College of Science & Engineering

  1. Article › Research › Peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Dynamic parameters for the National Grid.

    Jones, D. I., 1 Jan 2005, In: IEE Proceedings Generation, Transmission and Distribution. 152, 1, p. 53-60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Published

    Dynamic properties of a system of cobalt nanoparticles.

    Fannin, P. C., Slawska-Waniewska, A., Didukh, P., Giannitsis, A. T. & Charles, S. W., 1 Jan 2002, In: European Physical Journal - Applied Physics. 17, 1, p. 3-9

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Published

    Dynamic quantitative trait loci for salt stress components on chromosome 1 of rice.

    Ul Haq, T., Gorham, J., Akhtar, J., Akhtar, N. & Steele, K. A., 1 Jan 2011, In: Functional Plant Biology. 37, 7, p. 634-645

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Published

    Dynamic regimes in semiconductor lasers subject to incoherent optical feedback

    Ju, R. & Spencer, P. S., 1 Aug 2005, In: Journal of Lightwave Technology. 23, 8, p. 2513-2523

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Dynamic species classification of microorganisms across time, abiotic and biotic environments—A sliding window approach

    Pennekamp, F., Griffiths, J. I., Fronhofer, E. A., Garnier, A., Seymour, M., Altermatt, F. & Petchey, O. L., 4 May 2017, In: PLoS ONE.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Published

    Dynamic tuning of organic lasers with colloidal crystals.

    Lawrence, J. R., Ying, Y., Jiang, P. & Foulger, S. H., 1 Jan 2006, In: Advanced Materials. 18, 3, p. 300-303

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Published

    Dynamical assessment of the accretionary record in the shell of the mussel Semimytilus algosus from a rocky shore in Chile.

    Abades, S., Richardson, C. A. & Otaiza, R., 1 Aug 2000, In: Biosystems. 57, 3, p. 163-172

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Dynamical characterisation of laser diode subject to double optical feedback for chaotic optical communications.

    Lee, M. W., Rees, P., Shore, K. A., Ortin, S., Pesquera, L. & Valle, A., 1 Apr 2005, In: IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics. 152, 2, p. 97-102

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Dynamical characteristics of nano-lasers subject to optical injection and phase conjugate feedback

    Han, H. & Shore, K. A., Feb 2018, In: IET Optoelectronics. 12, 1, p. 25-29

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Published

    Dynamics and Stability of Mutually Coupled Nano-Lasers

    Shore, K. A. & Han, H., Nov 2016, In: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics. 52, 11, 7 p., 2000306.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Dynamics and deposition of sediment-bearing multi-pulsed flows and geological implication

    Ho, V. L., Dorrell, R. M., Keevil, G., Thomas, R. E., Burns, A. D., Baas, J. H. & McCaffrey, W. D., Nov 2019, In: Journal of Sedimentary Research. 89, 11, p. 1127-1139

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Dynamics of Electrically Pumped Semiconductor Nano-Laser Arrays

    Fan, Y., Shore, K. A. & Shao, X., 10 Nov 2023, In: Photonics. 10, 11, 1249.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    Dynamics of a laser diode driven optical nanomachine.

    Barlow, G. F. & Shore, K. A., 1 Feb 2006, In: IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics. 153, 1, p. 43-46

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Published

    Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in headwaters: comparison of headwater streams with contrasting DOM and nutrient composition

    Fovet, O., Cooper, D. M., Jones, D. L., Jones, T. G. & Evans, C. D., 24 Feb 2020, In: Aquatic Sciences. 82, 2, 29.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Dynamics of estuarine drift macroalgae: growth cycles and contributions to sediments in 2 shallow areas

    Lanari, M., Kennedy, H., Copertino, M. S., Wallner-Kersanach, M. & Coelho Claudino, M., Apr 2017, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 570, p. 41-55

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  17. Published

    Dynamics of in vivo release of molt-inhibiting hormone and crustacean hyperglycemic hormone in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas.

    Chung, J. S. & Webster, S. G., 1 Dec 2005, In: Endocrinology. 146, 12, p. 5545-5551

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Dynamics of nitrogen speciation in horticultural soils in suburbs of Shanghai, China.

    Ge, T. D., Huang, D. F., Roberts, P., Jones, D. L. & Song, S. W., 1 Apr 2010, In: Pedosphere. 20, 2, p. 261-272

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Dynamics of rip currents associated with groynes — field measurements, modelling and implications for beach safety

    Scott, T., Austin, M. J., Masselink, G. & Russell, P., 30 Oct 2015, In: Coastal Engineering. 107, p. 53-69

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Published

    Dynamics of sex-biased gene expression during development in the stick insect Timema californicum

    Djordjevic, J., Dumas, Z., Robinson-Rechavi, M., Schwander, T. & Parker, D. J., Aug 2022, In: Heredity. 129, 2, p. 113-122 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Published

    Dynamics of size-density fractions of soil organic matter following the addition of tree litter to organic coffee farms.

    Payan, F., Jones, D. L. & Beer, J., 15 Sept 2007, In: Geoderma. 141, 1-2, p. 15-22

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Dynamics of suspended particles in coastal waters (southern North Sea) during a spring bloom.

    Mccandliss, R. R., Jones, S. E., Hearn, M., Latter, R. & Jago, C. F., 1 Jun 2002, In: Journal of Sea Research. 47, 3-4, p. 285-302

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    E. coli Is a Poor End-Product Criterion for Assessing the General Microbial Risk Posed From Consuming Norovirus Contaminated Shellfish

    Sharp, J. H., Clements, K., Diggens, M., McDonald, J. E., Malham, S. K. & Jones, D. L., 19 Feb 2021, In: Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, p. 608888

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  24. Published

    EDC-Mediated Oligonucleotide Immobilization on a Long Period Grating Optical Biosensor

    Chen, X., Liu, C., Hughes, M., Nage, D. A., Hine, A. V. & Zhang, L., 28 Jun 2015, In: Journal of Biosensors and Bioelectronics. 6, 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    EIA (Uncultivated Land and Semi-Natural Areas) Regulations 2001

    Walmsley, J. D., 1 Jan 2002, In: International Association for Impact Assessment. 14, 1, p. 6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    EPR and XANES studies of anaerobic photolysis of iso-propilpyridinecobaloxime: Elucidation of the reactivity of the Co(II) primary product

    Murphy, L. M., Rangel, M., Leite, A., Silva, A., de Castro, B., Schlindwein, W. L. & Murphy, L., 6 Feb 2014, In: Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 760, p. 11-18

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    EZ-ROSE: a computer program for equal-area circular histograms and statistical analysis of two-dimensional vectorial data.

    Baas, J. H., 1 Mar 2000, In: Computers and Geosciences. 26, 2, p. 153-166

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. Published

    Earlier collapse of Anthropocene ecosystems driven by multiple faster and noisier drivers

    Willcock, S., Cooper, G., Addy, J. & Dearing, J., 22 Jun 2023, In: Nature Sustainability . 21 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. Published

    Earlier ice loss accelerates lake warming in the Northern Hemisphere

    Li, X., Peng, S., Xi, Y., Woolway, R. I. & Liu, G., 2 Sept 2022, In: Nature Communications. 13, 1, 5156.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Early Holocene glacial retreat isolated populations of river otters (Lontra canadensis) along the Alaskan coast

    Seymour, M., Ott, K. E., Guertin, D. A., Golden, H. N., McDonald, D. B. & Ben-David, M., 1 Sept 2012, In: Canadian Journal of Zoology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  31. Published

    Early deglaciation of the British-Irish Ice Sheet on the Atlantic shelf northwest of Ireland driven by glacioisostatic depression and high relative sea level

    Ó Cofaigh, C., Weilbach, K., Lloyd, J., Benetti, S., Callard, S. L., Purcell, C., Chiverrell, R. C., Dunlop, P., Saher, M., Livingstone, S., Van Landeghem, K., Moreton, S., Clark, C. & Fabel, D., 15 Mar 2019, In: Quaternary Science Reviews. 208, p. 76-96

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  32. Published

    Early development and acquisition of zooxanthellae in the temperate symbiotic sea anemone Anthopleura ballii (Cocks)

    Davy, S. K. & Turner, J. R., Aug 2003, In: Biological Bulletin. 205, 1, p. 66-72

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Early development and larval survival of Psammechinus miliaris under deep-sea temperature and pressure conditions.

    Aquino-Souza, R., Hawkins, S. J. & Tyler, P. A., 1 May 2008, In: Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 88, 3, p. 453-461

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  34. Published

    Early indications of success rehabilitating an underperforming teak ( Tectona grandis ) plantation in Panama through enrichment planting

    Marshall, A., McLaughlin, B. P., Zerr, C., Yanguas-Fernández, E. & Hall, J. S., May 2021, In: New Forests. 52, 3, p. 377-395 19 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. Published

    Early patterns of recovery from disturbance in intertidal algal assemblages: consistency across regions within a marine province

    Martins, G. M., Jenkins, S. R., Ramirez, R., Tuya, F. & Neto, I. A., 15 Dec 2014, In: Marine Ecology: progress series. 517, p. 131-142

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Early plastic responses in the shell morphology of Acanthina monodon (Mollusca, Gastropoda) under predation risk and water turbulence

    Solas, M. R., Hughes, R. N., Marquez, F. & Brante, A., 7 May 2015, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 527, p. 133-142

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Early prediction of bumblebee flight task using machine learning

    Morton Williams, S., Aldabashi, N., Palego, C., Woodgate, J., Makinson, J. & Cross, P., 1 May 2021, In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 184, 11 p., 106065.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Early results of ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) provenance trials at sites in England and Wales.

    Cundall, E. P., Cahalan, C. M. & Connolly, T., 1 Sept 2003, In: Forestry. 76, 4, p. 385-399

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  39. Published

    Early-life sibling conflict in Canada jays has lifetime fitness consequences

    Fuirst, M., Strickland, D., Freeman, N. E., Sutton, A. & Norris, D. R., 26 Apr 2023, In: Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 290, 1997

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Published

    Earth Science Editorial.

    Baas, J. H., 1 Feb 2004, In: Annals of the Marie Curie Fellowships. 3, p. 42

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    Earth Science Editorial.

    Baas, J. H., 1 Jul 2002, In: Annals of the Marie Curie Fellowships. 2, p. 34

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Published

    Earthworms as vectors of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in soil and vermicomposts.

    Williams, A. P., Roberts, P., Avery, L. M., Killham, K. & Jones, D. L., 1 Oct 2006, In: Fems Microbiology Ecology. 58, 1, p. 54-64

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Published

    Easily prepared air- and moisture-stable Pd-NHC (NHC = N-heterocyclic carbene) complexes: a reliable, user-friendly, highly active palladium precatalyst for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction

    Chasse, G. A., O'Brien, C. J., Kantchev, E. A., Valente, C., Hadei, N., Chass, G. A., Lough, A., Hopkinson, A. C. & Organ, M. G., 14 Jun 2006, In: Chemistry - A European Journal. 12, 18, p. 4743-4748

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Eastern Arctic Ocean diapycnal heat fluxes through large double-diffusive steps

    Polyakov, I. V., Padman, L., Lenn, Y-D., Pnyushkov, A., Rember, R. & Ivanov, V. V., 4 Jan 2019, In: Journal of Physical Oceanography. 49, 1, p. 227-246

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    Ecdysis of decapod crustaceans is associated with a dramatic release of crustacean cardioactive peptide into the haemolymph.

    Phlippen, M. K., Webster, S. G., Chung, J. S. & Dircksen, H., 1 Feb 2000, In: Journal of Experimental Biology. 203, 3, p. 521-536

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode extract triggers human basophils to release interleukin-4.

    Aumuller, E., Schramm, G., Gronow, A., Brehm, K., Gibbs, B. F., Doenhoff, M. J. & Haas, H., 1 Oct 2004, In: Parasite Immunology. 26, 10, p. 387-395

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Published

    Eco-Virological Approach for Assessing the Role of Wild Birds in the Spread of Avian Influenza H5N1 along the Central Asian Flyway

    Newman, S. H., Hill, N. J., Spragens, K. A., Janies, D., Voronkin, I. O., Prosser, D. J., Yan, B., Lei, F., Batbayar, N., Natsagdorj, T., Bishop, C. M., Butler, P. J., Wikelski, M., Balachandran, S., Mundkur, T., Douglas, T. C. & Takekawa, J. Y., 7 Feb 2012, In: PLoS ONE. 7, 2, p. e30636

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  48. Published

    Eco-hydrological requirements of dune slack vegetation and the implications of climate change

    Curreli, A., Wallace, H., Freeman, C., Hollingham, M., Stratford, C., Johnson, H. & Jones, L., 15 Jan 2013, In: Science of the Total Environment. 443, p. 910-919

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    Ecological Speciation Promoted by Divergent Regulation of Functional Genes Within African Cichlid Fishes

    Carruthers, M., Edgley, D. E., Saxon, A. D., Gabagambi, N. P., Shechonge, A., Miska, E. A., Durbin, R., Bridle, J. R., Turner, G. F. & Genner, M. J., Nov 2022, In: Molecular Biology and Evolution. 39, 11

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Ecological and social challenges to biodiversity conservation on farmland: reconnecting habitats on a landscape scale.

    Dutton, A., Edwards-Jones, G., Strachan, R. & MacDonald, D. W., 1 Apr 2008, In: Mammal Review. 38, 2-3, p. 205-219

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  51. Published

    Ecological community dynamics: 20 years of moth sampling reveals the importance of generalists for community stability

    Carvalho, G., Seymour, M., Brown, N., Wood, C., Goertz, S. & de Bruyn, M., 1 Dec 2020, In: Basic and Applied Ecology. 49, p. 34-44 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  52. Published

    Ecological diversification in a group of Indomalayan pitvipers (Trimeresurus): convergence in taxonomically important traits has implications for species identification.

    Sanders, K. L., Malhotra, A. & Thorpe, R. S., 1 Jul 2004, In: Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 17, 4, p. 721-731

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  53. Published

    Ecological drivers of the high predation of sea turtle hatchlings during emergence

    Martins, S., Sierra, L., Rodrigues, E., Onate-Casado, J., Galan, I. T., Clarke, L. J. & Marco, A., 24 Jun 2021, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 668, p. 97-106

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  54. Published

    Ecological intensification measures to improve productivity and decrease nitrogen surplus in wheat-maize/watermelon intercropping system

    Chen, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., Cross, P. & Zhang, C., 17 Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 30, 2, p. 140-151 12 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  55. Published

    Ecological interactions between Fungi, Other Biota, and Forest Litter composition in a Unique Scottish Woodland.

    Krivtsov, V., Bezginova, T., Salmond, R., Liddell, K., Garside, A., Thompson, J., Palfreyman, J. W., Staines, H. J., Brendler, A., Griffiths, B. & Watling, R., 1 Apr 2006, In: Forestry. 79, 2, p. 201-216

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  56. Published

    Ecological modelling and toxicity data coupled to assess population recovery of marine amphipod Gammarus locusta: Application to disturbance by chronic exposure to aniline

    Martins, I. I., de los Santos, C. B., Neuparth, T., Torres, T., Martins, I., Cunha, I., Sheahan, D., McGowan, T. & Santos, M. M., 23 Mar 2015, In: Aquatic Toxicology. 163, p. 60-70

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  57. Published

    Ecological relevance of temporal stability in regional fish catches.

    Hinz, H., Kaiser, M. J., Bergmann, M., Rogers, S. I. & Armstrong, M. J., 1 Nov 2003, In: Journal of Fish Biology. 63, 5, p. 1219-1234

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  58. Published

    Ecological role of an offshore industry artificial structure

    Gates, A., Serpell-Stevens, A., Chandler, C., Horton, T., Grange, L., Robert, K., Bevan, A. & Jones, D., 12 Nov 2019, In: Frontiers in Marine Science. 6, 14 p., 675.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  59. Published

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 3. Genetic map reveals genomic islands underlying species divergence in Howea

    Papadopulos, A. S. T., Igea, J., Dunning, L. T., Osborne, O., Quan, X., Pellicer, J., Turnbull, C., Hutton, I., Baker, W. J., Butlin, R. K. & Savolainen, V., Sept 2019, In: Evolution. 73, 9, p. 1986-1995 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  60. Published

    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 4. Demographic analyses support speciation of Howea in the face of high gene flow

    Papadopulos, A. S. T., Igea, J., Smith, T. P., Hutton, I., Baker, W. J., Butlin, R. K. & Savolainen, V., Sept 2019, In: Evolution. 73, 9, p. 1996-2002 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  61. Published

    Ecological study of the forest litter meiofauna of a unique Scottish woodland.

    Krivtsov, V., Garside, A., Bezginova, T., Thompson, J., Palfreyman, J. W., Salmond, R., Liddell, K., Brendler, A., Griffiths, B. S., Watling, R. & Staines, H. J., 1 Mar 2006, In: Animal Biology. 56, 1, p. 69-93

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  62. Published

    Ecologists need robust survey designs, sampling and analytical methods

    Hayward, M. W., Boitani, L., Burrows, N. D., Funston, P. J., Karanth, K. U., MacKenzie, D. I., Pollock, K. H. & Yarnell, R. W., 12 Mar 2015, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 52, 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  63. Published

    Ecology and Management of Mud Crab Scylla spp.

    Le Vay, L., 1 Jan 2001, In: Asian Fisheries Science. 14, 2, p. 101-111

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  64. Published

    Ecology and distribution of neotropical Podocarpaceae

    Dalling, J. W., Barkan, P., Bellingham, P. J., Healey, J. R. & Tanner Edmund, V. J., 14 Oct 2011, In: Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 95, p. 43-56

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  65. Published

    Ecology of Southern Ocean pack ice.

    Brierley, A. S. & Thomas, D. N., 1 Jan 2002, In: Advances in Marine Biology. 43, p. 171-276

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  66. Published

    Economic analysis of electric fencing for mitigating human-wildlife conflict in Nepal

    Sapotka, S., Aryal, A., Baral, S. R., Hayward, M. W. & Raubenheimer, D., 18 Sept 2014, In: Journal of Resources and Ecology. 5, 3, p. 237-243

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  67. Published

    Economic and environmental efficiency of UK and Ireland water companies: Influence of exogenous factors and rurality

    Walker, N., Norton, A., Harris, I., Williams, A. & Styles, D., 1 Jul 2019, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 241, p. 363-373

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  68. Published

    Economic treatments of recreational congestion.

    Price, C., 1 Jan 2004, In: Scandinavian Forest Economics. 40, p. 331-342

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  69. Published

    Economics: Fallacy in costs of pollution control

    Hockley, N., 12 Oct 2011, In: Nature. 478, 7368

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  70. Published

    Ecophysiology of Fe-cycling bacteria in acidic sediments.

    Lu, S., Gischkat, S., Reiche, M., Akob, D. M., Hallberg, K. B. & Kusel, K., 1 Dec 2010, In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76, 24, p. 8174-8183

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  71. Published

    Ecosystem controls on nitrogen fixation in boreal feather moss communities.

    DeLuca, T. H., Zackrisson, O., Gentili, F., Sellstedt, A. & Nilsson, M. C., 1 May 2007, In: Oecologia. 152, 1, p. 121-130

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  72. Published

    Ecosystem feedbacks and nitrogen fixation in boreal forests.

    DeLuca, T. H., Zackrisson, O., Gundale. M.J.*, N. V. & Nilsson, M. C., 30 May 2008, In: Science. 320, 5880, p. 1181

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  73. Published

    Ecosystem service and dis-service impacts of increasing tree cover on agricultural land by land-sparing and land-sharing in the Welsh uplands

    Hardaker, A., Pagella, T. & Rayment, M., 1 Apr 2021, In: Ecosystem Services. 48, 101253.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  74. Published

    Ecosystem service responses to rewilding - first-order estimates from 27 years of rewilding in the Scottish Highlands

    zu Ermgassen, S. O. S. E., McKenna, T., Gordon, J. & Willcock, S., 2018, In: International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 14, 1, p. 165-178

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  75. Published

    Ecosystem-sensitive approaches to fishing: reconciling fisheries with conservation through improvements in fishing technology .

    Kaiser, M. J., Graham, N., Rose, C. S. & Wiebe, P. H., 1 Nov 2007, In: ICES Journal of Marine Science. 64, 8, p. 1610-1611

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  76. Published

    Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: a review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap

    Cordier, T., Alonso-Saez, L., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil, Aylagas, E., Bohan, D. A., Bouchez, A., Chariton, A. A., Creer, S., Fruhe, L., Keck, F., Keeley, N., Laroche, O., Leese, F., Pochon, X., Stoeck, T., Pawlowski, J. & Lanzen, A., Jul 2021, In: Molecular Ecology. 30, 13, p. 2937-2958 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  77. Published

    Ectomycorrhizal community structure in a healthy and a Phytophthora-infected chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stand in central Italy.

    Blom, J. M., Vannini, A., Vettraino, A. M., Hale, M. D. & Godbold, D. L., 1 Nov 2009, In: Mycorrhiza. 20, 1, p. 25-38

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  78. Published

    Eddies and the distribution of Eddy Kinetic Energy in the Arctic Ocean

    von Appen, W., Baumann, T. M., Janout, M., Koldunov, N., Lenn, Y-D., Pickart, R., Scott, R. & Wang, Q., 27 Apr 2022, In: Oceanography. 35, 2

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  79. Published

    Eddies of Vestfjorden, Norway.

    Mitchelson-Jacob, E. G. & Sundby, S., 1 Oct 2001, In: Continental Shelf Research. 21, 16-17, p. 1901-1918

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  80. Published

    Edge-correction needs in estimating indices of spatial forest structure.

    Pommerening, A. & Stoyan, D., 1 Jul 2006, In: Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 36, 7, p. 1723-1739

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  81. Published

    Edited nearest neighbour for selecting keyframe summaries of egocentric videos

    Kuncheva, L., Yousefi, P. & Almeida, J., Apr 2018, In: Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation. 52, p. 118-130 13 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  82. Published

    Editorial: Recent Advances in Acidophile Microbiology: Fundamentals and Applications

    Johnson, D. B. & Schippers, A., 14 Mar 2017, In: Frontiers in Microbiology. 8, p. 428

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  83. Published

    Editorial: Changes in Forest Ecosystem Nutrition

    Lang, F., Kruger, J., Kaiser, K., Bol, R. & Loeppmann, S., 30 Aug 2021, In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  84. Published

    Editorial: Quaternary revolutions

    Charman, D. J., Duller, G. A., Long, A. J., Schreve, D. C. & Scourse, J. D., 30 Mar 2015, In: Journal of Quaternary Science. 30, 2, p. 101-103

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  85. Published

    Editorial: Structure, Functioning and Conservation of Coastal Vegetated Wetlands

    Richir, J., Bouillon, S., Gobert, S., Skov, M. & Borges, A. V., 29 May 2020, In: Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 8, 4 p., 134.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  86. Published

    Effect of Bias Current on Complexity and Time Delay Signature of Chaos in Semiconductor Laser with Time-Delayed Optical Feedback

    Ji, S. & Hong, Y., Nov 2017, In: IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 23, 6, 1800706.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  87. Published

    Effect of Oxygen, Moisture and Illumination on the Stability and Reliability of Dinaphtho[2,3-b:2′,3′-f]thieno[3,2-b]thiophene (DNTT) OTFTs during Operation and Storage

    Taylor, D. M., Ding, Z., Abbas, G., Assender, H. E., Morrison, J. J., Yeates, S. G. & Patchett, E. R., 13 Aug 2014, In: ACS Applied materials and interfaces. 6, 17, p. 15224-15231

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  88. Published

    Effect of Variable Viscosity on Free Convection Flow in a Horizontal Porous Channel with a Partly Heated or Cooled Wall.

    Pop, S. R., Pop. S., N. V., Grosan, T. & Pop, I., 1 Nov 2008, In: Revista De Chimie. 59, 11, p. 1210-1212

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  89. Published

    Effect of ZrB2 and UB2 Discrete Burnable Absorber Pins on Fuel Reactivity

    Bolukbasi, M., Middleburgh, S., Vrtiska, S. & Lee, B., 1 Aug 2022, In: Progress in Nuclear Energy. 150, 104295.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  90. Published

    Effect of aluminum on cytoplasmic Ca2+ homeostasis in root hairs of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.)

    Gilroy, S., Larsen, PB., Howell, SH., Kochian, LV. & Jones, D. L., 1 Oct 1998, In: PLANTA. 206, 3, p. 378-387

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  91. Published

    Effect of annealing on P3HT:IC70BA organicsolar cell devices

    Mabrook, M., 2 Jun 2016, In: Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. p. 69-73 5 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  92. Published

    Effect of biological polymers on mobility and run-out distance of cohesive and non-cohesive sediment gravity flows

    Sobocinska, A. & Baas, J., 1 Oct 2022, In: Marine Geology. 452, 106904.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  93. Published

    Effect of body mass, temperature and food deprivation on oxygen consumption rate of common cuttlefish Sepia officinalis.

    Grigoriou, P. & Richardson, C. A., 1 Nov 2009, In: Marine Biology. 156, 12, p. 2473-2481

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  94. Published

    Effect of carrier heating on chirp and modulation response of directly modulated semiconductor laser diodes.

    Pierce, I., Rees, P., Spencer, P. S. & Shore, K. A., 1 Sept 2000, In: Journal of Modern Optics. 47, 11, p. 1969-1976

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  95. Published

    Effect of cattle urine addition on the surface emissions and subsurface concentrations of greenhouse gases in a UK peat grassland

    Boon, A., Robinson, J. S., Chadwick, D. R. & Cardenas, L. M., 15 Mar 2014, In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 186, p. 23-32

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  96. Published

    Effect of chaos pass filtering on message decoding quality using chaotic external-cavity laser diodes.

    Paul, J., Lee, M. W. & Shore, K. A., 1 Nov 2004, In: Optics Letters. 29, 21, p. 2497-2499

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  97. Published

    Effect of composition on the electrical conductance of milk.

    Mabrook, M. F. & Petty, M. C., 1 Dec 2003, In: Journal of Food Engineering. 60, 3, p. 321-325

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  98. Published

    Effect of compound fertilizer and soil mounding on natural stand bamboos of Gigantochloa scortechinii in Peninsular Malaysia

    Azmy, H. M. & Hall, J. B., 1 Jan 2002, In: Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 14, p. 401-411

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  99. Published

    Effect of detuned DBRs on modal gain in VCSELs.

    Afonenko, A. A., Manak, I. S. & Shore, K. A., 1 Feb 2000, In: IEE Proceedings: Optoelectronics. 147, 1, p. 71-76

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  100. Published

    Effect of different diets on proteolytic enzyme activity, trypsinogen gene expression and dietary carbon assimilation in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) larvae.

    Gamboa-Delgado, J., Le Vay, L., Fernandez-Diaz, C., Canavate, P., Ponce, M., Zerolo, R. & Manchado, M., 1 Apr 2011, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 158, 4, p. 251-258

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  101. Published

    Effect of digital acquisition on complexity of chaos

    Hong, Y. & Ji, S., 1 Jul 2017, In: Optics Letters. 42, 13, p. 2507-2510 4 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  102. Published

    Effect of electric field on low temperature multisubband electron mobility in a coupled Ga0.5In0.5P/GaAs quantum well structure.

    Sahu, T. & Shore, K. A., 1 Jun 2010, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 107, 11, p. 113708

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  103. Published

    Effect of elevated systemic concentrations of ammonia and urea on the metabolite and ionic composition of oviductal fluid in cattle.

    Kenny, D. A., Humpherson, P. G., Leese, H. J., Morris, D. G., Tomos, A. D., Diskin, M. G. & Sreenan, J. M., 1 Jun 2002, In: Biology of Reproduction. 66, 6, p. 1797-1804

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  104. Published

    Effect of fertilizer type on antibiotic resistance genes by reshaping the bacterial community and soil properties

    Wu, J., Guo, S., Li, K., Li, Z., Xu, P., Jones, D. L., Wang, J. & Zou, J., 1 Sept 2023, In: Chemosphere. 336, 139272.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  105. Published

    Effect of field exposure to 38-year-old residual petroleum hydrocarbons on growth, condition index, and filtration rate of the ribbed mussel, Geukensia demissa.

    Culbertson, J. B., Valiela, I., Olsen, Y. S. & Reddy, C. M., 1 Jul 2008, In: Environmental Pollution. 154, 2, p. 312-319

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  106. Published

    Effect of gain localization in circular-grating distributed feedback lasers.

    Turnbull, G. A., Carelton, A., Tahraouhi, A., Krauss, T. F., Samuel, I. D., Barlow, G. F. & Shore, K. A., 1 Nov 2005, In: Applied Physics Letters. 87, 20, p. 201101

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  107. Published

    Effect of generation and soft lithography on semiconducting dendrimer lasers.

    Lawrence, J. R., Namdas, E. B., Richards, G. J., Burn, P. L. & Samuel, I. D., 1 Oct 2007, In: Advanced Materials. 19, 19, p. 3000-3003

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  108. Published

    Effect of genotype, environment and agronomic management on β-glucan concentration of naked barley grain intended for health food use.

    Dickin, E., Steele, K., Frost, G., Edwards-Jones, G. & Wright, D., 21 Mar 2011, In: Journal of Cereal Science.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  109. Published

    Effect of hypoxia on the prey-handling behaviour of Carcinus maenas feeding on Mytilus edulis.

    Brante, A. & Hughes, R. N., 5 Jan 2001, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 209, p. 301-305

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  110. Published

    Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on the performance of an aquatic detritivore through changes in water temperature and litter quality.

    Ferreira, V., Goncalves, A. L., Godbold, D. L. & Canhoto, C., 1 Dec 2010, In: Global Change Biology. 16, 12, p. 3284-3296

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  111. Published

    Effect of low temperature regimes on maize seed germination.

    Majeedano, H. I., Brook, R. M., Tunio, S. D. & Jarwar, A. D., 1 Jan 2001, In: Pakistan Journal of Agriculture, Agricultural Engineering and Veterinary Science. 17, p. 10-14

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  112. Published

    Effect of maedi-visna virus infection on milk production of dairy sheep in Greece

    Ploumi, K., Christadoulou, V., Vainas, E., Lymberopoulos, A., Xioufis, A., Giouzeijiannis, A., Paschaleri, E. & Ap Dewi, I., 27 Oct 2001, In: Veterinary Record. 149, 17, p. 526-527

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  113. Published

    Effect of methyltrimethoxysilane impregnation on the cell wall porosity and water vapour sorption of archaeological waterlogged oak

    Broda, M., Curling, S., Spear, M. & Hill, C., May 2019, In: Wood Science and Technology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  114. Published

    Effect of microplastics on organic matter decomposition in paddy soil amended with crop residues and labile C: A three-source-partitioning study

    Xiao, M., Shahbaz, M., Liang, Y., Yang, J., Wang, S., Chadwicka, D. R., Jones, D., Chen, J. & Ge, T., 15 Aug 2021, In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. 416, p. 126221

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  115. Published

    Effect of moisture content and preparation technique on the composition of soil solution obtained by centrifugation

    Jones, D. L. & Edwards, A. C., 1993, In: Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 24, 1-2, p. 171-186

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  116. Published

    Effect of nanocrystalline-TiO2 morphology on the performance of polymer heterojunction solar cells

    Al-Dmour, H., Taylor, D. M. & Cambridge, J. A., 7 Sept 2007, In: Journal of Physics D - Applied Physics. 40, 17, p. 5034-5038

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  117. Published

    Effect of number of sub-carriers, cyclic prefix and analogue to digital converter parameters on coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modem's transmission performance.

    Tang, J., Jarajreh, M. A., Wei, J. L., Tang, J. M., Ghassemlooy, Z. & Ng, W. P., 1 Jan 2010, In: IET Communications. 4, 2, p. 213-222

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  118. Published

    Effect of polarization sensitivity on ultrasmall SOI-based AWG for FBG sensor interrogation

    Li, H., Xie, R., Hong, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhang, C., Tang, C. & Li, E., 27 Jun 2018, In: Optical Engineering. 57, 6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  119. Published

    Effect of prey abundance and size on the distribution of demersal fishes

    Johnson, A. F., Valls, M., Moranta, J., Jenkins, S. R., Hiddink, J. G. & Hinz, H., 5 Jan 2012, In: Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69, 1, p. 191-200

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  120. Published

    Effect of prey mass and selection on predator carrying capacity estimates

    Jooste, E., Hayward, M. W., Pitman, R. T. & Swanepoel, L. H., 1 Aug 2013, In: European Journal of Wildlife Research. 59, 4, p. 487-494

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  121. Published

    Effect of processing additive 1,8-octanedithiol on the lifetime of PCPDTBT based Organic Photovoltaics

    Waters, R. H., Bristow, N. D., Kettle, J. P., Waters, H., Bristow, N., Moudam, O., Chang, S. W., Su, C. J., Wu, W. R., Jeng, U. S., Horie, M. & Kettle, J., 1 Oct 2014, In: Organic Electronics. 15, 10, p. 2433-2438

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  122. Published

    Effect of redox potential on chalcopyrite dissolution imposed by addition of ferrous ions

    Santos, A. L., Arena, F., Benedetti, A. & Bevilaqua, D., 30 Dec 2017, In: Ecletica Quimica. 42

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  123. Published

    Effect of relative humidity and temperature on the stability of DNTT transistors: A density of states investigation

    Za'aba, N., Morrison, J. J. & Taylor, D., Jun 2017, In: Organic Electronics. 45, p. 174-181

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  124. Published

    Effect of sediment nutrient enrichment and grazing on turtle grass thalassia testudinum in Jobos Bay, Puerto Rico.

    Olsen, Y. S. & Valiela, I., 1 May 2010, In: Estuaries and Coasts. 33, 3, p. 769-783

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  125. Published

    Effect of soil properties on tree distribution across an agricultural landscape on a tropical mountain, Tanzania

    Mathew, M. M., Majule, A. E., Sinclair, F. & Marchant, R., 27 Apr 2016, In: Open Journal of Ecology. 6, 05, p. 264 1 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  126. Published

    Effect of temperature on bioleaching of copper concentrates containing high concentrations of silver: opposite rules apply

    Hallberg, K. B., Yajie, L., Okibe, N. & Johnson, D. B., 1 Jan 2007, In: Advanced Materials Research. 20-21, p. 168-169

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  127. Published

    Effect of temperature on the growth of the commercially fished common whelk (Buccinum undatum, L.): a regional analysis within the Irish Sea

    Emmerson, J., Hollyman, P., Bloor, I. & Jenkins, S., 1 Mar 2020, In: Fisheries Research. 223, 105437.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  128. Published

    Effect of the Earth's rotation on the circulation in regions of freshwater influence.

    Kasai, A., Hill, A. E., Fujiwara, T. & Simpson, J. H., 15 Jul 2000, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 105, C7, p. 16961-16969

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  129. Published

    Effect of the earthworms lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa on bacterial diversity in soil.

    Nechitaylo, T. Y., Yakimov, M. M., Godinho, M., Timmis, K. N., Belogolova, E., Byzov, B. A., Kurakov, A. V., Jones, D. L. & Golyshin, P. N., 1 Apr 2010, In: Microbial Ecology. 59, 3, p. 574-587

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  130. Published

    Effect of the substrate on RF power-handling capability of micro-electromechanical capacitive switches

    Solazzi, F., Palego, C., Halder, S., Hwang, J. C., Faes, A., Mulloni, V., Margesin, B., Farinelli, P. & Sorrentino, R., 12 Jul 2011, In: Solid-State Electronics Special Issue. 65-66, p. 219-225

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  131. Published

    Effect of variety, seed rate and time of cutting on fibre yield of dew-retted hemp.

    Bennett, S. J., Snell, R. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2006, In: Industrial Crops and Products. 24, 1, p. 79-86

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  132. Published

    Effect of varying maize densities on intercropped maize and soybean in Nepal

    Prasad, R. B. & Brook, R. M., 1 Jul 2005, In: Experimental Agriculture. 41, 3, p. 365-382

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  133. Published

    Effect of waves on the tidal energy resource at a planned tidal stream array

    Hashemi, M. R., Neill, S. P., Robins, P. E., Davies, A. G. & Lewis, M. J., Mar 2015, In: Renewable Energy. 75, p. 626-639

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  134. Published

    Effect thresholds for the earthworm Eisenia fetida: Toxicity comparison between conventional and biodegradable microplastics

    Ding, W., Li, Z., Qi, R., Jones, D., Liu, Q., Liu, Q. & Yan, C., 10 Aug 2021, In: Science of the Total Environment. 781, 10 p., 146884.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  135. Published

    Effective and selective mild catalytic hydrodehalogenation of halocyclopropanes: Preparative capabilities and mechanistic aspects

    Nizovtsev, A. V., Al-Dulayymi, J., Baird, M. S., Bolesov, I. G. & Tverezovsky, V. V., 1 Mar 2003, In: Kinetics and Catalysis. 44, 2, p. 151-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  136. Published

    Effective bioremediation strategy for rapid in situ cleanup of anoxic marine sediments in mesocosm oil spill simulation

    Golyshin, P., Genovese, M., Crisafi, F., Denaro, R., Cappello, S., Russo, D., Calogero, R., Santisi, S., Catalfamo, M., Modica, A., Smedile, F., Genovese, L., Golyshin, P. N., Giuliano, L. & Yakimov, M. M., 14 Apr 2014, In: Frontiers in Microbiology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  137. Published

    Effective spectral densities for system-environment dynamics at conical intersections: S2-S1 conical intersection in pyrazine.

    Martinazzo, R., Hughes, K. H., Martelli, F. & Burghardt, I., 25 Nov 2010, In: Chemical Physics. 377, 1-3, p. 21-29

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  138. Published

    Effective-mode representation of non-Markovian dynamics: A hierarchical approximation of the spectral density. I. Application to single surface dynamics.

    Hughes, K. H., Christ, C. D. & Burghardt, I., 14 Jul 2009, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 131, 2, p. 024109

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  139. Published

    Effective-mode representation of non-Markovian dynamics: A hierarchical approximation of the spectral density. II. Application to environment-induced nonadiabatic dynamics.

    Hughes, K. H., Christ, C. D. & Burghardt, I., 28 Sept 2009, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 131, 12, p. 124108

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  140. Published

    Effectiveness in conservation practice: pointers from medicine and public health.

    Pullin, A. S. & Knight, T. M., 1 Feb 2001, In: Conservation Biology. 15, 1, p. 50-54

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  141. Published

    Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar

    Rasolofoson, R. A., Ferraro, P. J., Jenkins, C. N. & Jones, J. P. G., 21 Feb 2015, In: Biological Conservation. 184, p. 251-277

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  142. Published

    Effectiveness of a wool based packaging system on the abundance of surface spoilage microorganisms on meat products

    Curling, S., Jones, D., Ormondroyd, G. & Williams, A., 2017, In: Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. 34, 2/3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  143. Published

    Effectiveness of a wool based packaging system on the abundance of surface spoilage microorganisms on meat products

    Lahmer, R. A., Morris, A., Curling, S., Ormondroyd, G., Jones, D. & Williams, A., May 2016, In: Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS). 47, 2, p. 24-28

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  144. Published

    Effectiveness of cooking to reduce Norovirus and infectious F-specific RNA bacteriophage concentrations in Mytilus edulis

    Flannery, J., Rajko-Nenow, P., Winterbourn, J. B., Malham, S. K. & Jones, D. L., 1 Aug 2014, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology. 117, 2, p. 564-571

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  145. Published

    Effectiveness of engineered in-stream structure mitigation measures to increase salmonid abundance: a systematic review

    Stewart, G. B., Bayliss, H. R., Showler, D. A., Sutherland, W. J. & Pullin, A. S., Jul 2009, In: Ecological Applications. 19, 4, p. 931-941

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  146. Published

    Effectiveness of management interventions to control invasion by Rhododendron ponticum.

    Tyler, C., Pullin, A. S. & Stewart, G. B., 1 Apr 2006, In: Environmental Management. 37, 4, p. 513-522

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  147. Published

    Effectiveness of predator removal for enhancing bird populations.

    Smith, R. K., Pullin, A. S., Stewart, G. B. & Sutherland, W. J., 1 Jun 2010, In: Conservation Biology. 24, 3, p. 820-829

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  148. Published

    Effectiveness of snake antivenom: Species and regional venom variation and its clinical impact.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Winkel, K. D., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C. & Wüster, W., 1 Jun 2003, In: Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews. 22, 1, p. 23-34

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  149. Published

    Effectiveness of the Use of 3-dB Bandwidths of Multimode Fibres for Estimating the Transmission Performance of Adaptively Modulated Optical OFDM Signals Over IMDD Links.

    Tang, J., Jin, X. Q. & Tang, J. M., 15 Sept 2009, In: Journal of Lightwave Technology. 27, 18, p. 3992-3998

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  150. Published

    Effects and mode of action of chitosan and ivy fruit saponins on the microbiome, fermentation and methanogenesis in the rumen simulation technique

    Belanche, A., Pinloche, E., Newbold, J. & Preskett, D., 1 Jan 2016, In: Fems Microbiology Ecology. 92, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  151. Published

    Effects of 7 years of field weathering on biochar recalcitrance and solubility

    Williams, E. K., Jones, D. L., Sanders, H. R., Benitez, G. V. & Plante, A. F., 15 Nov 2019, In: Biochar. 1, 3, p. 237-248

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  152. Published

    Effects of Biological and Chemical Degradation on the Properties of Scots ine Wood—Part I: Chemical Composition and Microstructure of the CellWall

    Broda, M., Popescu, C. M., Curling, S., Timpu, D. I. & Ormondroyd, G., 22 Mar 2022, In: Materials. 15, 7, 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  153. Published

    Effects of Biological and Chemical Degradation on the Properties of Scots Pine Wood-Part I: Chemical Composition and Microstructure of the Cell Wall

    Broda, M., Popescu, C-M., Curling, S. F., Timpu, D. I. & Ormondroyd, G. A., 22 Mar 2022, In: Materials. 15, 7

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  154. Published

    Effects of Biological and Chemical Degradation on the Properties of Scots Pine—Part II: Wood-Moisture Relations and Viscoelastic Behaviour

    Broda, M., Spear, M., Curling, S. & Dimitriou, A., 31 Aug 2022, In: Forests. 13, 9, 1390.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  155. Published

    Effects of Climate Change on Peatland Reservoirs: A DOC Perspective

    Fenner, N., Meadham, J., Jones, T., Hayes, F. & Freeman, C., Jul 2021, In: Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 35, 7, e2021GB006992.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  156. Published

    Effects of Fishing and Regional Species Pool on the Functional Diversity of Fish Communities

    Martins, G. M., Arenas, F., Neto, A. I. & Jenkins, S. R., 31 Aug 2012, In: PLoS ONE. 7, 8, e44297.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  157. Published

    Effects of Gallium Doping in Garnet-Type Li7La3Zr2O12 Solid Electrolytes

    Jalem, R., Rushton, M. J. D., Manalastas, W. J., Nakayama, M., Kasuga, T., Kilner, J. A. & Grimes, R. W., 28 Apr 2015, In: Chemistry of Materials. 27, 8, p. 2821-2831

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  158. Published

    Effects of Long-Term Flow Variation on Microhydropower Energy Production in Pressure Reducing Valves in Water Distribution Networks

    Brady, J., Gallagher, J., Corcoran, L., Coughlan, P. & McNabola, A., Mar 2017, In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143, 3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  159. Published

    Effects of Photon Fluence Rate on Carbon Partitioning in Barley Source Leaves

    Farrar, S. & Farrar, J. F., 1987, In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (France). 25, 5, p. 541-548 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  160. Published

    Effects of Various Surfactants on Alkali Lignin Electrospinning Ability and Spun Fibers

    Charlton, A., 30 Aug 2017, In: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. p. 9551-9559

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  161. Published

    Effects of acclimation and acute temperature change on specific dynamic action and gastric processing in the green shore crab, Carcinus maenas

    McGaw, I. J. & Whiteley, N. M., 1 Dec 2012, In: Journal of Thermal Biology. 37, 8, p. 570-578

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  162. Published

    Effects of acidification and its mitigation with lime and wood ash on forest soil processes in southern Sweden: a joint multidisciplinary study.

    Lundstrom, U. S., Bain, D. C., Taylor, A. F., Van Hees, P. A., Geibe, C. E., Holmstrom, S. J., Melkerud, P. A., Finlay, R., Jones, D. L., Nyberg, L., Gustafsson, J. P., Riise, G. & Strand, L. T., 1 Jul 2003, In: Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. 3, 4, p. 167-188

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  163. Published

    Effects of adding bulking agents on biostabilization and drying of municipal solid waste

    Yuan, J., Zhang, D., Li, Y., Chadwick, D., Li, G., Li, Y. & Du, L., 1 Apr 2017, In: Waste Management. 62, p. 52-60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  164. Published

    Effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions, net ecosystem carbon budget and properties of an acidic soil under intensive vegetable production

    Wang, J., Chen, Z., Xiong, Z., Chen, C., Xu, X., Zhou, Q. & Kuzyakov, Y., 29 Jul 2015, In: Soil Use and Management. 31, 3, p. 375-383

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  165. Published

    Effects of biochar amendment on the net greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas intensity in a Chinese double rice cropping system

    Liu, J. Y., Shen, J. L., Li, Y., Su, Y. R., Ge, T., Jones, D. L. & Wu, J. S., 16 Sept 2014, In: European Journal of Soil Biology. 65, p. 30-39

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  166. Published

    Effects of bottom trawling and hypoxia on benthic invertebrate communities

    van Denderen, P. D., Tornroos, A., Sciberras, M., Hinz, H., Friedland, R., Lasota, R., Mangano, M. C., Robertson, C., Valanko, S. & Hiddink, J. G., 11 Aug 2022, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 694, p. 13-27 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  167. Published

    Effects of bottom trawling on fish foraging and feeding

    Johnson, A. F., Gorelli, G., Jenkins, S. R., Hiddink, J. G. & Hinz, H., 10 Dec 2014, In: Proceedings of the royal Society B. 282, 1799

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  168. Published

    Effects of chronic bottom trawling disturbance on benthic biomass, production and size spectra in different habitats.

    Queiros, A. M., Hiddink, J. G., Kaiser, M. J. & Hinz, H., 25 Jul 2006, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 335, 1, p. 91-103

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  169. Published

    Effects of chronic bottom trawling on soft seafloor macrofauna in the Kattegat

    Skold, M., Göransson, P., Jonsson, P., Bastardie, F., Blomqvist, M., Agrenius, S., Hiddink, J., Nilsson, H. C. & Bartolino, V., Jan 2018, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 586, p. 41-55

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  170. Published

    Effects of crown size on wood characteristics of Corsican pine in relation to definition's of juvenile wood, crown formed wood and core wood.

    Amarasekara, H. & Denne, M. P., 1 Jan 2002, In: Forestry. 75, 1, p. 51-61

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  171. Published

    Effects of date of sowing on seed yield, seed germination and vigour of peas and flax.

    Siddique, A. B. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2004, In: Seed Science and Technology. 32, 2, p. 455-472

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  172. Published

    Effects of defoliation on growth characteristics and N, P, K content in an alder/maize agroforestry system.

    Nyeko, P., Edwards-Jones, G., Day, R. K. & Ap Dewi, I., 1 Jan 2004, In: African Crop Science Journal. 12, p. 369-381

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  173. Published

    Effects of dietary water content on meal size, daily food intake, digestion and growth in turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.)

    Grove, D. J., Genna, R., Paralika, V., Boraston, J., Hornyold, M. G. & Siemens, R., 1 Jun 2001, In: Aquaculture Research. 32, 6, p. 433-442

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  174. Published

    Effects of different housing systems on some performance traits and egg qualities of laying hens.

    Omed, H., Sekeroglu, A., Sarica, M., Demir, E., Ulutas, Z., Tilki, M., Saatci, M. & Omed, H. M., 1 Jun 2010, In: Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 9, 12, p. 1739-1744

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  175. Published

    Effects of down-conversion CeO2: Eu3+ nanophosphors in perovskite solar cells

    Chen, W., Luo, Q., Zhang, C., Shi, J., Deng, X., Yue, L., Wang, Z., Chen, X. & Huang, S., Aug 2017, In: Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 28, 15, p. 11346

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  176. Published

    Effects of dredging on undersized scallops.

    Maguire, J. A., Coleman, A., Jenkins, S. R. & Burnell, G. M., 1 May 2002, In: Fisheries Research. 56, 2, p. 155-165

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  177. Published

    Effects of elevated CO2 on fen peat biogeochemistry.

    Kang, H., Freeman, C. & Ashendon, T. W., 12 Nov 2001, In: Science of the Total Environment. 279, 1-3, p. 45-50

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  178. Published

    Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on soil microorganisms.

    Freeman, C., Kim, S. Y., Lee, S. H. & Kang, H., 1 Dec 2004, In: Journal of Microbiology. 42, 4, p. 267-277

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  179. Published

    Effects of elevated levels of suspended particulate matter and burial on juvenile king scallops Pecten maximus

    Szostek, C., Davies, A. & Hinz, H., 2013, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 474, p. 155-165 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  180. Published

    Effects of farmyard manure on soil S cycling: Substrate level exploration of high- and low-molecular weight organic S decomposition

    Ma, Q., Tang, S., Pan, W., Zhou, J., Chadwick, D. R., Hill, P. W., Wu, L. & Jones, D. L., 1 Sept 2021, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 160, 108359.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  181. Published

    Effects of fire exclusion on forest structure and composition in unlogged ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests.

    Keeling, E. G., Sala, A. & DeLuca, T. H., 15 Dec 2006, In: Forest Ecology and Management. 237, 1-3, p. 418-428

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  182. Published

    Effects of food limitation and pharmaceutical compounds on the larval development and morphology of Palaemon serratus

    González-Ortegón, E., Giménez, L., Blasco, J. & Le Vay, L., 15 Jan 2015, In: Science of the Total Environment. 503-504, p. 171-178 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  183. Published

    Effects of four years of elevated ozone on microbial biomass and extracellular enzyme activities in a semi-natural grassland

    Wang, J., Hayes, F., Turner, R., Chadwick, D. R., Mills, G. & Jones, D. L., 10 Apr 2019, In: Science of the Total Environment. 660, p. 260-268 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  184. Published

    Effects of future sea-level rise on tidal processes on the Patagonian Shelf

    Carless, S., Green, M., Pelling, H. & Wilmes, S-B., Nov 2016, In: Journal of Marine Systems. 163, November 2016, p. 113-124

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  185. Published

    Effects of grazing on the acquisition of nitrogen by plants and microorganisms in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan plateau

    Jiang, L., Wang, S., Zhe, P., Wang, C., Kardol, P., Zhong, L., Yu, Q., Lan, Z., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Kuzyakov, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, Z. & Jones, D. L., 9 Mar 2017, In: Plant and Soil. 416, 1-2, p. 297-308

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  186. Published

    Effects of herbicides on nodulation and growth in two varieties of peas (Pisum sativum)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Sept 2002, In: Acta Agronomica Hungarica. 50, 3, p. 337-348

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  187. Published

    Effects of high-sugar grasses and improved manure management on the environmental footprint of milk production at the farm level

    Soteriades, A. D., Gonzalez Mejia, A. M., Styles, D., Foskolos, A., Moorby, J. M. & Gibbons, J. M., 20 Nov 2018, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 202, p. 1241-1252

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  188. Published

    Effects of intertidal mussel cultivation on bird assemblages.

    Caldow, R. W., Beadman, H. A., McGrorty, S., Kaiser, M. J., Goss-Custard, J. D., Mould, K. & Wilson, A., 12 Sept 2003, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 259, p. 173-183

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  189. Published

    Effects of ionic strength on the production of short chain volatile hydrocarbons by Dunaliella salina (Teodoresco)

    Munoz, J., Mudge, S. M. & Sandoval, A., 1 Feb 2004, In: Chemosphere. 54, 8, p. 1267-1271

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  190. Published

    Effects of light environment on maize in hillside agroforestry systems of Nepal

    Tiwari, T. P., Brook, R. M., Wagstaff, P. & Sinclair, F. L., Mar 2013, In: Food Security. 4, 1, p. 103-114

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  191. Published

    Effects of logging on roadless space in intact forest landscapes of the Congo Basin

    Kleinschroth, F., Healey, J., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Mortier, F. & Stoica, R. S., Apr 2017, In: Conservation Biology. 31, 2, p. 469-480

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  192. Published

    Effects of long-term exposure to different salinities on the location and activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in the gills of juvenile mitten crab, Eriocheir sinensis.

    Torres, G., Charmantier-Duares, M., Chifflet, S. & Anger, K., 1 Jun 2007, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 147, 2, p. 460-465

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  193. Published

    Effects of long-term grazing management on sand dune vegetation of high conservation interest.

    Plassmann, K., Jones, M. L. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Feb 2010, In: Applied Vegetation Science. 13, 1, p. 100-112

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  194. Published

    Effects of osmotic stress on crustacean larval growth and protein and lipid levels are related to life-histories: the genus Armases as a model.

    Torres, G., Gimenez, L. & Anger, K., 1 Oct 2007, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 148, 2, p. 209-224

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  195. Published

    Effects of plastic residues and microplastics on soil ecosystems: A global meta-analysis

    Zhang, J., Ren, S., Xu, W., Liang, C., Li, J., Zhang, H., Li, Y., Liu, X., Jones, D. L., Chadwick, D. & Wang, K., 5 Aug 2022, In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. 435, 129065.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  196. Published

    Effects of prehatching salinity and initial larval biomass on survival and duration of development in the zoea 1 of the estuarine crab, Chasmagnathus granulata, under nutritional stress.

    Gimenez, L., 12 Apr 2002, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 270, 1, p. 93-110

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  197. Published

    Effects of prokaryotic diversity changes on hydrocarbon degradation rates and metal partitioning during bioremediation of contaminated anoxic marine sediments

    Rocchetti, L., Beolchini, F., Hallberg, K. B., Johnson, D. B. & Dell'Anno, A., 1 Aug 2012, In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64, 8, p. 1688-1698

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  198. Published

    Effects of prometryn and trietazine/simazine on weeds and nodulation, nitrogenase activity, growth and yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Jan 2002, In: Annals of Biology. 18, p. 1-8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  199. Published

    Effects of reconstruction of a pre-European vertebrate assemblage on ground-dwelling arachnids in arid Australia

    Silvey, C. J., Hayward, M. W. & Gibb, H., 1 Jun 2015, In: Oecologia. 178, 2, p. 497-509

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  200. Published

    Effects of reduced salinities on metamorphosis of a freshwater-tolerant sesarmid crab, Armases roberti: Is upstream migration in the megalopa stage constrained by increasing osmotic stress?

    Torres, G., Anger, K. & Gimenez, L., 24 Oct 2006, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 338, 1, p. 134-139

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  201. Published

    Effects of reduced salinity on the biochemical composition (lipid, protein) of zoea 1 decapod crustacean larvae

    Torres, G., Gimenez, L. & Anger, K., 18 Sept 2002, In: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 277, 1, p. 43-60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  202. Published

    Effects of reproductive condition, season, and site on selected temperatures of a viviparous gecko

    Rock, J., Andrews, R. M. & Cree, A., 1 May 2000, In: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 73, 3, p. 344-355

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  203. Published

    Effects of salinity on rates of protein synthesis and oxygen uptake in the post-larvae and juveniles of the tropical prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man).

    Intanai, I., Taylor, E. W. & Whiteley, N. M., 1 Mar 2009, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 152, 3, p. 372-378

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  204. Published

    Effects of salinity, DOM and metals on the fate and microbial toxicology of propetamphos formulations in river and estuarine sediment

    Garcia-Ortega, S., Holliman, P. J. & Jones, D., May 2011, In: Chemosphere. 83, 8, p. 1117-1123

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  205. Published

    Effects of scale and habitat distribution on the movement of the southern stingray Dasyatis americana on a Caribbean atoll

    Tilley, A., Lopez-Angarita, J. & Turner, J. R., 22 May 2013, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 2013, 482, p. 169-179

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  206. Published

    Effects of scallop dredging on temperate reef fauna

    Hinz, H., Tarrant, D., Ridgeway, A., Kaiser, M. J. & Hiddink, J. G., 27 Jun 2011, In: Marine Ecology Progress Series. 432, p. 91-102

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  207. Published

    Effects of seed origin and site on the amenability of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) grown in Britain to preservative treatment in longitudinal and radial directions.

    Usta, I. & Hale, M. D., 1 Jan 2004, In: Forestry. 77, 1, p. 45-59

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  208. Published

    Effects of seed origin and site on wood density of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) grown in Britain.

    Usta, I. & Hale, M. D., 1 Feb 2002, In: Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 26, 1, p. 21-30

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  209. Published

    Effects of solute breakthrough curve tail truncation on residence time estimates: A synthesis of solute tracer injection studies

    Drummond, J. D., Covino, T. P., Aubeneau, A. F., Leong, D., Patil, S. D., Schumer, R. & Packman, A. I., 1 Sept 2012, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 117, G3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  210. Published

    Effects of sowing method on survival, ion uptake and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in sodic soils.

    Rajpar, I. & Wright, D., 1 Jun 2000, In: Journal of Agricultural Science. 134, 4, p. 369-378

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  211. Published

    Effects of space charge at the conjugated polymer/electrode interface.

    Mills, C. A., Taylor, D. M., Riul Jr, A. & Lee, A. P., 15 Apr 2002, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 91, (8), p. 5182-5189

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  212. Published

    Effects of suction-dredging for cockles on non-target fauna in the Wadden Sea.

    Hiddink, J. G., 1 Dec 2003, In: Journal of Sea Research. 50, 4, p. 315-323

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  213. Published

    Effects of temporary food limitation on survival and development of brachyuran crab larvae.

    Gimenez, L. & Anger, K., 1 May 2005, In: Journal of Plankton Research. 27, 5, p. 485-494

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  214. Published

    Effects of the length of incubation period and herbicides on nitrogenase activity of pea (Pisum sativum L.)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2002, In: Acta Agronomica Hungarica. 50, 2, p. 135-143

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  215. Published

    Effects of tidal straining on the semidiurnal cycle of dissipation in the Rhine region of freshwater influence: Comparison of model and measurements.

    Souza, A. J., Fisher, N. R., Simpson, J. H. & Howarth, M. J., 16 Jan 2008, In: Journal of Geophysical Research - Oceans. 113, C1, p. C01011

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  216. Published

    Effects of warming and grazing on dissolved organic nitrogen in a Tibetan alpine meadow ecosystem

    Jiang, L., Wang, S., Luo, C., Zhu, X., Kardol, P., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Wang, C., Wang, Y. & Jones, D., 1 May 2016, In: Soil & Tillage Research. 158, May, p. 156-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  217. Published

    Effects of water salinity on acid-base balance in decapod crustaceans.

    Whiteley, N. M., Scott, J. L., Breeze, S. J. & McCann, L., 1 Mar 2001, In: Journal of Experimental Biology. 204, 5, p. 1003-1011

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  218. Published

    Effects ofAgeratina adenophoraInvasion on the Understory Community and Soil Phosphorus Characteristics of Different Forest Types in Southwest China

    Wu, X., Duan, C., Fu, D., Peng, P., Zhao, L. & Jones, D. L., 25 Jul 2020, In: Forests. 11, 8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  219. Published

    Efficacy of mitigation measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from intensively cultivated peatlands

    Taft, H., Cross, P. & Jones, D. L., Dec 2018, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 127, p. 10-21

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  220. Published

    Efficient and Product-Controlled Depolymerization of Lignin Oriented by Raney Ni Cooperated with Cs x H3 − x PW12O40.

    Shen, X-J., Wen, J-L., Huang, P-L., Zheng, K., Wang, S-F., Liu, Q., Charlton, A. & Sun, R-C., 22 Jul 2017, In: BioEnergy Research. 10, DOI 10.1007/s12155-017-9855-2, p. 1155-1162 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  221. Published

    Efficient classical simulation of continuous variable quantum information processes.

    Bartlett, S. D., Sanders, B. C., Braunstein, S. L. & Nemoto, K., 4 Mar 2002, In: Physical Review Letters. 88, 9, p. 097904

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  222. Published

    Efficient identification of proteins from ovaries and hepatopancreas of the unsequencedediblecrab, Cancerpagurus, by massspectrometry and homology-based, cross-speciessearching

    Ward, D. A., Sefton, E. M., Prescott, M. C., Webster, S. G., Wainwright, G., Rees, H. H. & Fisher, M. J., 10 Oct 2010, In: Journal of Proteomics. 73, 12, p. 2354-2364

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  223. Published

    Efficient perovskite solar cells by combination use of Au nanoparticles and insulating metal oxide

    Zhang, C., Luo, Q., Shi, J., Yue, L., Wang, Z., Chen, X. & Huang, S., 2017, In: Nanoscale. 9, 8, p. 2852-2864

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  224. Published

    Efficient solar cells are more stable: the impact of polymer molecular weight on performance of organic photovoltaics

    Ding, Z., Kettle, J., Horie, M., Chang, S. M., Smith, G. C., Shames, A. I. & Katz, E. A., 21 May 2016, In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 4, 19, p. 7274-7280

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  225. Published

    Efficient synthesis of ordered organo-layered double hydroxides.

    Greenwell, H. C., Jones, W., Rugen-Hankey, S. L., Holliman, P. J. & Thompson, R. L., 1 Apr 2010, In: Green Chemistry. 12, 4, p. 688-695

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  226. Published

    Efficient use of resources: urban waste ash and soil fertility on the Jos Plateau, Nigeria

    Pasquini, M. & Harris, F., 1 Mar 2005, In: Area. 37, 1, p. 17-29

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  227. Published

    Efficient utilization of very dilute aquatic sperm: sperm competition may be more likely than sperm limitation when eggs are retained.

    Pemberton, A. J., Hughes, R. N., Manriquez, P. H. & Bishop, J. D., 7 Nov 2003, In: Proceedings of The Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 270, Supplement 2, p. S223-S226

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  228. Published

    Efficient von Mises-Fisher concentration parameter estimation using Taylor series

    Christie, D., 2 Nov 2015, In: Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 85, 16, p. 3259-3265

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  229. Published

    Eight microsatellite loci in the Caribbean lizard, Anolis roquet.

    Ogden, R., Griffiths, T. J. & Thorpe, R. S., 1 Sept 2002, In: Conservation Genetics. 3, 3, p. 345-346

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  230. Published

    Elasmobranchs of the Persian (Arabian) Gulf: ecology, human aspects and research priorities for their improved management

    Moore, A., Mar 2012, In: Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 22, 1, p. 35-61

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  231. Published

    Elastoplastic constitutive relation of short fiber/ whisker reinforced metal matrix composites.

    Liu, Q., Liu, Q. Y., Liang, N. G. & Liu, X. Y., 1 Jan 2001, In: Acta Metallurgica Sinica. 37, 5, p. 555-560

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  232. Published

    Electric-field-induced band bending on GaN: in situ effects of electron beam irradiation on time-dependent cathodoluminescence

    Campo, E., Campo, E. M., Pophristic, M., Hopkins, L. & Ferguson, I. T., 20 Apr 2015, In: Applied Optics. 54, 12, p. 3613-3623

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  233. Published

    Electrical behavior of memory devices based on fluorene-containing organic thin films.

    Dimitrakis, P., Normand, P., Tsoukalas, D., Pearson, C., Ahn, J. H., Mabrook, M. F., Zeze, D. A., Petty, M. C., Kamtekar, K. T., Wang, C., Bryce, M. R. & Green, M., 15 Aug 2008, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 104, 4, p. 044510

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  234. Published

    Electrical characteristics of hybrid-organic memory devices based on Au nanoparticles

    Nejm, R. R., Ayesh, A. I., Zeze, D. A., Sleiman, A., Mabrook, M. F., Al-Ghaferi, A. & Hussein, M., 6 Mar 2015, In: Journal of Electronic Materials. 44, 8, p. 2835-2841

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  235. Published

    Electrical characterization of 7 nm long conjugated molecular wires: experimental and theoretical studies.

    Wang, C., Batsanov, A. S., Bryce, M. R., Ashwell, G. J., Urasinska, B., Grace, I. & Lambert, C. J., 31 Jan 2007, In: Nanotechnology. 18, 4, p. 044005

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  236. Published

    Electrical characterization of poly(amide-imide) for application in organic field effect devices

    Lopes, E. M., Ywata, R. S., Alves, N., Shimizu, F. M., Taylor, D. M., Watson, C. P., Carvalho, A. J. & Giacometti, J. A., 1 Oct 2012, In: Organic Electronics. 13, 10, p. 2109-2117

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  237. Published

    Electrical resistance tomography for suspended sediment measurements in open channel flows using a novel sensor design.

    Schlaberg, H. I., Baas, J. H., Wang, M., Best, J. L., Williams, R. A. & Peakall, J., 1 Oct 2006, In: Particle and Particle Systems Characterization. 23, 3-4, p. 313-320

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  238. Published

    Electrical response of highly ordered organic thin film metal-insulator-semiconductor devices.

    Ullah, M., Taylor, D. M., Schwödiauer, R., Sitter, H., Bauer, S., Sariciftci, N. S. & Singh, T. B., 10 Dec 2009, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 106, 11, p. 114505

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  239. Published

    Electrically pumped sub-wavelength metallo-dielectric pedestal pillar lasers

    Lee, J. H., Khajavikhan, M., Simic, A., Gu, Q., Bondarenko, O., Slutsky, B., Nezhad, M. P. & Fainman, Y., 24 Oct 2011, In: Optics Express. 19, 22, p. 21524-21531 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  240. Published

    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor for detection of active botulinum neurotoxin

    Halliwell, J. H., Savage, A., Buckley, N. J., Halliwell, J., Savage, A. C., Buckley, N. & Gwenin, C. D., 13 Oct 2014, In: Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research. 2, p. 12-15

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  241. Published

    Electrochemical quantification of D-glucose during the production of bioethanol from thermo-mechanically pre-treated wheat straw

    Ward, R. A., Charlton, A., Welham, K. J., Baker, P., Zein, S. H., Tomkinson, J., Richards, D. I., Kelly, S. M., Lawrence, N. S. & Wadhawan, J. D., Mar 2021, In: Electrochemistry Communications. 124, 106942.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  242. Published

    Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of self-assembled monolayers and multilayers of ferrocenylthiol derivatives on gold

    Viana, A. S., Kalaji, M. & Abrantes, L. M., 28 Oct 2003, In: Langmuir. 19, 22, p. 9542-9544

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  243. Published

    Electrochemical, spectroscopic and SPM evidence for the controlled formation of self-assembled monolayers and organised multilayers of ferrocenyl alkyl thiols on Au (111)

    Viana, A. S., Abrantes, L. M., Jin, G., Floate, S., Nichols, R. J. & Kalaji, M., 1 Jan 2001, In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 3, 16, p. 3411-3419

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  244. Published

    Electrodeposition of nickel on carbon felt.

    Malpass, G. R., Kalaji, M., Venancio, E. C. & Motheo, A. J., 30 Oct 2004, In: Electrochimica Acta. 49, 27, p. 4933-4938

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  245. Published

    Electrokinetic measurements of membrane capacitance and conductance for pancreatic beta-cells

    Pethig, R., Jakubek, L. M., Sanger, R. H., Heart, E., Corson, E. D. & Smith, P. J., 1 Dec 2005, In: IEE Proceedings - Nanobiotechnology. 152, 6, p. 189-193

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  246. Published

    Electromagnetic properties of pyramids from positions of photonics

    Minin, I., Minin, O. & Yue, L., 13 Feb 2020, In: Russian Physics Journal. 62, 10, p. 1763-1769 10.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  247. Published

    Electromagnetic waves in the Kerr-Schild metric

    Christie, D., Jan 2008, In: General Relativity and Gravitation. 40, 1, p. 57-79

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  248. Published

    Electromanipulation and separation of cells using travelling electric fields

    Talary, M., Burt, J., Tame, J. & Pethig, R., 1996, In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics. 29, 8, 2198.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  249. Published

    Electron donation between copper containing nitrite reductases and cupredoxins: the nature of protein-protein interaction in complex formation

    Murphy, L. M., Dodd, F. E., Yousafzai, F. K., Eady, R. R. & Hasnain, S. S., 25 Jan 2002, In: Journal of Molecular Biology. 315, 4, p. 859-871

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  250. Published

    Electron transport process in quantum cascade intersubband semiconductor lasers.

    Kalna, K., Cheung, C. Y. & Shore, K. A., 15 Feb 2001, In: Journal of Applied Physics. 89, p. 2001-2005

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  251. Published

    Electron trapping and inversion layer formation in photoexcited metal-insulator-poly(3-hexylthiophene) capacitors

    Taylor, M., Drysdale, J. A., Torres, I. & Fernandez, O., 1 Nov 2006, In: Applied Physics Letters. 89, 18, p. 183512

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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