School of History, Law and Social Sciences
- 2024
A Civil Liability Regime for Offshore Petroleum Development in the Arctic Region
Omaka, A. (Author), Roberts, H. (Supervisor), 25 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Reflections in Soil: Multi-element analysis of later prehistoric and early historic house floors in Britian
George, N. (Author), Waddington, K. (Supervisor) & Edwards, N. (Supervisor), 4 Jun 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Naval King Charles II’s use of the English Navy, 1659 - 1668
Barnet, A. (Author), Claydon, T. (Supervisor), 30 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Archwilio profiadau bywyd ac anghenion unigolion sy’n rhoi gofal yng Ngogledd Cymru er mwyn datblygu gwybodaeth a dealltwriaeth o ystyron gwahanol weithgareddau gofalu a’u heffaith ar hunaniaeth unigolion sy’n rhoi gofal.
Lloyd, R. (Author), Davies, M. (Supervisor), 11 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The role of Religious Salience and Ethnicity in Weakening Political Institutions in Nigeria since 1960: A Socio-economic analysis
Osokogwu, E. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor) & Wali, F. (Supervisor), 9 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Revisioning a Pentecostal Theology of water Baptism: An ecclesial rite of embodied transformation
George, E. (Author), Thomas, J. (Supervisor), 8 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Proprietors, people, transition and change on a Welsh estate: Gregynog Hall, Montgomeryshire, 1750-1900
Oldham, M. (Author), Rees, L. (Supervisor) & Evans, S. (Supervisor), 3 Apr 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Politics of the Spirit: Memory, Identity, and Imagination
Rouse, C. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 15 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The possibility of ratification of the Vienna Convention into the Iranian Law: A case study on delivery of goods in international transaction.
Badiei, A. (Author), Jing, Z. (Supervisor) & Owen, G. (Supervisor), 1 Mar 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Bollingen - a Biography of Jung's Tower
Gledhill, M. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor) & Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 14 Feb 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Pentecostal Perspectives on Social Justice: Rationale, Form and Practice. A Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann.
Kurt, T. (Author), Macchia, F. D. (Supervisor), 13 Feb 2024Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2023
MacNeil, M. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor) & Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 15 Nov 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Cydymdreiddiad: The interpenetration of land and language as illustrated by Welsh Language Great War Memorials
Stanton, S. (Author), Edwards, A. (Supervisor) & Wiliam, M. (Supervisor), 31 Aug 2023Student thesis: Master of Philosophy
Making Connections: The Socio-Economic Impacts of an All-Wales Integrated Transport System
Lewis, M. (Author), Machura, S. (Supervisor) & Gwilym, H. (Supervisor), 18 Aug 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Debriefing in EU Public Procurement Law: A Critical Enquiry
Yang, C. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor) & Eyo, A. (Supervisor), 1 Aug 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Traddodiadau a defodau Sipsiwn benywaidd Cymru o safbwynt gymharol, 1900-2021
Lock-Thompson, S. (Author), Pollock, K. (Supervisor) & Rees, L. (Supervisor), 4 Jul 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Power and Control: The Lived Experiences of Homeless Youth in Supported Accommodation
Roberts, N. (Author), Wardhaugh, J. (Supervisor), 13 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Podcasting Penrhyn: Communicating the multilayered narratives of heritage sites through audio digital interpretation
Jones, K. V. (Author), Evans, S. (Supervisor), Edwards, A. (Supervisor) & Thomas, S. (Supervisor), 2 Jun 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An Analysis of Country Houses Interpretation in Wales
Rowland, M. (Author), Evans, S. (Supervisor) & Pollock, K. (Supervisor), 23 May 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
New Impulses for Disability Studies: Bringing Together the Frankfurt School’s Critical Theory, Foucault’s Theory of Power, and Donna Haraway’s Cyborg Feminism as Responses to the Postmodern Critique of the Social Model of Disability
Neukirchinger, B. (Author), Stoetzler, M. (Supervisor) & Davies, H. (Supervisor), 27 Apr 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Keeping up with the Neighbours: Cultural Emulation, Integration and Change in Southeast Wales c.1050 - c.1350.
Davies, T. (Author), Roberts, E. (Supervisor) & Pryce, A. (Supervisor), 30 Jan 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rethinking Frongoch
Huey, L. (Author), Robinson, G. (Supervisor) & Rees, L. A. (Supervisor), 16 Jan 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2022
The making and remaking of Gwent: : tribe, civitas, kingdom and lordship. Cultural transition or outside imposition?
Thomas, P. (Author), Roberts, E. (Supervisor) & Karl, R. (Supervisor), 20 Dec 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Cross-sector collaboration for Wales’ national well-being: Transformative action in communities of practice
Woodcock, E. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor) & Bartels, K. (Supervisor), 31 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An Investigation into Waqf Company and its Place in Saudi Arabian Civil Law
Aldayel, A. S. A. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), 23 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Reform of Insurance Warranty Law in Nigeria: Which Way Forward?
Jeff-Zanni, S. G. (Author), Owen, J. (Supervisor) & Jing, Z. (Supervisor), 22 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Wyn Roberts: The Blue Dragon?: Conservatism, Welsh Patriotism and North Wales c. 1970s- 1990s.
Day, M. (Author), Mann, R. (Supervisor) & Wiliam, M. (Supervisor), 15 Aug 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Energised Welsh communities: Examining the development and social impacts of community renewable energy in Wales
Williams, S. (Author), Patterson, C. (Supervisor) & Wynne-Jones, S. (Supervisor), 4 Jul 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
In Search of the Butterfly: Toward a Pneumatological Theological Methodology
Rodriguez-Gungor, E. (Author), Thomas, J. (Supervisor) & Green, C. (Supervisor), 21 Jun 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A Philosophical Investigation of Religious Language: A Study of the Identity, Meaning and Semantics of Religious Utterances
Ellis, D. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 25 May 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Checkpoint Cymru: A process evaluation of the introduction of a custody suite diversion scheme in North Wales
Pritchard, D. (Author), Machura, S. (Supervisor) & Feilzer, M. (Supervisor), 20 Apr 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research
"Believing in Russia – Religious Policy after Communism" as a navigational aid to religious affairs in post-communist Russia : --
Fagan, (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 23 Mar 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Girard Contests Nietzsche: A case of Misplaced Resentment - Dionysos and the Crucified
Blaskow, N. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor) & Cowdell, S. (Supervisor), 15 Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Nietzsche's Will To Power: A Naturalistic Account of Metaethics Based on Evolutionary Principles and Thermodynamic Laws
Curtis, P. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor) & Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2022Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2021
THE PALERMO PROTOCOL AND THE CHILDRENS’ RIGHTS CONVENTION AS CONDUITS TO A REVISED LEGAL FRAMEWORK ENCOMPASSING: LEGAL EMPOWERMENT – ACCESS TO JUSTICE, EFFECTS OF DETERRENCE, AND REDRESS: A Critical-Case, Socio-Legal Research Investigating State Responsibility for the Prevention and Protection of Force Displaced Stateless Children (Children Displaced Across Borders) Vulnerable to Human Trafficking and Exploitation in South Asia (Bangladesh) and Southeast Asia (Myanmar) Regions
Herring, T. (Author), Feilzer, M. (Supervisor), 8 Dec 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Triune God and Theological Metaphysics: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Being
Robles, R. (Author), Green, C. (Supervisor), 24 Nov 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Enhancing police legitimacy through the use of Twitter -- A Mixed-method Study of Police Communication via Twitter in England and Wales
Qiu, Y. (Author), Feilzer, M. (Supervisor) & Loftus, B. (Supervisor), 27 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Not Just the Usual Suspects: Designing a new method for public consultation
Collis, A. (Author), Calder, G. (Supervisor) & Doloriert, C. (Supervisor), 16 Sept 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Renewal of Hostilities in the Nigerian Delta Region in 2016 and the Failure of the Presidential Amnesty
Usman, Y. (Author), Feilzer, M. (Supervisor) & Machura, S. (Supervisor), 4 Aug 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Self, Infinity, Rebirth: A Jungian Critique of The Walking Dead
Buchanan, E. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 8 Jun 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Bishops of Bangor and their Acta, 1092-1306
McGuinness, S. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor) & Roberts, E. (Supervisor), 20 Apr 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The long- standing complexities of land ownership in England and Wales: A legal analysis of the provisions of the conclusiveness of the register, alteration and indemnity in the Land Registration Act 2002
Ring, V. (Author), Owen, J. (Supervisor) & Parker, M. (Supervisor), 13 Apr 2021Student thesis: Masters by Research
The Archetypal Shadow: The Instinct of Selfishness in the Work of Robert Moore and Jacob Boehme
Krasny, E. S. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 12 Apr 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Sanctification
Wiles, J. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 12 Apr 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Serious Leisure And Railway Volunteering: A Study Of The Welsh Highland, Ffestiniog And Talyllyn Railways
Jones, S. (Author), Mann, R. (Supervisor), 3 Mar 2021Student thesis: Master of Philosophy
Principle of indemnity and related doctrines in Nigerian insurance law and practice: A comparative study with the counterparts in other jurisdictions
Somoye, O. (Author), Jing, Z. (Supervisor) & Griffith, A. (Supervisor), 9 Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
'Of great kindred and alliance': The status and identity of the Salesburys of Rhug and Bachymbyd, c.1475–c.1660
Jarrett, S. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor) & Evans, S. (Supervisor), 1 Feb 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Washed in the Spirit: Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Water Baptism
Williams, A. (Author), Thomas, J. (Supervisor) & Green, C. (Supervisor), 5 Jan 2021Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
"Exploring the impact of Domestic Violence Protection Notices on victims and perpetrators of domestic violence."
Jones, B. (Author), Loftus, B. (Supervisor) & Feilzer, M. (Supervisor), 2021Student thesis: Masters by Research
- 2020
The role of UNESCO in sustaining cultural diversity in the Sultanate of Oman, 1970-2020
Al-Abri, M. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), 29 Oct 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Addressing Human Trafficking through Public Procurement: An Examination of US and Australian Federal Procurement Frameworks
Mbah, M. (Author), Eyo, A. (Supervisor), 14 Jul 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
c.G. Jung's reception of Picasso and abstract art
Hill, L. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 7 Jul 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Exploring the Origins of Morality
Charisi, E. (Author), Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 6 Jul 2020Student thesis: Masters by Research
'The Crucified God; The Self Reimagined: Mapping the Death of God Motif in the Philosophical Anthropologies of Nietzsche and St Paul' : A Reappraisal of Friedrich Nietzsche’s Anti-Christianity with Continual Reference to Paul of Tarsus
Duff, J. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 29 Jun 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Regulation of fintech development: a critical analysis with a case study of crypto assets in the UK and EU
Huang, S. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 1 Jun 2020Student thesis: Masters by Research
Making Communities in Modern Wales: Caernarfonshire in the Late Victorian and Early Edwardian Eras
Rhydderch-Dart, D. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor) & Evans, N. (Supervisor), 26 May 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Narratives of Belonging: Experiences of Learning and Using Welsh of Adult “New Speakers” in North West Wales
Tilley, E. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), 26 May 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
On the Nature of Moral Judgements
Bartlett, J. (Author), Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2020Student thesis: Masters by Research
Reform of the Legal Requirements for Divorce Post-Owens: A Welsh Perspective
Roberts, G. (Author), Parker, M. (Supervisor) & Owen, G. (Supervisor), 3 Feb 2020Student thesis: Masters by Research
A Pentecostal Hearing of Ezekiel: Ezekiel’s Visions by the hwhy-dy and the xwr
Ward, L. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 20 Jan 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Toward a Pentecostal Theology of Glossolalia
Ackland, R. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 7 Jan 2020Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2019
The Unitive Self and its Importance for Mental Wellbeing, Society, and Politics.
Razzaque, R. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 16 Dec 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Definition of ‘Government Entity’ under the WTO/GPA: A Comparison with the EU
Lian, W. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor) & Eyo, A. (Supervisor), 9 Dec 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
"Substantive approach" and "Authenticity": the accommodation of Islamic retail financing and deposit products under English Law
Sodher, H. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor) & Griffith, A. (Supervisor), 30 Oct 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Value of the Human Being in the Quran : Analytical study of the conceptual elements
Alsufyani, J. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), 15 Oct 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Spirit of God in the Torah: a Pentecostal exploration
Schumacher, S. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 8 Oct 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Origin, Development, and Future of Assemblies of God Eschatology
Isgrigg, D. (Author), Kay, W. (Supervisor) & Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 30 Sept 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A comparison of Al Qassim viewed through British eyes and local sources: 1862-1918
Alreshoodi, A. S. A. (Author), Wiliam, M. (Supervisor), 27 Aug 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Theology of John Tillotson (1630-1694) and Latitudinarianism in England
Joo, E. (Author), Claydon, A. (Supervisor) & Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 12 Aug 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Enemy and Ally, Bulwark and Mis-shapen Monster: Perceptions and reflections on the Empire of Germany in the English press, 1618-1713
Ruhl, A.-K. (Author), Claydon, A. (Supervisor) & Corns, T. (Supervisor), 28 May 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Intellectual Property Rights and Climate Change: A Differentiated Patent Regime for Environmentally Sound Technologies
Du, Q. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 8 May 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
On the equivalence of brains and machines: consistency and determinism in first-order logic machines
Prosser, T. (Author), Betenson, T. (Supervisor), 8 May 2019Student thesis: Masters by Research
Richard Pennant, Samuel Worthington and the mill at Penlan: a history of the Penrhyn Mills on the Lower Ogwen
Lill, B. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), 26 Mar 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Connections between the hillforts of the Clwydian Range and the wider landscape
Lloyd Jones, E. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor) & Waddington, K. (Supervisor), 18 Feb 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Regulation, patentability and morality of human embryonic stem cell in China: a comparative study of the US and Europe
Jiang, L. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 2019Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2018
Commonwealth Immigration, Policymaking, and the Labour party, c. 1960-1980
Collinson, M. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), 11 Dec 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Joseph Aloysius Hansom and the changing practice of Architecture, 1820-1860
Harris, P. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), 29 Oct 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Living with Stroke: a Wales context
Heyworth-Thomas, E. M. (Author), Robinson, C. (Supervisor) & Seddon, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The social, cultural, and political impact of the British Military Administration on Libya, 1943-1951
Madi, Y. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Exploring discourses and experiences of work, welfare, policy and practice.
Prendergast, L. (Author), Seddon, D. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Compulsory Licensing of Patented Pharmaceuticals in the Developing World.: A Legitimate or Illegitimate Way to Enhance the Access to Medicines?
Le, V. V. (Author), Hyland, M. (Supervisor) & Shi, W. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Enhancing the Antitrust Damages Action in China: Some Lessons from the EU
Gan, X. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor) & Jing, Z. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Minors' crimes in Saudi Arabia: Analytical thematic study on Saudi juveniles’ system
Alotaibi, H. A. S. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Reconceptualising 'Uti Possidetis' principle to hone its invocation in the context of twenty-first century's phase of state-creation: the case of Kurdistan and Iraq in perspective
Qader, S. (Author), Linton, S. (Supervisor) & Smith, T. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rheolaeth strategol ar hyfforddiant iaith mewn gweithleoedd sector cyhoeddus
Gruffydd, I. (Author), Hodges, R. (Supervisor) & Prys, C. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rheolaeth strategol ar hyfforddiant iaith mewn gweithleoedd sector cyhoeddus
Gruffydd, I. (Author), Hodges, R. (Supervisor) & Prys, C. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Changing Face of Food Poverty with Special Reference to Wales
Beck, D. (Author), Gwilym, H. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Other Side’ of the Nigeria-Biafra War: A Transnational History
Luepke, A.-K. (Author), Sedlmaier, A. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Sino-Indian Border War and the Foreign Policies of China and India (1950-1965)
Zhang, M. (Author), Hong, F. (Supervisor) & Shapely, P. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The meaning of suffering: An analysis of potential relationships between Buddhist thought and Kierkegaardian philosophy
Andrews, J. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Why does Communication in Youth Justice Matter?
Simak, G. (Author), Feilzer, M. (Supervisor), 2018Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2017
Aspects of the Law of Real Property in England and Wales - A Welshman's Perspective
Owen, J. G. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), 1 Oct 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A Critical Evaluation of the Legal and Sharia Aspects of the Iraqi Islamic Banking System, Using the Case Studies of Malaysia and Bahrain
Salh, S. (Author), Hyland, M. (Supervisor) & Cahill, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An International Criminal Framework to Prosecute the Legacy of Forced Internal Displacement in Iraq
Abo-Hameed, M.A.-J. (Author), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Children's palliative care and health promotion: Distinctly different concepts, or congruent alliance?
Bennett, V. (Author), Noyes, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Developing a scheme that governs the transfer of rights through the bill of lading under Chinese law: a comparison with the Anglo-American experience and the international approach.
Jiang, T. (Author), Jing, Z. (Supervisor) & Eyo, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Hanes y Degwm yng Nghymru yn ystod y Bedwaredd Ganrif ar Bymtheg, gyda sylw arbennig i ‘Ryfel y Degwm’.
Jones, S. (Author), Rees, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Ibn Sa’ud and Britain: Early changing relationship and pre-state formation 1902-1914
Alotaibi, D. (Author), Wiliam, M. (Supervisor) & Shapely, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Indigenous women in Gaul, Britannia, Germania and Celtic Hispania, 400 BC – AD 235
Hammersen, L. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Modernising Iraq: A Legislative Proposal to Regulate Timesharing Agreements in Iraq
Al-Ali, D. (Author), Owen, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Normative and practical recommendations toward improved judicial independence in contemporary Iraq: The question of embedding judicial independence
Jbara, A. (Author), Nason, S. (Supervisor) & Mawhinney, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Sense of belonging as an indicator for social capital: a mixed methods analysis of students’ sense of belonging to university
Ahn, M. Y. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Technology transfer in the context of competition Law in the Modern Chinese Market: Adequacy and scope for improvement
Lin, X. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor) & Cahill, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Formation and Influence of Pwyllgor Diogelu Diwylliant Cymru and Undeb Cymru Fydd: Language and Cultural Preservation in Wales, c.1939-50
Hanks, M. (Author), Edwards, A. (Supervisor) & Wiliam, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Impact of the Italian Occupation of Cyrenaica with Reference to Benghazi, 1911-1942
Suliaman, A. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Kuwaiti merchants’ Networks, 1850-1946: A Tiny Sheikhdom in the First Global Age
Alfadhli, M. (Author), Rees, L. (Supervisor) & Batiz-Lazo, B. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Shiite Resistance Against the British Occupation in Iraq 1914-1921
Dashti, E. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The practical difficulties of applying current trade mark law, actions for passing off and copyright law to literary fictional characters per se, independent of the original work
Bukatz, T. (Author), Hyland, M. (Supervisor) & Griffiths, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Threats to Privately-Owned Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in China from the State-Owned Enterprise Policy and the State’s Interest: Towards Developing an Effective Legal Framework for the Protection of Chinese Privately-Owned SMEs
Wang, J. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor) & Shi, W. (Supervisor), Jan 2017Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The innovations of radical Islam
Kintail, T. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Masters by Research
What are the Challenges of Evaluating Co-produced Initiatives?
Dalton, C. (Author), Krayer, A. (Supervisor) & Carre, P. (Supervisor), 2017Student thesis: Masters by Research
- 2016
Informal childcare and childcare choice in Wales
Dallimore, D. (Author), Davies, M. (Supervisor), 30 Nov 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Carbon management and the historic built environment in Wales
Williams, N. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Moving on together: what makes a successful transition into adulthood for young disabled people (14-25 years of age)?
Rees, S. (Author), Noyes, J. (Supervisor) & Hastings, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
News in Late-Seventeenth Century Britain
Garland, S. (Author), Claydon, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Pioneering comprehensive schooling. The politics of education: reform and response on Anglesey circa 1935-1974
Olsson-Rost, K. (Author), Edwards, A. (Supervisor) & Rees, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Empirically Corroborated Theology of the Meaning of Life in Ecclesiastes: A biblical and emirical analysis with reference to Malaysian Businesspeople
Tan, S. (Author), Davies, E. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Obstacles to Political Development in the Kurdistan Region 1992-2014
Khalil, H. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Teaching and Practice of the Apostolic Church,: with special reference to its concept of Directive Prophecy
Thomas, B. (Author), Morgan, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Master of Philosophy
The social work profession in the Czech Republic
Divoka, L. (Author), Rees Jones, I. (Supervisor), Jan 2016Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Turn back boats! Turning back on 60 years of refugee protection, or a policy for the future regulation of displaced persons at sea?
Robertson, J. (Author), Roberts, H. (Supervisor), 2016Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
- 2015
Beyond Graduation: trajectories of graduates from higher education in North Wales
Crew, T. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), 2 Sept 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The itineries of John Morton, Bishop of Ely, then Cardinal Archbishop of Canterbury, Lord Chancellor of England; and King Henry VII, 1485-1500
Bradley, S. (Author), Loades, D. (Supervisor) & Claydon, T. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Image and Reality in Medieval Weaponry and Warfare: Wales c.1100 – c.1450
Colcough, S. (Author), Edwards, N. (Supervisor) & Pryce, H. (Supervisor), 24 Aug 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Modernising Iraq : a vision for a comprehensive petroleum arbitration regime in Iraq
Al-Bidery, S. (Author), Linton, S. (Supervisor), 24 Mar 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An examination of interaction of EC merger control with IP and competition law interface : special focus on intellectual property related merger remedies in pharmaceutical and ITC sector in EU
Dadhich, A. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Companies' directors in Iraqi law and their divided loyalty :lessons drawn from English law
Ameen, R. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Dissociation, unconscious and social theory : towards an embodied relational sociology
Rafieian Koupaei, S. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor) & Stoetzler, M. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Repetitive prophetical and interpretative formulations in Luke's Gospel of Codex Bezae: an analysis of readings in D
Welch Jr, B. (Author), Read-Heimerdinger, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rescue from over-indebtedness? : Christians against poverty
Shaw, M. (Author), Wali, F. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Masters by Research
Texts, Organisations and Practical Actions: Using organisational accounts as a resource for coordinating practical actions.
McGhee, J. (Author), Slack, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Britons in late antiquity: power, identity and ethnicity
Hustwit, E. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The arbitrability of international online consumer disputes
Aladaseen, M. (Author), Telles, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The maladministration of the Coalition Provisional Authority in the duty to prevent criminal activities and its effects on illegal funds (causes and solutions)
Dahash, Q. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Towards a new understanding of the right of self-determination in the post-colonial context : the case of the Iraqi Kurdistan region
Al-Mizory, A. (Author), Linton, S. (Supervisor) & McDermott Rees, Y. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Visions of equality : women's rights and political change in 1970s Britain
Homans, E. (Author), Shapely, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Yr Awdurdodaeth Gymreig: Dadansoddiad o Ddatblygiad a Chyfraniad Tribiwnlysoedd Cymreig i Awdurdodaeth Gyfreithiol ar wahân i Gymru
Pritchard, H. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2014
Reform of the Iraqi Private International Law on Transnational Online Contracting: Lessons from the EU and the USA
Al-Bayati, M. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 5 Dec 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The uxorial lifecycle and female agency in Wales in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Messer, D. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor), 3 Dec 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Co-production and Legitimacy: the role of lay people in the Strategy for Older People in Wales
Jehu, L. (Author), Davies, H. (Supervisor) & Robinson, C. (Supervisor), 8 Nov 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Walking in the spirit: A study of Paul's teaching on the spirit and ethics in Galatians 5:13-6:10
Otoo, K. (Author), 3 Nov 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A critical analysis of the function played by the UAE's Financial Intelligence Unit in counteracting money laundering with particular reference to the UK's Financial Intelligence Unit
Alhosani, W. (Author), Hyland, M. (Supervisor), 8 Oct 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Nimby, network or social movement? individual and collective opposition to windfarms
Gardner, I. (Author), Day, G. (Supervisor), 3 Sept 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Reformist framework of the foreign investment environment in the post-conflict : critical appraisal of Iraq case
Al-Abasey, N. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), 1 Sept 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Developing an indirect liability system for digital copyright infringement in China: A reconciliation of the Anglo-American approaches
Ma, X. (Author), Shi, W. (Supervisor), Sept 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Devolution of powers to Wales and the federal experience in Germany: The distribution of legislative competencies in Germany and its financial constitution; what lessons can be learned for Wales?
Schurig, B. (Author), Garcia Oliva, J. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor), Aug 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The efficacy of Iraq law to deal wqith identity theft and proposals for a more legally effective solution, with comparative references to US and UK laws
Jassim, H. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), 24 Jul 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The truth of the legend of successful criminal procedure reform in post-Saddam Iraq : a critical analysis of pre-trial rights in the light of international human rights law
Al-Musawi, B. (Author), Linton, S. (Supervisor), 24 Jul 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Post-devolution Welsh identity in Porthcawl : an ethnographic analysis of class, place and everyday nationhood in 'British Wales'
Evans, D. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor) & Day, G. (Supervisor), 15 Jul 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An examination of the adequacy of the Libyan Penal Code to deal with credit and debit card forgery
Alija, Y. (Author), Cahill, D. (Supervisor), 1 Jul 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The regulation of electronic evidence in the United Arab Emirates : current limitations and proposals for reform
Aljneibi, K. A. (Author), McDermott Rees, Y. (Supervisor), 3 Jun 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A theory of lay ministry praxis: Kenya Assemblies of God, Nairobi county
Oenga, D. (Author), Beaumont, M. (Supervisor), 1 May 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Prison overcrowding in Nigeria : the nature of the problem, its causes, and consequences
Sale, A. (Author), Feilzer, M. (Supervisor), 1 May 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
An evaluation of adopting or excluding suggested prayers of response in evangelistic literature used by British Christians with particular reference to authorial intention
Bennett, D. (Author), Sainsbury, S. (Supervisor), 9 Jan 2014Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Polish Mothers on the Move: Gendering Migratory Experiences of Polish Women Parenting in Germany and the United Kingdom
Pustulka, P. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Place of the Bible in Abraham Lincoln’s Career
Talbot, D. (Author), Warrington, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2014Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2013
The reception history and interpretation of the new testament portrayals of Joseph the Carpenter in nativity and infancy portrayals in early christian and early medieval narratives and art from the second century to the ninth century CE
Jacobs, P. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 18 Nov 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Spirit Christology in the christian tradition : from the patristic period to the rise of Pentecostalism in the twentieth-century
Bryant, H. (Author), Thomas, C. (Supervisor), 21 Oct 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Rethinking and reconfiguring the anthropomorphic concept of corporate personality : some suggestions for personality needs in the light of corporate development in public companies with a particular focus on the United Arab Emirates
Alremeithi, S. F. (Author), Oct 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Female Suicide and Attempted Suicide in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: A Study of Social Factors
Rasool, I. (Author), Davies, H. (Supervisor), 23 Sept 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The diocese of Lagos west of the anglican communion, Church of Nigeria as agent of social and political change in the society
Adekoya, R. (Author), Dyer, A. (Supervisor), 22 Jul 2013Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
An evaluation of marriage-divorce-remarriage issues among Ghanaian Christian migrants as blamed on the radical impact of western and African cultural clashes in the UK
Okofo-Boansi, E. (Author), Routledge, R. (Supervisor), 16 Jul 2013Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
'Not from a book' The acquisition of knowledge and its use in practice by social workers, with particular regard to alcohol.
Livingston, W. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jul 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
'Becoming a citizen of the world' : sociological study of biographical narratives of new cosmopolitans
Eichsteller, M. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Historical writing in medieval Wales
Jones, O. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The undermining of the indemnity principle - a plea for a return to basics and the rediscovery of full indemnity in insurance law - a case study of Vietnam
Nguyen, B. (Author), Griffiths, A. (Supervisor) & Jing, Z. (Supervisor), Jan 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Allfudiaeth pobl ifanc o'r bröydd Cymraeg
Wynn, L. A. C. (Author), 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Archeo Ficto: a study of fictional narratives in arachaeology
Sims, A. J. P. (Author), 2013Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2012
From "Unity" to "Dialogue" in the theology of the New Testament : a methodological and hermeneutical proposal
Clay, M. (Author), Warrington, K. (Supervisor), 6 Nov 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
'We are not our own' : The platonic Christianity of George P. Grant: from the cave to the cross and back with Simone Weil
Jersak, B. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A revised epistemology for an understanding of spirit release therapy developed in accordance with the conceptual framework of F. W. H. Myers
Palmer, T. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Enamelwork from early Anglo-Saxon contexts
Dane, C. (Author), Edwards, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Herrschaft in Gallien: Studien zur Entwicklung der Keltischen Herrschaftsfroment im Vorromischen Gallien
Mueller, H. (Author), Waddington, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Is there an author in this text? : a re-evaluation of authorial intent pursued as ontological disclosing the being of the entity of the composition in understanding an author's communication
Sutcliffe, P. (Author), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Migration, Memory and Identity: Italians and Nation-Building in Wales, 1940-2010
Giudici, M. (Author), Tanner, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The English in north-west Wales. Migration, identity and belonging 1970-2010 : an oral history
Walker, M. (Author), Edwards, A. (Supervisor) & Tanner, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The Grief Support of Bereaved Family Members in Evangelical Churches in Peninsular Malaysia
Ng, H. (Author), Dyer, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
The development of leaders within a church network in Austria 'Life church Osterreich'
Wheeler, G. (Author), Alexander, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Word and power : a critical evaluation of the compatibility of the theology of John Wimber with reformed principles, for possible application to the life and witness of Presbyterian congregations
Stewart, G. (Author), Routledge, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2012Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Arbitration and Dispute Resolution in Wales During the Age of the Princes, c.1100 - c.1283
McGuinness, S. (Author), Pryce, H. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Masters by Research
Marital Property Agreements, The Family and The Law: Status and Contract?
Parker, M. (Author), Rees, O. (Supervisor), 2012Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2011
A Woman on the Border: A Feminist-Structuralist-Deconstructive Reading of the Character of Miriam in Exodus 2:1-10; 15:20-21 and Numbers 12:1-16.
Cobb, K. (Author), Davies, E. W. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A longitudinal study of the outcomes and impact of Citizens Advice Bureau advice on the lives of individuals
Jones, K. (Author), Hirst, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The origins and the development of the Japan Assemblies of God: the foreign and Japanese workers and their ministries (1907 to 1975)
Suzuki, M. (Author), Lewis, P. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Welsh, English or British? Hugh Hughes and late sixteenth-century Anglesey
Grove-White, R. (Author), Powell, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2011Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2010
Y Gymraeg o fewn y byd digidol: Profiadau ac agweddau siaradwyr Cymraeg yng Ngwynedd o ddefnyddio apiau Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog
Pritchard, S. (Author), Prys, C. (Supervisor) & Hodges, R. (Supervisor), 12 Apr 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
A history of the English-speaking Baptist churches of North Wales
M'Caw, M. (Author), Jan 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Sex offenders' lived experiences of institutional life: A case study of a probation hostel
Reeves, C. (Author), Jan 2010Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2009
An investigation into the Christian response to street children with particular reference to scripture union in Zimbabwe
Katiro, F. (Author), Warrington, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Examination of identity theft and identity fraud and the role of the national identity card scheme
Holmes, T. (Author), Day, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Newfrontiers church planting in the UK: an examination of their distinctves and practices
Cooper, B. (Author), Kay, W. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Power in the Blood: The significance of the blood of Jesus to the spirituality of early British pentecostalism and its precursors
Pugh, B. (Author), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The soul of St Davids: Mapping the spiritual quest of visitors to St Davids cathedral
Annis, J. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Values and ethos of the eighth-century prophets: A mizo perspective
Khiangte, L. (Author), Davies, E. W. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Wales in a global neighbourhood : perception of and reactions to local and global citizenship
Patterson, C. (Author), Day, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Isaac Williams (1802-1865), the Oxford Movement and the High Churchmen: A Study of his Theological and Devotional Writings.
Boneham, J. (Author), Morgan, D. (Supervisor) & Pope, R. (Supervisor), 2009Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2008
Food, Clothes and Shelter? Welfare provision for young people at risk of offending in North Wales
Neal, J. (Author), Williams, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Methodist ministers in the circuits : urban and rural differences
Burton, L. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2008Student thesis: Professional Doctorates
Missionary vocation : a study of British Assemblies of God's world missions 1965-2000
Dyer, A. E. (Author), Kay, W. (Supervisor), Jan 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The social capital of cathedral congregations : an individual differences approach
Williams, E. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Kampfen um die kelten: Archaologische argumente in der neuheidnischen literatur und der keltenbegriff in der fachliteratur
Leskovar, J. (Author), Karl, R. (Supervisor), 2008Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2007
When the curtain calls: stories of Filipino urban poor children in the performing arts
Francisco, C. (Author), Hester, S. (Supervisor), Dec 2007Student thesis: Master of Philosophy
The role of program evaluation in the public sector organization: Evaluation of a management development program for senior executives, a case study in the Sarawak public sector, Malaysia
Putit, S. (Author), Davies, H. (Supervisor), Jul 2007Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Stephen Charnock's doctrine of the knowledge of God : a case study of the balance of head and heart in restoration Puritanism
Siekawitch, L. (Author), Morgan, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2007Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
From unspeakable to unsayable to talked about; women's subjective accounts of their violent behaviour; an interactionist study
Banwell, S. L. (Author), Wardhaugh, J. (Supervisor), 2007Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Golygiad ac astudiaeth destunol o'r llyfr cyfraith yn LIGC, llawysgrif Peniarth 164 (H), ynghyd a'r copiau ohoni yn llawysgrifau Peniarth 278 a Llanstephan 121
Elias, G. A. (Author), 2007Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2006
The apocalyptic world of the Fourth Gospel
Stuart-Banks, K. (Author), Jan 2006Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The origin and development of insular geometric letters
Charles-Edwards, D. (Author), Jan 2006Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Hanes a thystiolaeth eglwys y bedyddwyr, y tabernacl, Caerfyrddin, 1650-1968, yng nghyd-destun datblygiad ymneilltuaeth Gymreig
Davies, D. (Author), Morgan, D. (Supervisor), 2006Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2005
Men of a thousand days : death-sentenced inmates at Utah State Prison
McGunigall- Smith, S. (Author), King, R. D. (Supervisor), Jan 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Re-imagining the Catholic secondary school in Wales in the twenty-first century : the voice of the students
Manghan, P. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The evolution and role of burial practice in Roman Wales
Pollock, K. (Author), Edwards, N. (Supervisor), Jan 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The views of Church in Wales clergy on Christian initiation : 1993-2003
Littler, K. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2005Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2004
The Moore family of Bank Hall, Liverpool : progress and decline, 1606 to 1730
Watts, R. D. (Author), Dyer, A. (Supervisor), Jun 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
'You don't know what we're really like' : a profile of young people's values
Halsall, A. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Courting Justice In and Out of Court : A Socio-Legal Examination of Prosecutorial Commitment and Conflict in the United States
Owen, L. (Author), Davis, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The social construction of human beings and other animals in human-nonhuman relations : welfarism and rights, a contemporary sociological analysis
Yates, R. (Author), Powell, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The social organisation of a remedial reading lesson
Pethig, H. (Author), Hester, S. (Supervisor), 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Two Civil Societies? An investigation into the boundaries surrounding the bilingual organisation of Civil Society in Wales
Mann, R. (Author), 2004Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2003
Making sense of more bad news : membership categorisation and media reportage
Sherrington, M. (Author), Hester, S. (Supervisor), Jan 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The political dynamics of north east Wales, with special reference to the Liberal Party, 1918-1935
Jones, S. (Author), Tanner, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The social world of climbing in North West Wales
Crook, M. (Author), Borland, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2003Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2002
A study of the archaeological remains of vernacular boat finds from North Wales in the care of University of Wales Bangor.
McElvogue, D. M. (Author), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Bureaucratic conceptions of citizenship in the voluntary sector (1919-1939) : the case of the National Council of Social Service.
Adderley, S. D. (Author), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Muslims and crime : a comparative criminological study of South Asian Muslims in Britain and Pakistan
Quraishi, M. (Author), Wardhaugh, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Praxis and practice : the 'what, how and why' of the UK environmental direct action movement in the 1990s
Plows, A. (Author), Day, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Representing identities in Tatarstan : a cartography of post-soviet discourses, schooling and everyday life
Veinguer, A. A. (Author), Davies, H. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The cultural categorisation of crime, deviance and disorder in a Welsh market town
Jones, J. (Author), Wardhaugh, J. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The problem of faith and reason after Habermas and Derrida.
Reader, J. (Author), Jones, G. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Work to live : the function of prison labour in the Russian prison system.
Piacentini , L. F. (Author), King, R. (Supervisor), Jan 2002Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 2001
'Modernisation', policy debate and organisation in the Labour Party 1951-64
Walling, A. (Author), Tanner, D. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Against the Odds: Maintaining Order on a Personality Disorder Unit
Willmott, L. (Author), King, R. (Supervisor), 2001Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1999
The life and political significance of Henry Fitzroy, Duke of Richmond, 1525-1536.
Murphy, B. A. (Author), Jan 1999Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1998
Caregiving and employment : a qualitative study of carers of people with dementia
Seddon, D. (Author), Grant, G. (Supervisor), Sept 1998Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Testing behavioural and developmental models of migration : a re-evaluation of "Migration patterns among the elderly" and "Why older people move"
Burholt, V. (Author), Apr 1998Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Image and reality : the lives of aristocratic women in early Tudor England.
Rowley-Williams, J. A. (Author), Jan 1998Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The nomadic scapegoat : the criminalisation and victimisation of gypsies.
Gordon, E. (Author), Jan 1998Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1997
The life, career and political significance of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury 1473-1541.
Pierce, H. (Author), Jan 1997Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1996
The imprisoned body : women, health and imprisonment.
Smith, C. (Author), Sept 1996Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
The economic and technological development of the slate quarrying industry in the Nantlle Valley, Gwynedd
Jones, G. P. (Author), 1996Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1992
Our city and Chamber of London : the relationship between the City of London and the Crown in the reigns of Edward VI and Mary.
Rider, C. M. (Author), Jan 1992Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1991
Timeshare beds : a pluralistic evaluation of rota bed systems in continuing care hospitals.
Nolan, M. R. (Author), Jan 1991Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1989
Social change and alienation in Kuwait.
Al-Najadah, A. F.A.-F. (Author), May 1989Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Henry VIII's court in the 1510s and 1520s
Samman, N. (Author), Jan 1989Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1988
The Henrician court during Cardinal Wolsey's ascendancy c.1514-1529.
Sammon, N. (Author), Nov 1988Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Politics, government and society in Edinburgh, 1780-1833
Brydon, W. (Author), Jan 1988Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1985
Medieval and modern new towns : a comparative study.
Harrison, R. (Author), Jan 1985Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1983
The origins and development of the School Medical Service 1870-1919.
Hirst, D. (Author), Feb 1983Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
- 1975
The Mostyn family and estate, 1200 - 1642
Carr, A. (Author), Williams, J. G. (Supervisor), 1975Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy