D. E., 1 Aug 2022, In: Renewable Energy. 196, p. 839-855

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  145. Published

    Intercomparison of surface velocimetry techniques for drone-based marine current characterization

    Fairley, I., King, N., McIlvenny, J., Lewis, M., Neill, S., Williamson, B., Masters, I. & Reeve, D. E., 1 Apr 2024, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 299, 108682.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  146. Published

    A classification system for global wave energy resources based on multivariate clustering

    Fairley, I., Lewis, M., Robertson, B., Hermer, M., Masters, I., Horrillo-Caraballo, J., Karunarathna, H. & Reeve, D. E., 15 Mar 2020, In: Applied Energy. 262, 114515.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  147. Published

    Coastal wetlands mitigate storm flooding and associated costs in estuaries

    Fairchild, T. P., Bennett, W. G., Day, B., Skov, M., Moller, I., Beaumont, N., Karunarathna, H. & Griffin, J. N., 7 Jul 2021, In: Environmental Research Letters. 16, 7, 074034.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  148. Published

    The dynamics of zooxanthellae populations: A long-term study in the field

    Fagoonee, I., Wilson, HB., Hassell, MP. & Turner, JR., 5 Feb 1999, In: Science. 283, 5403, p. 843-845

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  149. Published

    Changes in the cell composition of the marine microalga, Nannochloropsis gaditana, during a light:dark cycle.

    Fabregas, J., Maseda, A., Dominguez, A., Ferreira, M. & Otero, A., 1 Oct 2002, In: Biotechnology Letters. 24, 20, p. 1699-1703

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  150. Published

    Deglacial laminated facies on the NW European continental margin: The hydrographic significance of British-Irish Ice Sheet deglaciation and Fleuve Manche paleoriver discharges.

    Eynaud, F., Zaragosi, S., Scourse, J. D., Mojtahid, M., Bourillet, J. F., Hall, I. R., Penaud, A., Locascio, M. & Reijonen, A., 30 Jun 2007, In: Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems. 8, p. Q06019

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  151. Published

    New constraints on European glacial freshwater releases to the North Atlantic Ocean

    Eynaud, F., Malaiza, B., Zaragosi, S., de Vernal, A., Scourse, J. D., Pujol, C., Cortijo, E., Groussett, F. E., Penaud, A. & Toucanne, S., 1 Aug 2012, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 39, p. L15601

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  152. Published

    Interdecadal variability of nutrients in the Irish Sea.

    Evans, G. L., Williams, P. J. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 1 Jan 2001, 2001 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  153. Published

    Controls on the processing and fate of terrestrially-derived organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems: synthesis of special issue INTRODUCTION

    Evans, C. D. & Thomas, D. N., Jul 2016, In: Aquatic Sciences. 78, 3, p. 415-418

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  154. Published

    Interdecadal variability of nutrients in the Irish Sea.

    Evans, G. L., Williams, P. J. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 1 Jan 2001, 2001 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  155. Published

    DOC export and carbon loss from UK upland soils: similarities and differences between peats and organo-mineral soils.

    Evans, C., Freeman, C., Billett, M., Clark, J. M., Tobermann, H., Chapman, P., Cork, L. G., Reynolds, B. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2007.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  156. Published

    Temperature‐mediated changes in zooplankton body size: large scale temporal and spatial analysis

    Evans, L., Hirst, A., Kratina, P. & Beaugrand, G., Apr 2020, In: Ecography. 43, 4, p. 581-590

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  157. Published

    DOC export to upland waters: old or new carbon?

    Evans, C., Cork, L., Freeman, C., Thomas, D. N. & Reynolds, B., 1 Jan 2006.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  158. Published

    Long-term environmental studies in the Irish Sea: a review.

    Evans, G. L., Hardman-Mountford, N. J., Hartnoll, R. G., Kennington, K., Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., Shammon, T. & Williams, P. J., 1 Jan 2003, 2003 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  159. Published

    Annual Cycle of Turbulent Dissipation Estimated from Seagliders

    Evans, D. G., Lucas, N., Hemsley, V., Frajka-Williams, E., Naveria Garabato, A. C., Martin, A., Painter, S. C., Inall, M. E. & Palmer, M. R., 16 Oct 2018, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 45, 19, p. 10560-10569 45.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  160. Published

    Bread and Cheese Cove.

    Evans, D. J., Scourse, J. D., Hiemstra, J. F., Rhodes, E. J., McCarroll, D., Furze, M. F. & Scourse, J. D. (ed.), 1 Jan 2006, The Isles of Scilly: Field Guide. 2006 ed. Quaternary Research Association, London, p. 111-122

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  161. Published

    Holocene shelf sea evolution offshore northeast England

    Evans, J. R., Austin, W. E., Brew, D. S., Wilkinson, I. P. & Kennedy, H. A., 30 Nov 2002, In: Marine Geology. 191, 3-4, p. 147-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  162. Published

    Replicating natural topography on marine artificial structures – A novel approach to eco-engineering

    Evans, A., Lawrence, P., Natanzi, A., Moore, P., Davies, A., Crowe, T., McNally, C., Thompson, B., Dozier, A. & Brooks, P., 1 Feb 2021, In: Ecological Engineering. 160, 106144.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  163. Published

    Multivariate techniques to accurately characterise catchments.

    Evans, D. W., Thomas, D. N., Bowers, D. G. & Williams, P. J., 1 Jan 2003.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  164. Published

    Drill-cored rock pools: an effective method of ecological enhancement on artificial structures

    Evans, A. J., Firth, L. B., Hawkins, S. J., Morris, E. S., Goudge, H. & Moore, P. J., 13 Jul 2015, In: Marine and Freshwater Research. 67, 1, p. 123-130

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  165. Published

    Evidence against recent climate-induced destabilisation of soil carbon from C-14 analysis of riverine dissolved organic matter

    Evans, C. D., Freeman, C., Cork, L. G., Thomas, D. N., Reynolds, B., Billett, M. F., Garnett, M. H. & Norris, D., 13 Apr 2007, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 34, 7, p. L07407

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  166. Published

    Impacts of climate change on marine mammals, relevant to the coastal and marine environment around the UK

    Evans, P. & Waggitt, J., 15 Jan 2020, Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership. (MCCIP Science Review 2020)

    Research output: Book/ReportOther report

  167. Published

    Analysis of short and long-term trends in temperature and salinity in the Menai Strait.

    Evans, G. L. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 1 Jan 2001, 2001 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  168. Published

    Physical and anthropogenic effects on observed long-term nutrient changes in the Irish Sea

    Evans, G. L., Williams, P. J. & Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G., 1 Aug 2003, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 57, 5-6, p. 1159-1168

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  169. Published

    Retreat dynamics of the eastern sector of the British–Irish Ice Sheet during the last glaciation

    Evans, D. J. A., Roberts, D. H., Bateman, M. D., Medialdea, A., Callard, L., Grimoldi, E., Chiverrell, R. C., Ely, J., Dove, D., Ó Cofaigh, C., Saher, M., Bradwell, T., Moreton, S. G., Fabel, D. & Bradley, S. L., 1 Jul 2021, In: Journal of Quaternary Science. 36, 5, p. 723-751

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  170. Published

    Risk Assessment of Bycatch of Protected Species in Fishing Activities

    Evans, P., Carrington, C. & Waggitt, J., 2021, European Commission. 212 p.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  171. Published

    On their way to the north: larval performance of Hemigrapsus sanguineus invasive on the European coast—a comparison with the native European population of Carcinus maenas

    Espinosa-Novo, N., Gimenez Noya, L., Boersma, M. & Torres, G., Oct 2023, In: Biological Invasions. 25, 10, p. 3119-3136 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  172. Published

    Trophic structuring of modularity alters energy flow through marine food webs

    Eskuche-Keith, P., Hill, S. L., Hollyman, P., Taylor, M. L. & O’Gorman, E. J., 12 Jan 2023, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 9

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  173. Published

    Bacterial community dynamics and activity in relation to dissolved organic matter availability during sea-ice formation in a mesocosm experiment.

    Eronen-Rasimus, E., Kaartokallio, H., Lyra, C., Autio, R., Kuosa, H., Dieckmann, G. S. & Thomas, D. N., 20 Jan 2014, In: MicrobiologyOpen. 3, 1, p. 139-156

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  174. Published

    Estimating Benefits of Improving Water Quality in the Largest Remaining Tidal Flat in South Korea

    Endo, I., Walton, M., Chae, S. & Park, G-S., Jun 2012, In: Wetlands. 32, 3, p. 487-496

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  175. Published

    Spatial patterns and environmental constraints on ecosystem services at a catchment scale

    Emmett, B., Cooper, D., Smart, S., Jackson, B., Thomas, A., Cosby, B., Evans, C., Glanville, H., McDonald, J., Malham, S., Marshall, M., Jarvis, S., Rajko-Nenow, P., Webb, G. P., Ward, S., Rowe, E., Jones, L., Vanbergen, E. J., Keith, A., Carter, H., Pereira, M. G., Hughes, S., Lebron, I., Wade, A. & Jones, D., 1 Dec 2016, In: Science of the Total Environment. 572, p. 1586-1600

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  176. Published

    Enhancing fishery-dependent information in data-poor fisheries; integrating gear-in–gear-out sensors and mobile reporting technology in a mixed Irish Sea static-gear fishery

    Emmerson, J., Coleman, M., Bloor, I. & Jenkins, S., 1 Sept 2022, In: ICES Journal of Marine Science. 79, 7, p. 2126-2137

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  177. Published

    The complexities and challenges of conserving common whelk (Buccinum undatum, L.) fishery resources: Spatio-temporal study of variable population demographics within an environmental context.

    Emmerson, J., Haig, J., Bloor, I. & Kaiser, M., Aug 2018, In: Fisheries Research. 204, p. 125-136

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  178. Published

    Effect of temperature on the growth of the commercially fished common whelk (Buccinum undatum, L.): a regional analysis within the Irish Sea

    Emmerson, J., Hollyman, P., Bloor, I. & Jenkins, S., 1 Mar 2020, In: Fisheries Research. 223, 105437.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  179. Published

    Size-selective fishing of Palaemon serratus (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) in Wales, UK: implications of sexual dimorphism and reproductive biology for fisheries management and conservation

    Emmerson, J., Haig, J., Robson, G., Hinz, H., Le Vay, L. & Kaiser, M., Sept 2017, In: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 97, 6, p. 1223-1232

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  180. Published

    A study of the temporal variability in particle size in a high energy regime.

    Ellis, K. M., Bowers, D. G. & Jones, S. E., 1 Oct 2004, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 61, 2, p. 311-315

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  181. Published

    A model of turbidity maximum maintenance in the Irish Sea.

    Ellis, K., Binding, C., Bowers, D. G., Jones, S. & Simpson, J. H., 1 Mar 2008, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 76, 4, p. 765-774

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  182. Published

    Sampling errors in gravimetric SPM determination

    Ellis, K. M., Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G. & Gaffney, S. P., 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Centre for Applied Marine Sciences Report CAMS 2005-6.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  183. Published

    Baroclinic tidal currents in the Gareloch, Scotland.

    Elliott, A. J., Ellis, K. M. & Lynn, N. M., 1 Sept 2003, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 58, 1, p. 107-116

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  184. Published

    The boundary layer character of tidal currents in the eastern Irish Sea.

    Elliott, A. J., 1 Sept 2002, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 55, 3, p. 465-480

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  185. Published

    A probabilistic description of the wind over Liverpool Bay with application to oil spill simulations.

    Elliott, A., 1 Dec 2004, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 61, 4, p. 569-581

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  186. Published

    Oceanographic observations in the Savick Brook.

    Elliott, A. J. & Neill, S. P., 1 Jan 2004, 2004 ed. Unknown.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  187. Published

    The tidal flux in the Firth of Forth

    Elliott, A. J. & Neill, S. P., 1 Mar 2007, In: Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Maritime Engineering. 160, 1, p. 25-32

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  188. Published

    Tidal currents at the site of the Thetis disaster.

    Elliott, A. J., 1 Jan 2001, In: Journal of Defence Science. 6, p. 146-151

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  189. Published

    The need for operational forecasting during oil spill response.

    Elliott, A. J. & Jones, B., 1 Feb 2000, In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 40, 2, p. 110-121

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  190. Published

    Hydroacoustics as a tool to examine the effects of Marine Protected Areas and habitat type on marine fish communities

    Egerton, J., Johnson, A. J., Turner, J., Le Vay, L., Mascareñas-Osorio, I. & Aburto-Oropeza, O., Jan 2018, In: Scientific Reports. 8, 47.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  191. Published

    Hydroacoustics for the discovery and quantification of Nassau grouper (Epinephelus striatus) spawning aggregations

    Egerton, J., Johnson, A. F., Le Vay, L., McCoy, C. M., Semmens, B. X., Heppell, S. A. & Turner, J., Jun 2017, In: Coral Reefs. 36, 2, p. 589-600 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  192. Published

    Hydroacoustics to examine fish association with shallow offshore habitats in the Arabian Gulf

    Egerton, J., Al-Ansi, M., Abdallah, M., Walton, M., Hayes, J., Turner, J., Erisman, B., Al Maslamani, I., Al-Mohannadi, M. & Le Vay, L., Mar 2018, In: Fisheries Research. 199, p. 127-136 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  193. Published

    Provisioning Services.

    Edwards-Jones, G., Cross, P. A., Harris, I., Le Vay, L., Rayment, M., Scowen, M. & Waller, P., 1 Jan 2011, 2011 ed. UK National Ecosystem Assessment.

    Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

  194. Published

    Large-area imaging reveals biologically driven non-random spatial patterns of corals at a remote reef

    Edwards, C., Eynaud, Y., Williams, G., Pedersen, N., Zgliczynski, B., Gleason, A., Smith, J. & Sandin, S., Dec 2017, In: Coral Reefs. 36, 4, p. 1291-1305

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  195. Published

    For a world without boundaries: connectivity between marine tropical ecosystems in times of change

    Earp, H., Prinz, N., Cziesielski, M. & Andskog, M., 2018, Oceans across boundaries: Learning from each other - The 2017 conference for YOUng MARine RESearchers in Kiel. Jungblut, S., Liebich, V. & Bode, M. (eds.). Berlin: Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, p. 122-144

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  196. Published

    Do You See What I See? Quantifying Inter-Observer Variability in an Intertidal Marine Citizen Science Experiment

    Earp, H., Jenkins, S. & Bohn, K., 4 May 2022, In: Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  197. Published

    Middle Ordovician Upwelling-Related Ironstone of North Wales: Coated Grains, Ocean Chemistry, and Biological Evolution

    Dunn, S. K., Pufahl, P. K., Murphy, J. B. & Lokier, S., 18 Aug 2021, In: Frontiers Earth Science. 9

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  198. Published

    External conditions drive optimal planting configurations for salt marsh restoration

    Duggan Edwards, M. F., Pages, J. F., Jenkins, S. R., Bouma, T. J. & Skov, M. W., Mar 2020, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 57, 3, p. 619-629

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  199. Published

    Consequences of gas flux model choice on the interpretation of metabolic balance across 15 lakes

    Dugan, H. A., Woolway, R. I., Santoso, A. B., Corman, J. R., Jaimes, A., Nodine, E. R., Patil, V. P., Zwart, J. A., Brentrup, J. A., Hetherington, A. L., Oliver, S. K., Read, J. S., Winters, K. M., Hanson, P. C., Read, E. K., Winslow, L. A. & Weathers, K. C., 2 Nov 2016, In: INLAND WATERS. 6, 4, p. 581-592

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  200. Published

    Near-island enhancement in mesopelagic micronekton communities off Hawaiʻi

    Drazen, J., Clark, B., Gove, J. M., Phipps, J., Copeland, A., Lecky, J., Green, M., Kobayashi, D., Turner, J., Whitney, J. & Williams, G. J., Sept 2023, In: Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers. 199, 104107.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  201. Published

    Workshop explores debris transported by icebergs and paleoenvironmental implications.

    Downeswell, J. A., O'Cofaigh, C., Andrews, J. T. & Scourse, J. D., 1 Jan 2001.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  202. Published

    Anthropogenic Mixing in Seasonally Stratified Shelf Seas by Offshore Wind Farm Infrastructure

    Dorrell, R., Lloyd, C., Lincoln, B., Rippeth, T., Taylor, J., Caulfield, C-C., Sharples, J., Polton, J., Scannell, B., Greaves, D., Hall, R. & Simpson, J., 22 Mar 2022, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 9, 830927.

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

  203. Published

    Combining fish and benthic communities into multiple regimes reveals complex reef dynamics

    Donovan, M. K., Friedlander, A. M., Lecky, J., Jouffray, J-B., Williams, G. J., Wedding, L. M., Crowder, L. B., Erickson, A. L., Graham, N. A. J., Gove, J. M., Kappel, C. V., Karr, K., Kittinger, J. N., Norström, A. V., Nyström, M., Oleson, K. L. L., Stamoulis, K. A., White, C., Williams, I. D. & Selkoe, K. A., 16 Nov 2018, In: Scientific Reports. 8, 16943.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  204. Published

    Delivery of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis to the aquaculture food chain

    Dominguez, A., Ferreira, M., Coutinho, P., Fabregas, J. & Otero, A., 14 Nov 2005, In: Aquaculture. 250, 1-2, p. 424-430

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  205. Published

    Increasing maximum lake surface temperature under climate change

    Dokulil, M. T., Maberly, S. C., May, L., Weyhenmeyer, G. A., Woolway, R. I. & de Eyto, E., 22 Apr 2021, In: Climatic Change. 165, 56

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  206. Published

    Effects of Aroclor 1254 on the growth, survival and behaviour of European plaice, Pleuronectes platessa, larvae.

    Doggett, M., McCarthy, I. D., Kaiser, M. J. & Mudge, S. M., 1 Jan 2005.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  207. Published

    Corrigendum: High Representation of Archaea Across All Depths in Oxic and Low-pH Sediment Layers Underlying an Acidic Stream

    Distaso, M. A., Bargiela, R., Brailsford, F. L., Williams, G. B., Wright, S., Lunev, E. A., Toshchakov, S. V., Yakimov, M. M., Jones, D. L., Golyshin, P. N. & Golyshina, O. V., 29 Jan 2021, In: Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, p. 633015

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  208. Published

    Coral reef resilience differs among islands within the Gulf of Mannar, southeast India following successive coral bleaching events

    Diraviya Raj, K., Aeby, G., Mathews, G., Williams, G. J., Caldwell, J., Laju, R. L., Selva Bharath, M., Dinesh Kumar, P., Arasamuthu, A., Gladwin Gnana Asir, N., Wedding, L., Davies, A., Moritsch, M. & Patterson Edward, J. K., Aug 2021, In: Coral Reefs. 40, 4, p. 1029-1044

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  209. Published

    Fishers' perception of a 35-year old exclusive Fisheries Management Zone.

    Dimech, M., Darmanin, M., Smith, I. P., Kaiser, M. J. & Schembri, P. J., 1 Dec 2009, In: Biological Conservation. 142, 11, p. 2691-2702

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  210. Published

    Differences in demersal community structure and biomass size spectra within and outside the Maltese Fishery Management Zone (FMZ).

    Dimech, M., Camilleri, M., Hiddink, J. G., Kaiser, M. J., Ragonese, S. & Schembri, P. J., 1 Dec 2008, In: Scientia Marina. 72, 4, p. 669-682

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  211. Published

    Commercial and non-target species of deep water trawled muddy habitats on the Maltese continental shelf.

    Dimech, M., Camilleri, M., Gristina, M., Kaiser, M. J. & Schembri, P. J., 1 Jan 2005, In: Xjenza. 10, p. 18-23

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  212. Published

    Prevalence and relative risk of rotavirus gastroenteritis in children under five years in Nigeria: A systematic review and meta-analysis

    Digwo, D., Chidebelu, P., Ugwu, K., Adediji, A., Farkas, K. & Chigor, V., Feb 2023, In: Pathogens and Global Health. 117, 1, p. 24-35 12 p., 2043223.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  213. Published

    Low temperature stress in sea ice algae.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Mock, T. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2005.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  214. Published

    Sea ice: an icy crucible.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Thomas, D. N., Hempel, I. (ed.) & Hempel, G. (ed.), 1 Jan 2009, Biological Studies in Polar Oceans: Exploration of life in icy waters.. 2009 ed. Wirtschaftsvlg. Nordwest, p. 213-218

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  215. Published

    Calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic ice.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Nehrke, G., Papadimitriou, S., Gottlicher, J., Steininger, R., Kennedy, H., Wolf-Gladrow, D. & Thomas, D. N., 18 Apr 2008, In: Geophysical Research Letters. 35, 8, p. L08501

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  216. Published

    Calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic sea ice.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Nehrke, G., Papadimitriou, S., Gottlicher, J., Steininger, R., Kennedy, H. A., Wolf-Gladrow, D. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2008.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  217. Published

    The precipitation of calcium carbonate as ikaite crystals in Antarctic sea ice; implications.

    Dieckmann, G. S., Nehrke, G., Gottlicher, J., Steininger, R., Papadimitriou, S., Kennedy, H. A. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2009.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  218. Published

    Brief communication: ikaite (CaCO3*6H2O) discovered in Arctic sea ice

    Dieckmann, G. S., Nehrke, G., Uhlig, C., Gottlicher, J., Gerland, S., Granskog, M. A. & Thomas, D. N., 28 May 2010, In: Cryosphere. 4, 2, p. 227-230

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  219. Published

    Gametogenic asynchrony of mussels Mytilus in a mixed-species area: Implications for management.

    Dias, P. J., Batista, F. M., Shanks, A. M., Beaumont, A. R., Davies, I. M. & Snow, M., 1 Oct 2009, In: Aquaculture. 295, 3-4, p. 175-182

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  220. Published

    Environmental heterogeneity at small spatial scales affects population and community dynamics on intertidal rocky shores of a threatened bay system

    Dias, G., Christofoletti, R., Kitazawa, K. & Jenkins, S., Oct 2018, In: Ocean and Coastal Management. 164, p. 52-59

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  221. Published

    Mytilus species under rope culture in Scotland: implications for management.

    Dias, P. J., Bland, M., Shanks, A. M., Beaumont, A. R., Piertney, S. B., Davies, I. M. & Snow, M., 1 Oct 2009, In: Aquaculture International. 17, 5, p. 437-448

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  222. Published

    Calcareous defence structures of prey mediate the effects of predation and biotic resistance towards the tropics

    Dias, G., Vieira, EA., Karythis, S., Jenkins, S., Griffith, K., Pestana, L. & Marques, A. C., 1 Sept 2020, In: Diversity and Distributions. 26, 9, p. 1198-1210 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  223. E-pub ahead of print

    Responses of the mesozooplankton community to marine heatwaves: challenges and solutions based on a long-term time series

    Deschamps, M., Boersma, M. & Gimenez Noya, L., 23 Aug 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: Journal of Animal Ecology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  224. Published

    Recovery rates of benthic communities following physical disturbance

    Dernie, K. M., Kaiser, M. J. & Warwick, R. M., 1 Nov 2003, In: Journal of Animal Ecology. 72, 6, p. 1043-1056

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  225. Published

    Recovery of soft sediment communities and habitats following physical disturbance.

    Dernie, K. M., Kaiser, M. J., Richardson, E. A. & Warwick, R. M., 12 Feb 2003, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 285, p. 415-434

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  226. Published

    Microbiome and infectivity studies reveal complex polyspecies tree disease in Acute Oak Decline

    Denman, S., Doonan, J., Ransom-Jones, E., Broberg, M., Plummer, S., Kirk, S. A., Scarlett, K., Griffiths, A., Kaczmarek, M., Foster, J., Peace, A., Golyshin, P., Hassard, F., Brown, N., Kenny, J. G. & McDonald, J., 2018, In: The ISME Journal. 12, p. 386-399

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  227. Published

    Integrating blue: How do we make nationally determined contributions work for both blue carbon and local coastal communities?

    Dencer-Brown, A., Shilland, R., Friess, D. A., Herr, D., Benson, L., Berry, N., Cifuentes-Jara, M., Colas, P., Damayanti, E., Lopez Garcia, E., Gavaldao, M., Grimsditch, G., Hejnowicz, A. P., Howard, J., Islam, S. T., Kennedy, H., Kivugo, R. R., Lang'at, J. K. S., Lovelock, C. E., Malleson, R., Macreadie, P. I., Andrade-Medina, R., Mohamed, A., Pidgeon, E., Ramos, J., Rosette, M., Salim, M. M., Schoof, E., Talukder, B., Thomas, T., Vanderklift, M. A. & Huxham, M., 1 Sept 2022, In: AMBIO. 51, 9, p. 1978-1993 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  228. Published

    Larval dispersal from an energetic tidal channel and implications for blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) shellfisheries

    Demmer, J., Neill, S., Andres, O., Malham, S., Jones, T. & Robins, P., 1 Dec 2022, In: Aquaculture International. 30, 6, p. 2969-2995

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  229. Published

    The role of wind in controlling the connectivity of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis L.) populations

    Demmer, J., Robins, P., Malham, S., Lewis, M., Owen, A., Jones, T. & Neill, S., 21 Jan 2022, In: Movement Ecology. 10, 1, 3.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  230. Published

    Comparison of harvested rate and nacre deposition parameters between cultured pearls issued from initial graft and second nucleus insertion in P. margaritifera

    Demmer, J., Cabral, P. & Ky, C-L., 1 Oct 2016, In: Aquaculture Research. 47, 10

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  231. Published

    Evidence of potential synergy between aquaculture and offshore renewable energy

    Demmer, J., Lewis, M., Robins, P. & Neill, S., 30 Sept 2022, In: International Marine Energy Journal. 5, 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  232. Published

    The behavioural response of benthic scavengers to otter trawling disturbance in the Mediterranean

    Demestre, M., Sanchez, P., Kaiser, M. J., Kaiser, M. J. (ed.) & De Groot, S. J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2000, The effects of trawling on non–target species and habitats: biological: conservation and socio–economic issues. 2000 ed. Blackwell Science, p. 121-129

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  233. Published

    pCO2 dynamics and related air-ice CO2 fluxes during sea ice growth and decay in a Ice Tank Experiment.

    Delille, B., Thomas, D. N., Dieckmann, G. S., Papadimitriou, E., Kennedy, H., Fischer, M., Evers, K. U. & Tison, J. L., 1 Jan 2010.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  234. Published

    Detection and quantification of differences in catch rates among research vessel gears and commercial vessels

    Delargy, A., Hold, N., Heney, C., Cann, R., Bhandari, K., Colvin, C., Moore, A., Lincoln, H., Hiddink, J. G. & McCarthy, I., 1 Oct 2022, In: Fisheries Research. 254, 106371, 106371.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  235. Published

    Sperm concentration in the mussel Mytilus edulis L.: a spectrophotometric measurement protocol

    Del Rio-Portilla, M. A. & Beaumont, A. R., 13 Mar 2008, In: Aquaculture International. 16, 6, p. 573-580

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  236. Published

    Heterozygote deficiencies and genotype-dependent spawning time in Mytilus edulis

    Del Rio-Portilla, M. A. & Beaumont, A. R., 1 Dec 2001, In: Journal of Shellfish Research. 20, 3, p. 1051-1057

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  237. Published

    Larval growth, juvenile size and heterozygosity in laboratory reared mussels, Mytilus edulis

    Del Rio-Portilla, M. A. & Beaumont, A. R., 1 Nov 2000, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 254, 1, p. 1-17

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  238. Published

    Respiration in aquatic ecosystems: from single cells to the biosphere

    Del Giorgio, P. A., Williams, P. J. & Williams, P. J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2005, Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems. 2005 ed. Oxford University Press, p. 267-303

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

  239. Published

    Respiration in Aquatic Ecosystems

    Del Giorgio, P. A. (ed.) & Williams, P. J. (ed.), 1 Jan 2005, 2005 ed. Oxford University Press.

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

  240. Published

    HERMES-GIS: a tool connecting scientists and policymakers.

    De Mol, B., Querol, N., Davies, A. J., Schafer, A., Foglini, F., Gonzales-Mirelis, G., Kopke, K., Dunne, D., Schewe, I., Trincardi, F. & Canals, M., 1 Mar 2009, In: Oceanography. 22, 1, p. 144-153

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  241. Published

    Functional thermal limits are determined by rate of warming during simulated marine heatwaves

    De Leij, R., Grange, L. & Peck, L. S., 10 Mar 2022, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 685, p. 183-196

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  242. Published

    Multiyear trend in reproduction underpins interannual variation in gametogenic development of an Antarctic urchin.

    De Leij, R., Peck, L. S. & Grange, L., 22 Sept 2021, In: Scientific Reports. 11, 1, 18868.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  243. Published

    Looking forward through the past: identification of 50 priority research questions in palaeoecology

    De Bruyn, M., Seddon, A. W., Mackay, A. W., Baker, A. G., Birks, H. J., Breman, E., Buck, C. E., Ellis, E. C., Froyd, C. A., Gill, J. A., Gillson, L., Johnson, E. A., Jones, V. J., Juggins, S., Macias-Fauria, M., Mills, K., Morris, J. L., Nogues-Bravo, D., Punyasena, S. W., Roland, T. P., Tanentzap, A. J., Willis, K. J., Aberhan, M., van Asperen, E. N., Austin, W. E., Battarbee, R. W., Bhagwat, S., Balanger, C. L., Bennett, K. D., Birks, H. H., Bronk Ramsey, C., Brooks, S. J., de Bruyn, M., Butler, P. G., Chambers, F. M., Clarke, S. J., Davies, A. L., Dearing, J. A., Ezard, T. H., Fuerdean, A., Flower, R. J., Gell, P., Hausmann, S., Hogan, E. J., Hopkins, M. J., Jeffers, E. S., Korhola, A. A., Marchant, R., Kiefer, T., Lamentowicz, M., Larocque-Tobler, I., Lopez-Merino, L., Liow, L. H., McGowan, S., Miller, J. H., Montoya, E., Morton, O., Nogue, S., Onoufriou, C., Boush, L. P., Rodriguez-Sanchez, F., Rose, N. L., Sayer, C. D., Shaw, H. E., Payne, R., Simpson, G., Sohar, K., Whitehouse, N. J., Williams, J. W. & Witkowski, A., 1 Jan 2014, In: Journal of Ecology. 102, 1, p. 256-267

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  244. Published

    Epibenthic communites in a marine shallow area with hydrothermal vents (Milos Island, Aegean Sea).

    De Biasi, A. M., Bianchi, C. N., Aliani, S., Cocito, S., Peirano, A., Dando, P. R. & Morri, C., 1 Jan 2004, In: Chemistry and Ecology. 20, Supplement 1, p. S89-S105

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  245. Published

    Recruitment of European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) in northerly UK estuaries indicates a mismatch between spawning and fisheries closure periods

    Dawson, J., Lincoln, H., Sturrock, A., Martinho, F. & McCarthy, I., Aug 2024, In: Journal of Fish Biology. 105, 2, p. 564-576 13 p., 15843.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  246. Published

    Early development and acquisition of zooxanthellae in the temperate symbiotic sea anemone Anthopleura ballii (Cocks)

    Davy, S. K. & Turner, J. R., Aug 2003, In: Biological Bulletin. 205, 1, p. 66-72

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  247. Published

    Development of a seafloor geophysical sledge

    Davis, A., Bennell, J., Huws, D. & Thomas, D., 31 Jan 1989, In: Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. 8, 2, p. 99-109 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  248. Published

    Surficial seabed sediment properties derived from seismic profiler responses.

    Davis, A., Haynes, R., Bennell, J. & Huws, D. G., 10 Apr 2002, In: Marine Geology. 182, 1-2, p. 209-223

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  249. Published

    Field measurement and modelling of scour pit dynamics in a sandy estuary.

    Davies, A. G. & Brown, J. M., 1 May 2007, p. 1609-1622.

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

  250. Published

    Advances in the study of moving sediments and evolving seabeds.

    Davies, A. G. & Thorne, P. D., 1 Jan 2008, In: Surveys in Geophysics. 29, 1, p. 1-36

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review