College of Science & Engineering
Ap Cenydd, Llyr
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Lecturer in Visualisation (CCC)
Person: Academic
Austin, Martin
- School of Ocean Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Ocean Sciences
- Catchment and Coastal Processes Research Group
Person: Academic
Baas, Jaco
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Ocean Sciences
- Catchment and Coastal Processes Research Group
Person: Academic
Barlow, Axel
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Bazargani, Mosab
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Lecturer - Data Science with focus on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Person: Academic
Bird, Graham
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Physical Geography / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor / Director of Teaching and Learning
Person: Academic
Bishop, Charles
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Reader in Zoology (Avian)
Person: Academic
Blackhall-Miles, Robbie
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Lecturer
Person: Non Staff
Brandish-Jones, Laura
- College of Science & Engineering - Senior School Clerical Officer
Person: Support
Brown, Rob
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Researcher in Biogeochemistry
Person: Research
Burton, Rhea
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Scholarship Lecture
Person: Academic
Butcher, Peter
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Lecturer - Human Computer Interaction
Person: Academic
Cahalan, Christine
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Senior Lecturer
Person: Non Staff
Carvalho, Gary
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Emeritus Professor
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Non Staff
Chadwick, Dave
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor of Sustainable Land Use Systems
Person: Academic
Chaplin, Daniel
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer In Bioanalytics
Person: Research
Clewett, Alex
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Regional Co-ordinator (Technocamps)
Person: Academic
Comeault, Aaron
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Biological Sciences
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Cooledge, Emily
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Creer, Simon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor of Molecular Ecology
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Cross, Paul
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in the Environment / Senior Tutor
Person: Academic
Dallison, Richard
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Environmental Science
Person: Academic
Downes, Penny
Person: Doctor of Philosophy
Dunn, Christian
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor / Director of Marketing-College
Person: Academic
Ellison, Amy
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Biological Sciences
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Ellwood, Farnon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Ecology & Conservation
Person: Academic
Evans, Glynne
- College of Science & Engineering - Research Technician
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Support
Farmer, Daniel
- School of Computer Science & Engineering
- Venues Hospitality and Catering - Casual General Assistant
Person: Support
Farrar, Stel
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Darlithyddiaeth Cyfrwng Cymraeg (CCC)
Person: Support, Academic
Fenner, Nathalie
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Biology (Aquatic)
Person: Academic
Fidler, David
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Officer
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Research
Freeman, Koley
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Scholarship Lecturer in Zoology, Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Non Staff, Academic
Georgiev, Alexander
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Primatology / College Director of Postgraduate Research Studies (College of Science & Engineering)
Person: Academic
Ghardi, Mehdi
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Post-Doctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Gibbons, James
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Ecological Modelling
Person: Academic
Giddings, Roger
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Optical Communications & DSP
Person: Academic
Golyshin, Peter
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Biology (Biotechnology)
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Golyshina, Olga
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Biology (Environmental Microbiology)
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Grange, Laura
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Marine Biology
- School of Education - Reward and Recognition for T&L Lead
Person: Academic
Green, Emma
- College of Science & Engineering - College Research Institute Administrator
Person: Support
Griffiths, Robert
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Environmental Microbiology
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Guilford, Grahame
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Exploitation Manager of The DSP Centre of Excellence and Bangor University
Person: Professional
Hallman, Tyler
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer In Wildlife Ecology & Conservation
Person: Academic
Hancock, Chris
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Microwave Medical Devices
Person: Academic
Harper, Enlli
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Welsh Medium Laboratory Lec
Person: Academic
Haswell, Pete
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Conservation Science
Person: Academic
Healey, John
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor of Forest Sciences
Person: Academic
Healey, Nathaniel
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Research Technician
Person: Support
Heath, William
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Head of School of Computer Science and Engineering
Person: Academic
Hicks, Olivia
- School of Ocean Sciences - Post-doctoral Research Officer in Marine Ecology
Person: Research
Hockley, Neal
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Economics & Policy / Director of Research Postgraduate Studies
Person: Academic
Holland, Richard
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Animal Behaviour / Director of Research
Person: Academic
Hoppes, Jo
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Zoology
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Huws, Dei
- School of Ocean Sciences - Reader in Ocean Sciences / Director of Teaching and Learning
- School of Education - Learning and Teaching Development Leader (CELT)
Person: Academic
Iakounine, Alexandre
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor In Enzyme Discovery and Application
Person: Academic
Jameson, Ellie
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Jarrett, Benjamin
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Academic
Jones, Davey
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor of Soil and Environmental Science / Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor
Person: Academic
Jones, Julia Patricia Gordon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Conservation Science
Person: Academic
Jones, Katherine
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Zoology
Person: Academic
Jones, Rebecca
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer
- School of Education - CELT Digital Pedagogy Lead
Person: Academic
Jones, Siobhan
- College of Science & Engineering - Field Course and Work-Placement Officer
Person: Support
Kennaway, Sion
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Support Technician
Person: Support
Kevill, Jessica
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Khusnutdinova, Anna
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Fellow in Enzymology
Person: Research
Knight, Maggie
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer in Environmental Science
Person: Research
Krafft, Stef
- School of Ocean Sciences
- College of Science & Engineering - Teaching Technician
Person: Support
Kuncheva, Ludmila
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Computer Science
Person: Academic
Kurr, Rachel
- College of Science & Engineering - Placements and Fieldtrips Co-ordinator, Academic Support Officer
Person: Support
Lee, Bill
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Ser Cymru Professor in Materials for Extreme Environments
Person: Academic
Mabrook, Mohammed
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Organic Electronics / Senior Tutor
Person: Academic
MacLeod, Kirsty
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Macdonald, James
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Post-Doctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Mainwaring, Mark
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Biological or
Person: Academic
Malhotra, Anita
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Reader in Zoology (Molecular Ecology)
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Malone, Alex
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Computer-Based Research Technician
Person: Support
Mannion, Finn
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Project Support Officer
Person: Research
Mansoor, Saad
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Person: Academic
Markesteijn, Lars
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Forest Science
Person: Academic
McDonald, James
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Professor
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Non Staff
McDonald, Morag
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Dean of College / Professor/ Associate Pro Vice-Chancellor
Person: Academic
Moore, Alec
- School of Ocean Sciences - T&R Lecturer in Marine Top Predator Conservation
Person: Academic
Mulley, John
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Zoology (Molecular Ecology)
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Mwaura, Simon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Ogden, Mark
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecture in Nuclear Medicine
Person: Academic
Omoregbe, Osaze
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Postdoctoral Research Associate
Person: Research
Owen, Aled
- College of Science & Engineering - SEACAMS Seagoing Electronics Service Technician
Person: Support
Pagella, Tim
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Forestry
Person: Academic
Palego, Cristiano
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Microwave Instrumentation
Person: Academic
Papadopulos, Alexander
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Reader in Molecular Ecology and Genomics
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Parker, Darren
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Peduru Hewa, Jeewani
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer in Biogeochemistry (Peatlands)
Person: Research
Perkins, Dave
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Reader in Computer Science / Director of Teaching and Learning
Person: Academic
Perry, William
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Research Associate
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Non Staff
Pinder, Adam
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Project Support Officer
Person: Research
Prabhakar, John Thomas
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Nuclear Futures Institute Chief Technician
Person: Support
Pugh, Rose
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences
- Students' Union - Vice-President (Education & Welfare)
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Support, Master of Science
Rakotonarivo, Sarobidy
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Research Fellow
Person: Non Staff
Rayment, Mark
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Forestry
Person: Academic
Ridding, Nicola
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Laboratory Manager/Chief Technician
Person: Support
Rippeth, Tom
- School of Ocean Sciences - Professor of Physical Oceanography
- Ocean Physics
- Catchment and Coastal Processes Research Group
Person: Academic
Ritsos, Panagiotis
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Visualisation / Director of Research
Person: Academic
Roberts, Jonathan
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Visualisation / Director of Impact and Engagement
Person: Academic
Roberts-Tyler, Katie
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Lecturer in Education
Person: Academic
Rowlands, Steve
- College of Science & Engineering - Seagoing Instrumentation Technician
Person: Support
Sansom, Lauren
- College of Science & Engineering - College Research Institute Administrator
Person: Support
Schneider, Will
- School of Ocean Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer
Person: Research, Academic
Scutt-Jones, Yvonne
- College of Science & Engineering - Senior Marketing & Recruitment Clerical Officer
Person: Support
Sealey, Jordan
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer
Person: Research
Shannon, Graeme
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Zoology (Behaviour) / Director of Impact and Engagement
Person: Academic
Shepperson, Jenny
- School of Ocean Sciences - Senior Lecturer, Senior Fisheries Researcher
Person: Research, Academic
Shirsat, Anil
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Biology (Biotechnology)
Person: Academic
Shuttleworth, Craig
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Visiting Research Fellow
Person: Non Staff
Shuttleworth, Elaine
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Deputy Operation Manager of The DSP Centre of Excellence
Person: Professional
Silvester, Reshma
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Postdoctoral Research Officer in Environmental Microbiology
Person: Research
Sivanantharajah, Lovesha
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Fellow
Person: Research
Smith, Joanna
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Zoology / Senior Tutor
Person: Academic
Smith, Marielle
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Forest Sciences
Person: Academic
Steele, Katherine
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Reader in Sustainable Crop Production / Director of Impact & Engagement
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research - Reader
Person: Academic
Sutton, Alex
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Teaching & Research Lectureship
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Tang, Jianming
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Optical Communications
Person: Academic
Teahan, William
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Senior Lecturer in Computer Science
Person: Academic
Thomas Lane, Eifiona
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Geography & Environmental Planning
Person: Academic
Thornham, Daniel
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Zoology / Exams Officer
Person: Academic
Tidau, Svenja
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Wildlife Ecology
Person: Academic
Turner, George
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Zoology (Aquatic)
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
- Evolution, Development and Molecular Biology Research
Person: Academic
Unsworth, Christopher
- School of Ocean Sciences - Research Officer in Coastal Oceanography
Person: Research
Villanueva, Walter
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Reader in Nuclear Engineering
Person: Academic
Virk, Daljit
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Honorary Senior Research Fellow
Person: Non Staff
Vowles, Sarah
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Research Project Support Officer
Person: Research
Walmsley, James
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Senior Lecturer in Forestry
Person: Academic
Wang, Zengbo (James )
- School of Computer Science & Engineering - Professor in Imaging and Laser Micromachining
Person: Academic
Warren-Thomas, Eleanor
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Lecturer in Conservation and Forestry
Person: Academic
Welsby, Nicholas
- College of Science & Engineering - Senior Technician
- Molecular Ecology and Evolution at Bangor
Person: Support
Whiteley, Nia
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Head of School / Professor in Zoology (Aquatic)
Person: Academic
Willcock, Simon
- School of Environmental & Natural Sciences - Professor in Environmental Geography
Person: Academic
Williams, Gareth
- School of Ocean Sciences - Professor / Director of Impact and Engagement
Person: Academic